
Who Killed Lucy Beale? - Latest theories, updates and spoilers (Merged)



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    dulliredullire Posts: 20,289
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    I think Abi is a massive red herring.

    This story is inspired by Broadchurch. The dead boy's mother is called Beth. Cindy called her baby Beth. Cindy was also the name of the dead girl's (Lucy) mother. It's a tenuous link but it could be another clue to the Cindy list.

    I think the impact of Cindy being the killer is too big an opportunity to miss.

    It would be a mistake to make Jane the killer IMO much like Stacey, we've watched her over the past 10 years being a mother to those kids. I think they've learned from their mistakes.

    Ben & Jay- not again
    Cokers- no chance
    Lauren/Peter- both leaving
    Denise- impact gone now she's left Ian
    Lee- please no!
    Whitney- Bianca would need to return
    Abi & Max- red herrings
    Ian- would ruin the whole story for me

    Jane came back for this story and I don't see them making her a killer. I don't think it would be in character for her. She knows it was Cindy though. :p

    I also find it funny that Tanya Franks' character is called Lucy in Broadchurch. :D:blush:
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    alias aliasalias alias Posts: 8,824
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    Alex_Daly wrote: »
    Here's my theory:
    When Staceys return storyline was going on before Lucy died and Kat and Max were having their secret meetings to try and find Stacey, Abi assumed they were having an affair and there was a scene where Abi went up to Kat on the market and threatened her and warned her to stay away from Max which sorta hints at her darker side.

    Then when she found out Lucy was sleeping with Max, she followed them and took the photo of the two of them outside the flats.

    I think then Abi set Lucy up and pretended to be a client so she could meet up with her at the flats and confront her about the affair.

    This obviously turned into a row and Abi lashed out at Lucy, pushing her back onto something which killed Lucy. Abi then panicked and called Max to tell him. Max covered for his daughter and helped her hide the body at the common. This would then solve the mystery of what Max meant in a scene aired about 2 weeks ago when he told Abi "Whatever happened on Good Friday stays between us".

    Then Jay, being Abi's boyfriend at the time, somehow found Lucy wallet and phone and confronted Abi. She then confessed to Jay and then because Jay was in contact with ex-murderer Ben Mitchell at the time, he panicked and asked him what to do. Ben told him to bury the evidence and then he returned to Walford to keep an eye on Jay.

    There's been a few clues that would suggest that Abi is the killer. A recent clue was on Christmas Eve when the Beales were at the carol service and when Cindy was asked where baby Beth was, she said that Abi was babysitting back at the house. This means that Abi was alone in the Beales house the night before Cindy found the jewellery box under the tree. Abi also doesn't seem to be too upset over Emma's death. She's probably glad that she's gone. This would also explain why Abi was so against Max and Emma being in a relationship, she was scared Emma would find out something.

    This also explains why Max is tearing up evidence and why he said sorry to Emma when she died. He knows Emma died trying to find the murderer when Max knew it was Abi all along.

    There's been so many hints at Abi's darker side ever since this storyline began, for example, threatening Kat, following Lucy and Max, following Lauren on Halloween night and then trying to drown her in a rage etc. Plus, nobody would ever think that Abi could be capable of murder so it's the perfect plot twist. Also, it would be a great storyline for her character to play because Abi hasn't had many big storylines like this but the rest of the suspects kinda have had their big big storylines. It would also be a good reason why Tanya is coming back for a short while. DTC said she's returning for Ian and Janes wedding but it has to be a bigger reason than that, surely?

    Change that to they bumped into each other on the square had an argument, and it makes sense. I forgot her making threats to kat, so even before lucy died she was changing, maybe its a mental problem, They often come at late teens like Stacey's bipolar did.

    Abby is leading the poll now almost by double Jane's votes
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    jamesjp14jamesjp14 Posts: 351
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    dullagj2 wrote: »
    I think Abi is a massive red herring.

    This story is inspired by Broadchurch. The dead boy's mother is called Beth. Cindy called her baby Beth. Cindy was also the name of the dead girl's (Lucy) mother. It's a tenuous link but it could be another clue to the Cindy list.

    I think the impact of Cindy being the killer is too big an opportunity to miss.

    It would be a mistake to make Jane the killer IMO much like Stacey, we've watched her over the past 10 years being a mother to those kids. I think they've learned from their mistakes.

    Ben & Jay- not again
    Cokers- no chance
    Lauren/Peter- both leaving
    Denise- impact gone now she's left Ian
    Lee- please no!
    Whitney- Bianca would need to return
    Abi & Max- red herrings
    Ian- would ruin the whole story for me

    Jane came back for this story and I don't see them making her a killer. I don't think it would be in character for her. She knows it was Cindy though. :p

    I also find it funny that Tanya Franks' character is called Lucy in Broadchurch. :D:blush:

    I agree with your points there. By process of elimination it seems likely to be Cindy. I've thought it to be her for a while now.

    Yes it's funny about Tanya Franks' name on Broadchurch :p
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    alias aliasalias alias Posts: 8,824
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    my list is, in order..


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    PacerkezPacerkez Posts: 1,050
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    dullagj2 wrote: »
    I think Abi is a massive red herring.

    This story is inspired by Broadchurch. The dead boy's mother is called Beth. Cindy called her baby Beth. Cindy was also the name of the dead girl's (Lucy) mother. It's a tenuous link but it could be another clue to the Cindy list.

    I think the impact of Cindy being the killer is too big an opportunity to miss.

    It would be a mistake to make Jane the killer IMO much like Stacey, we've watched her over the past 10 years being a mother to those kids. I think they've learned from their mistakes.

    Ben & Jay- not again
    Cokers- no chance
    Lauren/Peter- both leaving
    Denise- impact gone now she's left Ian
    Lee- please no!
    Whitney- Bianca would need to return
    Abi & Max- red herrings
    Ian- would ruin the whole story for me

    Jane came back for this story and I don't see them making her a killer. I don't think it would be in character for her. She knows it was Cindy though. :p

    I also find it funny that Tanya Franks' character is called Lucy in Broadchurch. :D:blush:

    This is Great!
    I think it's Cindy also. Danny was Killed away from home, which makes me think so was Lucy in the common flats.
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    PacerkezPacerkez Posts: 1,050
    Forum Member
    Change that to they bumped into each other on the square had an argument, and it makes sense. I forgot her making threats to kat, so even before lucy died she was changing, maybe its a mental problem, They often come at late teens like Stacey's bipolar did.

    Abby is leading the poll now almost by double Jane's votes

    Oh I don't know ,Abi could of and arrived there late and walked in on lucy being killed by Cindy, and that's how she got dragged into it all along with Max and Jane..! Can't wait for all the blanks to be filled in.
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    jamesjp14jamesjp14 Posts: 351
    Forum Member
    Out of interest, did anyone vote Abi or Denise on this poll? Also, who would change who they picked? (If you could)
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    guestofsethguestofseth Posts: 5,303
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    dullagj2 wrote: »
    This story is inspired by Broadchurch. The dead boy's mother is called Beth. Cindy called her baby Beth. Cindy was also the name of the dead girl's (Lucy) mother. It's a tenuous link but it could be another clue to the Cindy list.

    I think the impact of Cindy being the killer is too big an opportunity to miss.

    It would be a mistake to make Jane the killer IMO much like Stacey, we've watched her over the past 10 years being a mother to those kids. I think they've learned from their mistakes.

    Jane came back for this story and I don't see them making her a killer. I don't think it would be in character for her. She knows it was Cindy though. :p

    I also find it funny that Tanya Franks' character is called Lucy in Broadchurch. :D:blush:

    I agree that Cindy is probably the best story they can tell with this, and there's quite a bit they could explore in the aftermath with it, especially if Cindy doesn't actually know she killed her. I think Jane knows, but she's protecting Cindy from the truth probably more for Beth's sake.

    Cindy could have got into an argument and lashed out, then ran off thinking she was dead, she could have then gone to the restaurant to find Ian, explaining why she knew he wasn't there. She then runs into Jane, tells her what happened and Jane drives her back to the flats to find Lucy isn't there. Thinking Cindy overreacted and Lucy's fine they relax and go back home, but really someone else moved the body (I'm thinking this is where the Brannings come into it, with either Abi or Lauren finding her and Max helped move the body.) When they find out Lucy's dead the next day, Jane realises what happened, but she convinces Cindy that it couldn't have been her because the body wasn't found at the flats. Cindy believes her because she has to, but maybe deep down she really knows it was her.

    If the above did happen (unlikely) then I think the truth about who moved her body will come out the week before the anniversary which makes Cindy realise it was her, leading it to all come out at the wedding.

    Not sure how any of that fits in with "it's still murder" though, as the above would imply manslaughter right? Anyway, that's the theory I'm probably sticking with until the reveal.

    (Also, your bit about Broadchurch, I think if there's any connection at all it'll be something like that, a little homage to the thing that inspired it but nothing that makes the actual storylines too similar.)
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
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    jamesjp14 wrote: »
    I agree with your points there. By process of elimination it seems likely to be Cindy. I've thought it to be her for a while now.

    Yes it's funny about Tanya Franks' name on Broadchurch :p
    The more this toodles on the more I think it's def a Beale. Can't see it being Ian and I know Peter is leaving, but he is going to be there for the reveal isn't he? If he is, I still think it's either him or Cindy.

    I think when they last saw Lucy she was alive and it's a delayed reaction from them hitting her - taking into account the spoiler re the person didn't even realise they killed her.

    Maybe someone, most probably Jane, went to her after the fight with either Peter or Cindy and offered to take her to the hospital or the common (as requested by Lucy) and she died on route. Jane panicked and dumped her. Peter reactions to Lucy death seemed too harrowing for him to know she was dead.

    I was thinking who the casual viewer, who don't look at forums etc would suspect. I think Jane would be a surprise. I know the whole wanting to marry Ian so quickly and the alibi for Lauren looked suspicious, but I don't think she looked more suspicious than everyone else. Plus would anyone have actually noticed the whole questions re where her car was, which was mentioned on here. I think for someone who hasn't dissected the whole Lucy stuff, it would be quite shocking if she was involved.

    I also think a Beale would have a huge impact, much more than anyone else. I think Cindy is my fav, although I do think Peter would have much more of an impact, even over Cindy.
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    alias aliasalias alias Posts: 8,824
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    She returned to the square, there are cameras on certain roads that mean she must have died outside Jake's flat on Jorge street in a cctv blind spot, then again the police didn't bust Ian's alibi or lol's they would have been seen on the bridge street cam! lol the story is full of holes, more so if they did have to change the killer with Lauren having to leave.
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    jamesjp14jamesjp14 Posts: 351
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    jende wrote: »
    The more this toodles on the more I think it's def a Beale. Can't see it being Ian and I know Peter is leaving, but he is going to be there for the reveal isn't he? If he is, I still think it's either him or Cindy.

    I think when they last saw Lucy she was alive and it's a delayed reaction from them hitting her - taking into account the spoiler re the person didn't even realise they killed her.

    Maybe someone, most probably Jane, went to her after the fight with either Peter or Cindy and offered to take her to the hospital or the common (as requested by Lucy) and she died on route. Jane panicked and dumped her. Peter reactions to Lucy death seemed too harrowing for him to know she was dead.

    I was thinking who the casual viewer, who don't look at forums etc would suspect. I think Jane would be a surprise. I know the whole wanting to marry Ian so quickly and the alibi for Lauren looked suspicious, but I don't think she looked more suspicious than everyone else. Plus would anyone have actually noticed the whole questions re where her car was, which was mentioned on here. I think for someone who hasn't dissected the whole Lucy stuff, it would be quite shocking if she was involved.

    I also think a Beale would have a huge impact, much more than anyone else. I think Cindy is my fav, although I do think Peter would have much more of an impact, even over Cindy.

    Peter's reaction to her death was genuine and heartfelt so unless he didn't know that he killed her, I can't see it being him. And I don't think he will be there for all of the aftermath...

    I agree though that the casual viewer will find it a shock for it to be a Beale whereas us on these forums have suspected this. I bet the casual viewers have fallen for the red herrings and think it will be a Branning - especially Abi :p
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    OdonataOdonata Posts: 1,403
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    jamesjp14 wrote: »
    Out of interest, did anyone vote Abi or Denise on this poll? Also, who would change who they picked? (If you could)

    I voted Abi, although I will be disappointed if it is her. She just seems the most obvious currently, and I can't decide who I actually think it is.
    Would I change? I'm not sure. After reading this thread I'm pulled towards Changing it to Cindy, if I could.

    I'm just not sure who I'd want to have killed Lucy. For me, Im not interested enough in Cindy, Abi does my bloody nut in, it'd be odd for it to be Denise, if Max was going to kill a lover it would have been stacey ( she posed more risk to him than Lucy), Whitney bores me, lee and the carters don't interests me.
    Jane, Ian, Ben and jay could be intriguing, but I don't think I'd like it to be any of them either.
    I hope it's not peter. I lost my brother a few months before Lucy's death aired, and Peters reaction was so right. I'd hate it to be him.

    That's not to say I won't be glued to my TV, I'll more than likely thoroughly enjoy it, I'm just not that convinced about any of their reasons just yet.

    Im really hoping there's a whole different layer of problems between Lucy and her killer that hasn't been shown yet.
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    alias aliasalias alias Posts: 8,824
    Forum Member
    If it's Peter he could run away like Steven, and Ian would keep it quiet! People say its the Mitchels that don't involve the police but the same applies to the Beals, Brannings, Cottons.
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
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    jamesjp14 wrote: »
    Peter's reaction to her death was genuine and heartfelt so unless he didn't know that he killed her, I can't see it being him. And I don't think he will be there for all of the aftermath...

    I agree though that the casual viewer will find it a shock for it to be a Beale whereas us on these forums have suspected this. I bet the casual viewers have fallen for the red herrings and think it will be a Branning - especially Abi :p
    I have to say I hang onto the idea of Peter because I think if he still is around, it could be him! But as I said, not knowing that his actions killed her off!! Of course, if he's left by then, then maybe not :D

    Not sure about the viewers and Abi. I think I would feel a bit suspicious that it was her as she really has changed drastically in time for this story! But I guess if you're not over analysing and treating EE like a soap and not the murder mystery it is (;-):D) you may go for the obvious! Who knows we could be wrong and the fact it's obvious is because she is the actual killer! Be a bit of an anti-climax but you know, this is a soap and not a murder mystery :D
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
    Forum Member
    If it's Peter he could run away like Steven, and Ian would keep it quiet! People say its the Mitchels that don't involve the police but the same applies to the Beals, Brannings, Cottons.
    This is true, but soapland coppers do tend to get painted with the stupid brush, so you can't blame 'em really :D
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    jamesjp14jamesjp14 Posts: 351
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    jende wrote: »
    I have to say I hang onto the idea of Peter because I think if he still is around, it could be him! But as I said, not knowing that his actions killed her off!! Of course, if he's left by then, then maybe not :D

    Not sure about the viewers and Abi. I think I would feel a bit suspicious that it was her as she really has changed drastically in time for this story! But I guess if you're not over analysing and treating EE like a soap and not the murder mystery it is (;-):D) you may go for the obvious! Who knows we could be wrong and the fact it's obvious is because she is the actual killer! Be a bit of an anti-climax but you know, this is a soap and not a murder mystery :D

    DTC providing an anti-climax would surprise me as I like the impact that he has had since he's been in charge.. Even if it doesn't turn out to be CIndy I'm sure he'll make it shocking and entertaining. I think it will be a clever reveal and he has deployed lots of red herrings of course to help.
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
    Forum Member
    Sorry, just something else I forgot to add. Who would actually be at the wedding? Assuming the reveal is at the wedding, the killer has to be there.

    So looking at the suspects list, for me the Cokers, Denise and Lee wouldn't be there. I also can't see why Max would be there, he's not mates with the Beales. Plus why would Abi be there? Unless she's a plus 1 for Ben (assuming Jay doesn't tell her about Ben trying to kiss him, or she decides to not believe Jay.) I guess though she'd have to be there as she seems to be the prime suspect at the moment!

    Whitney also attending seems unlikely but maybe she'd go with Carol. So maybe they can be eliminated on the basis, they wouldn't get a wedding invite:D
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
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    jamesjp14 wrote: »
    DTC providing an anti-climax would surprise me as I like the impact that he has had since he's been in charge.. Even if it doesn't turn out to be CIndy I'm sure he'll make it shocking and entertaining. I think it will be a clever reveal and he has deployed lots of red herrings of course to help.
    I would be surprised too, a lot of thought has gone into all of this, plus the whole dropping hints and even the web page with all the evidence etc. To me it seems to be something DTC is really enjoying doing, which must bade well for the story.

    I know some were moaning it's gone on for too long, but I quite like the way it's been done. Keeping it boiling away with little tit bits to keep us interested. I didn't know if EE could pull it off, but for me, so far, they have.
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    guestofsethguestofseth Posts: 5,303
    Forum Member
    She returned to the square, there are cameras on certain roads that mean she must have died outside Jake's flat on Jorge street in a cctv blind spot, then again the police didn't bust Ian's alibi or lol's they would have been seen on the bridge street cam! lol the story is full of holes, more so if they did have to change the killer with Lauren having to leave.

    Where has this come from? I've only heard of them changing the killer once, and that was very early in the planning stage.
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    OdonataOdonata Posts: 1,403
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    jende wrote: »
    I would be surprised too, a lot of thought has gone into all of this, plus the whole dropping hints and even the web page with all the evidence etc. To me it seems to be something DTC is really enjoying doing, which must bade well for the story.

    I know some were moaning it's gone on for too long, but I quite like the way it's been done. Keeping it boiling away with little tit bits to keep us interested. I didn't know if EE could pull it off, but for me, so far, they have.

    I was apprehensive about how long it'll go on at the beginning, but I have really, really enjoyed it. there's been exactly the right amount of information to keep us amused, but not rammed down our throats. I was dreading it being a big, main storyline for months on end, I couldn't cope with another Tina on CS.
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
    Forum Member
    Where has this come from? I've only heard of them changing the killer once, and that was very early in the planning stage.
    Yeah same here.

    I did wonder though if in the early days when they were planning this, if they were going to make it Lauren. After all she did try to kill her dad once and has traumas all over the place!! I think she would be my prime suspect if she wasn't leaving!!! I guess if it was her, they may not have known she was leaving when they filmed the lucy death scenes. But I think with everyone being suspect and so much going on, they could easily veer it away from her. Of course this is assuming with no proof, she was their choice of killer :D
    Gnomsie wrote: »
    I was apprehensive about how long it'll go on at the beginning, but I have really, really enjoyed it. there's been exactly the right amount of information to keep us amused, but not rammed down our throats. I was dreading it being a big, main storyline for months on end, I couldn't cope with another Tina on CS.
    I think ramming would've been bad, pretty sure if that was the case, everyone would be screaming 'just tell is who the *rude word* killer is'!! I don't watch CS but guess maybe that's what it was like?
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    OdonataOdonata Posts: 1,403
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    jende wrote: »
    I think ramming would've been bad, pretty sure if that was the case, everyone would be screaming 'just tell is who the *rude word* killer is'!! I don't watch CS but guess maybe that's what it was like?

    I stopped watching CS before the real killer was revealed. It absolutely drove me bonkers. I can't remember how long that storyline went on, or when Tina was killed, but it felt like so much longer than the Lucy storyline, which has flown by. The Lucy storyline hasn't given me any frustrated moments yet either, every time it's brought up, it grips me all over again and has me wanting more.
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    alias aliasalias alias Posts: 8,824
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    Truth is Abby found thought Jay was in love with lucy, but when she found out about Lola she gave up.

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    PacerkezPacerkez Posts: 1,050
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    Here's what makes me think Lucy never returned to the square:

    Why would she bother taking Jake home? She's more likely to chuck him out Or leave him to sleep it off., so for that reason I think he was taken home by Abi.

    The Taxi driver said something along the lines to Lauren - "She had sad eyes, the guy she was with was very drunk and when she asked for help, I hold her to leave him in the gutter"
    So the taxi driver remembered what "lucy" looked like, and backed up Jake being very drunk. (Which Max said he wasn't when he saw him arrive home..why? To give a fake alibi).
    When Lauren showed him a photo of lucy, if I remember correctly he didn't say it was her, just said I'm not getting involved and refused to go to the police because he'd get in trouble for working -in his words, or He must have also smelt a rat, and didn't want to get involved.

    With Abi getting Jake out the way, she could also place lucys earring where he lives to frame him, whilst lucy was dumped and the commen flat cleaned. The commen Enterace had cars parked there, so that'll make sence it being Max's and Janes, and the car turning up being the taxi.

    The way Abi looked at max after he said "what happened good Friday stays between us", says she wasn't happy with whatever happened.
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    alias aliasalias alias Posts: 8,824
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    "what happened good Friday stays between us"

    Many here presumed that was about lucys fall or Abby cleaning the blood, But none of that happened on Friday! Would Max tell her about what happened on the car lot cctv, She did ask him if their is anything else, but it seems so minor would he feel the need to tell her and then to tell her to keep it quiet.
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