
Have calmed down about Katie P winning but...



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    meglosmurmursmeglosmurmurs Posts: 35,123
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    Good post (but sometimes reading or posting a mild rant on here in the immediate aftermath helps folk to get things off their chests so to speak) :(>:(:o:D

    The forum is my only place I can talk about BB/CBB. Which shows the lack of impact the show has now, therefore if a result doesn't go your way then it's easy to ignore and come back to the forum when it has died down. lol
    jimdan wrote: »
    The curious dichotomy of Katie Price winning is the simple fact that she would not have won had Katie Hopkins not been in the house

    Pricey owes her win to Hopkins

    And if Katie Hopkins had won, then in that sentence you'd replace Katie Price with Katie Hopkins, and you'd replace Katie Hopkins with Perez Hilton.

    It's one of the biggest motivations voting on BB - I mustn't let (enter hm name) win.
    Daily Star front page today

    Big Bro Probed Over Katie Win 'Fix'

    wouldnt suprise me at all

    Not surprising that a tabloid would try pushing another predictable story in order to sell some papers?
    It really doesn't mean anything, I mean it's The Daily Star.

    I think a shock result is good for the show every now and then. It keeps people on their toes and it's not like there was a runaway favourite.
    I didn't like Ulrika very much but her win of CBB6 was hilariously random.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Noush wrote: »
    I am done with watching the big brother shows and I'm done with c5. I know they don't care one bit if I ever watch the show or channel again but I care....and I never will.

    Sorry but half the forum was in shock at this stupid bitch who sat there doing absolutely nothing ended up winning. Everyone knows deep down that "Jordan" didn't deserve to win. Even she herself was shocked!

    How spiteful and wicked to do that to Katie Hopkins. I can only hope she knows that she was the rightful winner and Katie Price winning was just a fix as usual.

    After nearly a month of watching, the outcome was absolutely disgraceful. Can't wait for channel 5 to fold. Utter crap at this idiot winning. She was so boring that even the boss's were furious with her. Worth half a mil for sitting there with leaky tits and unable to participate in tasks??? We even forgot she was in there at one point!!

    I know she has fans but sorry this is my opinion. KP did NOT NOT NOT deserve to win and because she did I've have been completely and permanently lost as a viewer and will do everything I can to tell people what a rubbish channel and show it is. No matter what you think they have the winner written down before the show even starts! Scammers!!

    In a way it's that very attitude which I think contributes to what I think is good in a winner.
    Anyone who claims that they themselves deserves to win over others puts them lower on my list.

    It's extremely rare for a winner of BB or CBB to be self-deprecating and critical of themselves in that manner. I don't think I've even see it before. They usually justify everything they do and never for a second question themselves. So for me, it's a very good thing to see indeed.
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    LucypherLucypher Posts: 1,532
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    planets wrote: »
    i notice this thread is being avoided now...no answer Lucypher?

    None that is worthy of such interest nor of the great rush to once again stalk Katie H and her family. I guess I don't stalk so I didn't see those pics. I'll leave the stalking to the 'professionals'.

    Oh bugger, I answered.

    When I say my daughter's ugly, she knows I'm being funny. She's quite obviously is stunning. So by that premise, I assume Katie has a similar relaxed attitude with hers. None of us know really, do we?

    All I know for sure is, it's all too easy to blame the other woman when a husband cheats on his wife.
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    planetsplanets Posts: 47,784
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    Lucypher wrote: »
    None that is worthy of such interest nor of the great rush to once again stalk Katie H and her family. I guess I don't stalk so I didn't see those pics. I'll leave the stalking to the 'professionals'.

    Oh bugger, I answered.

    When I say my daughter's ugly, she knows I'm being funny. She's quite obviously is stunning. So by that premise, I assume Katie has a similar relaxed attitude with hers. None of us know really, do we?

    All I know for sure is, it's all too easy to blame the other woman when a husband cheats on his wife.

    I didn't have to stalk it had been posted before.
    I just found it funny you claimed not once but twice that "KH would NEVER drag her children through the press" and then did your smug "that's better".
    I've never mentioned her predilection for married men so i'm a bit confused why you brought it up?
    Still, enjoy writing your palestinian paper sleep well :)
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    Cat-Cat- Posts: 7,614
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    In a way it's that very attitude which I think contributes to what I think is good in a winner.
    Anyone who claims that they themselves deserves to win over others puts them lower on my list.

    It's extremely rare for a winner of BB or CBB to be self-deprecating and critical of themselves in that manner. I don't think I've even see it before. They usually justify everything they do and never for a second question themselves. So for me, it's a very good thing to see indeed.

    Yep for me to Alrightmate. My sister and I absolutely cheered when she won out of that lot of finalists. It truly was brilliant. She really deserved this win and I never thought I'd say it. But out of that lot of frauds and desperados, it was good to see somebody who looked like someone normal for a change, to win. Yep decency over vileness and sycophancy won. :cool::)
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    RabidWolverine1RabidWolverine1 Posts: 8,137
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    Lucypher wrote: »
    None that is worthy of such interest nor of the great rush to once again stalk Katie H and her family. I guess I don't stalk so I didn't see those pics. I'll leave the stalking to the 'professionals'.

    Oh bugger, I answered.

    When I say my daughter's ugly, she knows I'm being funny. She's quite obviously is stunning. So by that premise, I assume Katie has a similar relaxed attitude with hers. None of us know really, do we?

    All I know for sure is, it's all too easy to blame the other woman when a husband cheats on his wife.

    Are you not just changing the goalposts on your own statement.

    You said that Hopkins "Doesn't agree with dragging Children through the press"...At which point myself and a couple of others provided physical proof that she in fact does drag Children through the press seemingly to continue her trolling ways >:(

    You chose not to reply to that comment whether it was because you couldn't think of a reply, or couldn't be bothered or whatever. When you finally did reply though you changed it to "Well when I say my daughters ugly she knows im being funny," so I assume Hopkins has that same relaxed attitude"

    So you made one statement, when that statement was proved wrong you just changed it to deciding you assume shes joking.

    "Doesn't agree with dragging Children through the press" And "Well when I say my daughters ugly she knows im being funny," are opposite ends of the spectrum :confused:
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    DarcyprincessDarcyprincess Posts: 25,693
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    Lucypher wrote: »
    Ha ha, that's actually quite funny!

    To the respondent who on reading my comment about Katie H not dragging children through the press, by re-paraphrasing Katie's generalised tweets and column comments about children - I knew I should have re-phrased my comment. I could have said "Katie H doesn't believe in dragging her own children through the press, nor in using them to make money. She does, however, make some salient points about silly names for children and about parents who make their children fat, and about finding it hard to like ginger children! It's her choice to say that stuff. It's raised her profile enormously and we intelligents know that's one of her main reasons for doing it!"

    There. That's better. :-)

    Oh how ironic and how laughable! You think yourself intelligent because Hopkins raises her profile for being a total, nasty bitch and hated by half or more of the country because she is known as a total bully, says her son may be gay and her daughters are ugly! I don't call that intelligent, just plain stupidity and horridness! What sort of woman would say that and more so what decent mother would? Damn right disgusting!!!!!! Like many people have said, Hopkins is just a massive gobshite!!!
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    Penny CrayonPenny Crayon Posts: 36,158
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    Lucypher wrote: »
    Ha ha, that's actually quite funny!

    ! It's her choice to say that stuff. It's raised her profile enormously and we intelligents know that's one of her main reasons for doing it!"

    There. That's better. :-)

    You couldn't make it up really could you? I'm considering writing a paper about it ;-)
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    linmiclinmic Posts: 13,425
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    Lucypher wrote: »
    Patsylimerick, from what I've read, the teenage daughter of the man who left his family to be with Katie, was jealous and angry so she began starving herself to get his attention (she said this herself. In Closer). Katie sent her, on her birthday, an amusing card from that range which is popular but I can't recall the name of. I heard it wasn't the stick-figure that Katie was referring to, but the joke in the cartoon.

    We'll never know Katie's side of the story as she doesn't agree with dragging children through the press.

    I'm struck by the fact that at least two married men were so enamoured of Katie H that they left their wives and children for her. After all, according to so many comments here, Katie is a 'vile' bully who is butt-ugly. No redeeming features at all.

    Unless she hypnotised them like she apparently did with Callum, Chloe, Michelle, Kav, Cami...

    So, the teenage daughter self-harmed and Hopkins sent a joke in cartoon form? What a very kind, thoughtful gesture from KH.

    Don't get me started about bringing kids into stuff, shes so done on more than one occasion and I think you know that so its a pathetic defense.

    You are struck by the fact that two married men left their wives and children for her? I suspect the 'attraction' may have been her battered old daffodil.;-)

    Callum, Cami, Chloe, Michelle & Kav were spineless wimps who hung onto her every word in the hope that, once released from BB, KH wouldn't print too much vile stuff in her column about them.

    You got one sentence correct though. No redeeming features at all.
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    SnowStorm86SnowStorm86 Posts: 17,273
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    Lucypher wrote: »
    None that is worthy of such interest nor of the great rush to once again stalk Katie H and her family. I guess I don't stalk so I didn't see those pics. I'll leave the stalking to the 'professionals'.

    Oh bugger, I answered.

    When I say my daughter's ugly, she knows I'm being funny. She's quite obviously is stunning. So by that premise, I assume Katie has a similar relaxed attitude with hers. None of us know really, do we?

    All I know for sure is, it's all too easy to blame the other woman when a husband cheats on his wife.

    You call your kid ugly? :-/
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    linmiclinmic Posts: 13,425
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    The comments about KH discussing children has made me wonder about her own children. I seriously hope they don't suffer any bullying or nastiness because of the stuff she says though I think it may happen.
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    SnowStorm86SnowStorm86 Posts: 17,273
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    linmic wrote: »
    The comments about KH discussing children has made me wonder about her own children. I seriously hope they don't suffer any bullying or nastiness because of the stuff she says though I think it may happen.

    Didn't Hopkins mention "locking in cupboards" or something along those lines?
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    yowie29yowie29 Posts: 176
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    Katie Hopkins is an unpleasant person with a great many repugnant attitudes and she got what she deserved. Being shown up by someone like Katie Price is the ultimate humiliation for someone with an ego the size of Jupiter
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    linmiclinmic Posts: 13,425
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    Didn't Hopkins mention "locking in cupboards" or something along those lines?

    I think that was to Perez and more about she would lock him in a cupboard if he were her child. I don't think (I HOPE), that she meant she did lock her own in cupboards :o

    I was thinking more along the lines of how her children may suffer at school etc because of things their mum has said or done.
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    planetsplanets Posts: 47,784
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    linmic wrote: »
    I think that was to Perez and more about she would lock him in a cupboard if he were her child. I don't think (I HOPE), that she meant she did lock her own in cupboards :o

    I was thinking more along the lines of how her children may suffer at school etc because of things their mum has said or done.

    they look a bit young for it as yet but as they get older i could imagine it being horrendous: "your mum called you ugly" "oi ginger your mum said you are harder to love"
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    CLL DodgeCLL Dodge Posts: 116,478
    Forum Member
    Daily Star front page today

    Big Bro Probed Over Katie Win 'Fix'

    wouldnt suprise me at all

    Why on earth would the Star be concerned that a Sun columnist lost a public popularity vote?

    If it prompts C5 to release the final voting figures, as they did with Helen & Ashleigh, all's well and good.
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    SnowStorm86SnowStorm86 Posts: 17,273
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    planets wrote: »
    they look a bit young for it as yet but as they get older i could imagine it being horrendous: "your mum called you ugly" "oi ginger your mum said you are harder to love"

    When her kids complain about their treatment at school, Hopkins will say the bullies are just "saying it like it is".

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    wotnotwotnot Posts: 9,565
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    Noush wrote: »
    I know she was opinionated but I don't recall her being wicked or spiteful.....:confused:

    She was completely nasty and spiteful, consistently.
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    **JennaJ****JennaJ** Posts: 5,041
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    Lucypher wrote: »
    None that is worthy of such interest nor of the great rush to once again stalk Katie H and her family. I guess I don't stalk so I didn't see those pics. I'll leave the stalking to the 'professionals'.

    Oh bugger, I answered.

    When I say my daughter's ugly, she knows I'm being funny. She's quite obviously is stunning. So by that premise, I assume Katie has a similar relaxed attitude with hers. None of us know really, do we?

    All I know for sure is, it's all too easy to blame the other woman when a husband cheats on his wife.

    There is not one thing funny about anyone calling their own daughters ugly!
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    **JennaJ****JennaJ** Posts: 5,041
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    jimdan wrote: »
    The curious dichotomy of Katie Price winning is the simple fact that she would not have won had Katie Hopkins not been in the house

    Pricey owes her win to Hopkins
    planets wrote: »
    is that the one with Brad Pitt in?

    Now this was funny yet not one person has acknowledged it!....:confused:

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    planetsplanets Posts: 47,784
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    **JennaJ** wrote: »
    Now this was funny yet not one person has acknowledged it!....:confused:


    it's hard to be so unappreciated Jenna :cry::cry::cry::cry:
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    NoushNoush Posts: 4,794
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    jobielad wrote: »
    Hi Noush, once I realised what BB is really about I must admit I hardly watch the civilian series now as it is very contrived and I couldn't get into the last one at all. I was bored to be honest with it. I mostly had a morbid fascination with this Celeb BB series and I found it much more enjoyable to watch, comment on and participate in this forum about. I think I felt quite "conned" like yourself at one stage but it is after all just a show and not worth wasting money or emotion on. It's great to get to the stage where you can actually see the games going on and spot when they are playing a part. I knew KH nor Perez would win as soon as KP walked it - it was inevitable and I totally agree in my opinion she didn't deserve it because she really didn't invest in it. Others worked their butts off trying to win the whole time they were there. But it is worth plodding on and just see it how it is and try and guess the outcome like I do. It's fun beating the producers at their own game lol! :D

    Hey Jobilelad! Sorry for late reply....but thank you...yes you're absolutely right.....its so funny to look back and see hoe emotional i got about it...angry, annoyed etc. I can't believe I actually rang up and VOTED!! I'd get carpeted for that if it ever got out! Lol....Thanks again, I agree with everything you said ;-)
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    Arthur_BArthur_B Posts: 3,723
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    No disrespect Noush, but I think the fact that you got so bothered in the first place is ridiculous. You reacted in a similar way when Mark won the Apprentice. These are only reality TV shows, does it really matter if the result doesn't go the way you wanted? Ultimately, there are far more important things to get so worked up about.
    Also, don't assume that just because you believe Hopkins was the rightful winner that we all feel that way. I think Katie Price makes a much better winner than Hopkins, regardless of who was the most "entertaining".
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    ryanr554ryanr554 Posts: 4,013
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    Katie Price hasn't even been the worst winner of BB! You should have quite a long time ago if you are mad about undeserving winners.

    As long as entertaining characters get to the final, It's all good with me. It's not as if we are going to get any more out of them if they win or not.
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    LucypherLucypher Posts: 1,532
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    **JennaJ** wrote: »
    There is not one thing funny about anyone calling their own daughters ugly!

    My 43 year old daughter enjoys throwing silly comments backwards and forwards with me. It really IS very funny. You had to be there.
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