
Who Killed Lucy Beale? - Latest theories, updates and spoilers (Merged)



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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 52
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    cjandrews wrote: »
    Who rang Jane to come to the house?
    Why was the front door open?
    Why did Billy have those pictures of Lucy?
    How did Lucy's body end up at the Common?

    Any more?

    Max came in saw Lucy thinking it was Abi & left
    Billy & Lucy had sex one time & he got obsessed
    Jane dumped her; Lucy isn't exactly heavy even with dead weight & Jane is strong enough, doubt Masood has any involvement in this he is just suspicious
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 82
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    iveivan wrote: »
    Ian has some really screwed up relatives. His wife tried to kill him. His half sister was a drug addict and killed herself. His stepson shot his wife in the womb. His half brother killed an innocent woman. Now his son has killed his daughter and his mum has been in hiding for 10 years, presumed dead.

    bobby isn't even his son, or janes...laura and gary hobbs...
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    MelaxMelax Posts: 896
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    How many killers live in Albert Square? Are there any residents that aren't prolific criminals?
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    dinbindinbin Posts: 977
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    What I find annoying is that people have bet money on the 'suspects' that EE told us. So now I feel like I've been robbed.

    That's why I never betted !!
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    heskethbangheskethbang Posts: 4,281
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    Look, we're a bunch of obsessives on here, but to the normal public, this is a well thought out plot. I dare say children can inadvertently cause deaths. The fact that many of us guessed this means it was less of a surprise, but no less a well written ending. Yes, there are a few loose ends to tie up - how the body was moved, and by whom etc...
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    cjandrewscjandrews Posts: 6,231
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    People saying Max was involved, why would he try to shift the blame onto his own daughter, Abi?
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    MissMonkeyMooMissMonkeyMoo Posts: 3,376
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    dinbin wrote: »
    I am so bloody furious with the outcome, it was a rubbish climax to the reveal.

    His reasoning to why he killed her made no sense.

    Also, I think he didn't know that he actually killed her, by that "she started it" remark.

    Nevermind! What I want to know is who that gun was for? Nick Cotton?

    I really wanna see something more juice, perhaps with Stacey in it???
    Ronnie got the gun to feel safe didn't she? Was it after being threatened by carl's brother and mother? And then Phil got hold of it when Ronnie cleared off and then Sharon took it after being attacked in the Albert before she fought with Shirley over it who shot Phil.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,310
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    Bingo_ wrote: »
    Yes, it was definitely um, totes ridic. Like sort of not reem in any conceivable fashion.

    If you can find a vald fault with my comments please contact ds, adding animosity to the thread is unproductive, as stated in ds rules
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    Scott_WeirScott_Weir Posts: 23
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    What a waste of time!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 82
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    thebestbit wrote: »
    He was at Masoods?

    he recited a rhyme about pooh at the wedding
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    EEAS1997EEAS1997 Posts: 2,907
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    Gutted is an understatement. I've wasted my half term waiting around for Bobby to be revealed as a killer? Oh well. Back to coursework tomorrow :p
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    poboppobop Posts: 254
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    nicluc wrote: »
    These are the questions that I hope are answered:

    - Why did Billy have creepy photos of Lucy
    - Who put the jewellery box under the tree at xmas
    - Why did Emma say to Max 'you know' on the way to the hospital?

    Any more?

    Pretty sure Emma Summerhayes still believed that Abi was the killer. They met up at the park and Abi admitted beating Lucy up and tried to protest her innocence which wasn't believable, which is why Emma said 'it's still murder'. Emma then accused Max of something vague to do with Abi at the end, but she was delirious from the accident!

    Lauren going to the Beale's was also never explained either due to Jac Jos maternity leave. Guess there were just lots of loose ends made to make us think!

    OT but Max Branning has far too many scenes where he is just walking around the square by himself alone at night!! It really made me laugh tonight.
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    Lulu84Lulu84 Posts: 10
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    And there's nothing to say that her death was not in fact the cumulative affect of her hitting head in car lot, being hit at Jake's, hit by Abi, beaten up by Denise... Something may have weakened meaning that Bobby need only have hit her very lightly.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 350
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    Look, we're a bunch of obsessives on here, but to the normal public, this is a well thought out plot. I dare say children can inadvertently cause deaths. The fact that many of us guessed this means it was less of a surprise, but no less a well written ending. Yes, there are a few loose ends to tie up - how the body was moved, and by whom etc...

    it's really not. the reception from my friends who are casual friends has been unanimously negative, and social media has been mostly negative as well
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 398
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    LightMeUp wrote: »
    Anyone picked up on Bobby the ungrateful little shit? Lucy looked after him the whole time Ian was away. The whole time. What a little arsehole. If anything he should have murdered Ian.

    I know. Of all the people who wouldn't kill Lucy, he must be top of the list!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 36
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    Happy withmy winnings woooo
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    lollipop1995lollipop1995 Posts: 2,860
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    Well, here's my take on it!

    When people on here were speculating a few days ago that it was Bobby, I made a post saying NO WAY is it Bobby, that it would be ridiculous, unrealistic, they wouldn't give such a HUGE storyline to a young actor, how could a 10 year old murder Lucy,etc..

    However, I've TOTALLY changed my mind after that flashback episode - that was sublime! I loved how it made us believe it was Denise at first. When she was panicking and clearing up in the bedroom, I genuinely thought there would be a shot of Lucy's body next to her :eek: Even when Peter was running past the house and he stopped, I thought he was going to storm in and confront Lucy. My nerves were shot at that point!

    Even Whitney ran through my mind when she started at the house (how cold was that "rot in hell" line! :eek: ) Then when it showed Max, I thought "Oh God, it's Max!" NEVER in a million years did I suspect that Jane would turn around to see Bobby! I didn't even notice that scene was live, the actor who plays Bobby really excelled. He had that disturbed, crazed look down to a tee! So I take back what I said about him too young to handle this storyline.

    Anyways, after having a think, this is why I think Bobby is a fantastic choice:

    1. Emotional Impact - Realistically, it had to be a Beale in order for this storyline to deliver the sad and upsetting element that we were promised. It HAD to be someone that grieved for Lucy and someone close to Ian - who could have been closer but his son and Lucy's brother?

    2. Bobby is family - If the killer had been a non Beale, it would be partially easier for the Beales to move on from this. But because it's Bobby, the family will always be haunted by this. Every time Ian looks at Bobby, he will see Lucy and he will be reminded of what she could have become. Reminded that Lucy's brother killed her

    3. This makes things VERY interesting for the character of Bobby and the aftermath. This reveal WILL CHANGE all the Beales forever. This would almost certainly drive Ian to another mental breakdown. Knowing a member of his own family, his own son killed Lucy. This changes his whole relationship with Jane forever. How can he ever forgive her? Perhaps he could understand why Jane felt the need to protect Bobby, but when he realises that Jane (presumably) left Lucy in the common on a cold, dark night knowing that she was dead? He'll question why Jane didn't call an ambulance.

    Jane will never be able to overcome the guilt that she feels in covering up Lucy's death, particularly after her last contact with Lucy was Lucy telling Jane she wanted her to be her mother. What an awful burden for her to be carrying all this time!

    And then there's Bobby..what does this mean for him? Is he really, really disturbed, killing Lucy in cold blood and knowing what he did? OR did he believe Lucy was still alive and unconscious? He seemed pretty cold standing there across from Lucy when Jane walked in! Seemed to point like he did believe she was still alive, "Whatever she says, she started it". This makes the whole sage even MORE sad. Bobby has no idea. He saw Lucy and Denise arguing and then sneaked downstairs to confront Lucy. Who knows where the jewellery box came from, but likely a massive row broke out. Lucy obviously had to be bending down or sitting in order for Bobby to be able to hit her! To have killed her, it must have been a pretty hard whack though :eek:

    DTC tweeted "And there you have it. But the COMPLETELY LIVE fallout tomorrow is going to have you reaching for the tissues" Seems like it's going to be another incredible episode! I must say a massive well down to DTC for actually making Bobby the killer. Nobody ever saw that coming, but he said he doesn't want people to say that. He wants people to be saddened and realise that it makes sense. And I reckon by tomorrow (once we know the full story), it will. This storyline has been amazing and now that Bobby has been revealed as the killer, the aftermath should be fantastic and potentially groundbreaking for EastEnders!
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    PiippPiipp Posts: 2,440
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    Ami09x wrote: »
    Apparently the actor who plays bobby found out on Monday that he would be the killer. Did the actor look shifty in any live scenes?

    His only live scene was the reveal.
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    TellystarTellystar Posts: 12,253
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    So we may still not really know who murdered Lucy.
    Tomorrow might clear it up?
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    jamesjp14jamesjp14 Posts: 351
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    dinbin wrote: »
    That's why I never betted !!

    Haha thank god I couldn't bet. Would've wasted it on CIndy.
    I don't think I have any words now about this Bobby shock. Sure, it was shocking but I was expecting something so less ridiculous
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    IdacyderIdacyder Posts: 852
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    cjandrews wrote: »
    Is Bobby definitely the killer? We didn't see him strike her...

    Well he`s got to be now because the bookies are paying out.
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
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    For all of us posting on here for a while, what result would've been shocking to you? For me, there wasn't one. We have dissected this SL, looked at every angle, clues and characters, there was never for me going to be a shocking result, because we've covered everything!

    But Jane covering Bobby, makes sense. People hate it, but she will do anything for him and this covers that well. How far she goes protecting her child. It's an SL I didn't think they'd do, but they have they've gone there.

    We also have not seen all to see of this, tomorrow may answer some of the questions that come up on here.

    Not really sure why many are so devastated. For the outside world who haven't dissected the story, it most probably was quite surprising.

    My only quibble is he wasn't a suspect, they should have included him. In the future, people like us who dissect, aren't going to believe a suspect list ever again!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 242
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    hetty_rose wrote: »
    Who could the writers have had kill Lucy that wouldn't have disappointed everyone? There isn't anyone, it's all such a massive hype, and we analyse it to death (pardon the pun) so much that whoever did it we would have theorised it at some point and therefore not been surprised. Only so many places the story can go.

    Not singling you out, a few people have voiced this opinion though and I want to jump in.

    No ending would have satisfied everyone. Granted. :)

    By that same token, no ending could have disappointed more people either.

    So whilst they were never going to get a consensus of acclaim, this ending was just so meh. A bit rushed, a bit hollow, a bit dishonest.
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    MissMonkeyMooMissMonkeyMoo Posts: 3,376
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    I'd say the Beale house land line calling Jane's mobile would be quite important evidence if it's happened at the time Lucy's location was unknown.

    I'd agree so why didn't the police question a) Jane to find out who called her and why and b)the beales to ask the same question? And if the police knew the SOC why not act on it?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,310
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    C_N1 wrote: »
    it's really not. the reception from my friends who are casual friends has been unanimously negative, and social media has been mostly negative as well

    Yaaaaay thank god its not just us

    I hope dtc and ee is ruined by this
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