
Anybody doing rewatches of any part of the Doctor Who episode history?



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    VerenceVerence Posts: 104,631
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    I'm currently 3 episodes into The War Games
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
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    donovan5 wrote: »
    Been watching the 5th Doctor run,I'm into his last season now which I don't think I saw as a kid.
    I know he ends up with Peri so I guess Tegan will be gone soon :(

    Tegan does come back to DW. She appears in a mini episode alongside the Sixth Doctor. The episode is called A Fix With Sontarans, and was recorded for Jim'll Fix It with the dreaded Jimmy Saville.


    Enough said about him. Anyway, here is the link:


    Just click on that and enjoy watching! :)
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    FizzbinFizzbin Posts: 36,827
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    tiggerpooh wrote: »
    Tegan does come back to DW. She appears in a mini episode alongside the Sixth Doctor. The episode is called A Fix With Sontarans, and was recorded for Jim'll Fix It with the dreaded Jimmy Saville.


    Enough said about him. Anyway, here is the link:


    Just click on that and enjoy watching! :)

    Never seen that before!

    The ending when Savile entered the TARDIS made me feel nauseous though. Tegan had a lucky escape there. I hope.
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    donovan5donovan5 Posts: 1,023
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    tiggerpooh wrote: »
    Tegan does come back to DW. She appears in a mini episode alongside the Sixth Doctor. The episode is called A Fix With Sontarans, and was recorded for Jim'll Fix It with the dreaded Jimmy Saville.


    Enough said about him. Anyway, here is the link:


    Just click on that and enjoy watching! :)

    Cheers never seen that before:)
    Poor old Colin though if he didn't get a raw enough deal anyway,he's the Doctor that appeared with Jimmy Savile
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    bennythedipbennythedip Posts: 2,350
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    A fix with sontarans was an extra on the two doctors dvd but it has been removed from newer copies. Its only a skit not a worthy part of any rewatch.
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    ThrombinThrombin Posts: 9,416
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    Can be a bit of a minefield. If you are watching the dvds in order like I am do you watch episodes with CGI effects on or of?, do you pause to watch all the extras/commentaries? Include the missing episodes? Also you have 2 versions of day of the daleks, the five doctors, enlightenment, planet of fire, battlefield and curse of fenric. Which do you choose?

    I have been rewatching every episode from the beginning (listened to audio for the missing ones). I watch all the extras including the commentaries. For the CGI alternative ones I tend to watch them without the first time and switch on the effects for the commentary.

    I have been going for a couple of years now and have just started Peter Davison's run.
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
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    I'm watching from Hartnell all the way through including Loose Cannon recons. I'm on ep 4 of Enemy of the World. I watch an episode before work and the odd one in the evenings if the missus is out. I also watch all the DVD extras, so some serials take much longer than others.
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    DWA9ISDWA9IS Posts: 10,557
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    I couldn't manage to watch all DVD extras too that would be too much for a rewatch. I'm just doing the straight episodes of what I have in my personal collection.
    I'm currently on Jon Pertwee's last season I do have every story of that season, I have watched The Time Warrior and I'm currently on Death to the Daleks. I will soon be on the last one in that season about the giant spiders which I think is planet of the spiders. So it soon time for another regeneration.
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    ThrombinThrombin Posts: 9,416
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    To be fair, it isn't a rewatch, in terms of the DVD's. Most of them I never got round to watching when I got them so none of the extras I'm watching are stuff I've watched before. It's just a rewatch from the point of view that I have watched the episodes at least once, even if that was just when it was originally broadcast!

    The extras are actually a chance to watch and hear new material from the Doctors or Companions involved so, from that point of view, they are more exciting than the episodes themselves :D
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    DWA9ISDWA9IS Posts: 10,557
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    Thrombin wrote: »
    To be fair, it isn't a rewatch, in terms of the DVD's. Most of them I never got round to watching when I got them so none of the extras I'm watching are stuff I've watched before. It's just a rewatch from the point of view that I have watched the episodes at least once, even if that was just when it was originally broadcast!

    The extras are actually a chance to watch and hear new material from the Doctors or Companions involved so, from that point of view, they are more exciting than the episodes themselves :D

    I see your point, I usually binge on DVD/BluRay extras as soon as I get something new whatever it is and then I likely won't bother again, just watching the main features of each disk afterwards.
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    bennythedipbennythedip Posts: 2,350
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    Had a quiet bank holiday Monday, finished with edge of destruction. Got the recon of marco polo next. Not bothering with the commentaries as listened to them when I first bought. Watching select extras which I know are good like the beginnings doc on edge of destruction. Avoiding photo galleries and stuff like that.
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    doublefourdoublefour Posts: 6,113
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    Have been watching from An Unearthly Child all the way up to Terror of the Autons. Have not watched any of the commentaries or special features. I will go back and do them afterwards, it has took me a couple of months so far.
    In a previous post the Tom Baker years were mentioned, that took me a good couple of months. But I had to buy most of them as I went which held things up. I probably could watch it in four weeks or so. Depends how many episodes you sit and watch, I tend to watch a few stories in a couple of days and have a break.
    You cannot beat watching the stories in order, for me it elevates the lesser stories as I enjoy getting immersed in the era. Heck it just seems more fun.
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    DWA9ISDWA9IS Posts: 10,557
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    doublefour wrote: »
    Have been watching from An Unearthly Child all the way up to Terror of the Autons. Have not watched any of the commentaries or special features. I will go back and do them afterwards, it has took me a couple of months so far.
    In a previous post the Tom Baker years were mentioned, that took me a good couple of months. But I had to buy most of them as I went which held things up. I probably could watch it in four weeks or so. Depends how many episodes you sit and watch, I tend to watch a few stories in a couple of days and have a break.
    You cannot beat watching the stories in order, for me it elevates the lesser stories as I enjoy getting immersed in the era. Heck it just seems more fun.

    I agree everything flows better when you are able to watch in order, (although I don't have every episode yet so a complete rewatch isn't possible yet), it allows you to see where the story of the whole series fits in, development of characters ect.
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    Daniel DareDaniel Dare Posts: 3,503
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    Even though I have the range on DVD, I'm happy at being fed what The Horror Channel is offering up to me at the moment. There's something about broadcast television picking episodes for me that just can't put my finger on. The same goes for when BBC Four ran the odd classic too.
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    scottishjamesscottishjames Posts: 38
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    If you like The Key To Time, the fifth ever serial was called The Keys Of Marinus. It is a six episodes compared to TKTT whole 24 ep (6x4) season. There are single story episodes of different rounded quest adventures and an aim to a goal. It offers different locations and cast, although technically it isn't as good as TKTT is, but then that had 15 years on it.

    I like this way of story-telling and wonder why there aren't many of this type in recent years. The 200? specials were similar to how it could be done and with 45 min eps, half a season, or a companion arc mini-season could offer interesting dynamic.
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    krikkiter68krikkiter68 Posts: 272
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    I've just finished watching The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit on my rewatch - a great, great story IMO. Love & Monsters next - a divisive one, but I really like it.

    *waves at Daniel Dare* Welcome! Like you, I've been watching Classic episodes on The Horror Channel. Loved The Mind Robber the other day and thoroughly enjoyed The Stones of Blood today - I can't have seen that since it was first broadcast.
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    FizzbinFizzbin Posts: 36,827
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    Oh, was happily watching TKTT on Horror, but they've stopped at Androids of Tara. City of Death next weekend, and Kroll nowhere to be seen on the schedules. :(
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    CELT1987CELT1987 Posts: 12,375
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    Fizzbin wrote: »
    Oh, was happily watching TKTT on Horror, but they've stopped at Androids of Tara. City of Death next weekend, and Kroll nowhere to be seen on the schedules. :(
    Horror only bought a selection of episodes. They didn't buy the full season of The Key to Time.
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    Bouncer5Bouncer5 Posts: 615
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    I watched all the 7th Doctor stories on dvd after buying time of the rani and deciding to fill in the gaps - buying various other 7th doctor stories at bargain prices! I was born in 82 so that era reminds me of being very young and brought back loads of memories. It was nice to see them on my big screen and as a lot have been remastered, they were good to have coming through the speakers, etc.

    Once I got to Survival I decided to watch Dimensions in Time and then the TV movie - coincidentally, a couple of days after the movie it was ten years since 'Rose' was on so I watched that too.

    Next I went on to a random spree from any era as I'd been buying cheap dvds and saving them. I then felt a bit overdosed on old who (having hardly watched any since it came back in a bid to give it a well earned rest), so moved on to series 7 blu ray which I recently bought. Having been watching 70's ones recently I've been in awe at the special effects on the new series and the quality of production which looks great on blu ray/big hd screen and I'd begun to take for granted!
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    DWA9ISDWA9IS Posts: 10,557
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    I am nearly finished my re-watch of all episodes I own, has anybody else done any re-watches either in whole or part before series 9 starts on the 19th?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 6,988
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    allisonbm2 wrote: »
    Finished a complete rewatch from An Unearthly Child to present at the end of December(started it way back in 2010 so it was a long haul) Being a glutton for punishment have started again this time incorporating Big Finish audios in the relevant places and have just finished The Dalek Invasion of Earth.

    Got to Seeds of Death now, mainly due to lack of decent current TV I seem to be going quicker this time!
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    Whovian1109Whovian1109 Posts: 1,812
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    Starting a two-week rewatch today, Monday to Thursday this week, Monday to Friday next. One New Who series a day, just the highlights, so my favourite two or three of each series. Today is Dalek and then Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways.

    Tomorrow: Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
    Wednesday: Blink and Utopia
    Thursday: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
    Monday 14th: Eleventh Hour and Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone (since I recently rewatched The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang)
    Tuesday 15th: The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
    Wednesday 16th: The Angels Take Manhattan, Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS and Name of the Doctor (Since I recently rewatched Asylum which is my favourite)
    Thursday 17th: Day of the Doctor and Time of the Doctor
    Friday 18th: Deep Breath and Dark Water/Death in Heaven

    Leading into The Magician's Apprentice on the 19th. Obviously this is an entirely personal rewatch but then I'm the only one watching it so :p
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    bennythedipbennythedip Posts: 2,350
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    I have just finished the recon of galaxy 4, the cartoon version of mission to the unknown is next. Thinking of abandoning the recons completely and just watching the complete stories I have on dvd but it feels a bit of a cheat so will have to struggle on.
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    AdzPowerAdzPower Posts: 4,861
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    Been doing a New Who re-watch, started "Rose" about a week ago and currently onto series 3 "Daleks in Manhattan".
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    TheophileTheophile Posts: 2,964
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    My main watching group and myself are currently 4.5 years into our watch of Doctor Who (2 episodes a week) and we are in the middle of The Curse of Peladon (which I am really liking thus far). We have about ten more years or so to go. LOL! :):):)
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