
Best Guest Stars: The Tenth Doctor Specials (<2009>)

AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
Forum Member
The Tenth Doctor Specials are hardly considered the pinnacle of the show's ten year revival, but they have to be included at any rate, and there are still some great names worked in there!

You can see the previous thread results here, and can continue to vote on the Series 4 Poll until this coming Wednesday (8th).
Series 1
Series 2
Series 3
Series 4 (Vote Open!)

This poll, like all others, will run for a week and closes next Saturday (11th). The usual series polls will continue to go out every Wednesday.

The entire Children of Time assemblage (with the exception of Bernard Cribbins who essentially had a guest role here) has been kept off the poll listing. Excluded cast members for The Specials poll includes David Tennant, Catherine Tate, Jacqueline King, Freema Agyeman, Noel Clarke, Billie Piper, Camille Coduri, John Barrowman, Jessica Hynes, Elisabeth Sladen and Tommy Lawrence Knight.

Who was your favourite guest star in the Tenth Doctor Specials?

Which guest star was your favourite in the Tenth Doctor Specials? 28 votes

DAVID MORISSEY (Jackson Lake, in The Next Doctor)
0% 0 votes
VELILE TSHABALALA (Rosita Farisi, in The Next Doctor)
0% 0 votes
DERVLA KIRWAN (Mercy Hartigan, in The Next Doctor)
0% 0 votes
MICHELLE RYAN (Lady Christina de Souza, in Planet of the Dead)
7% 2 votes
LEE EVANS (Malcolm Taylor, in Planet of the Dead)
0% 0 votes
NOMA DUMEZWENI (Erisa Magambo, in Planet of the Dead)
0% 0 votes
LINDSAY DUNCAN (Adelaide Brooke, in The Waters of Mars)
39% 11 votes
PETER O'BRIEN (Ed Gold, in The Waters of Mars)
0% 0 votes
ALEKSANDER MIKIC (Yuri Kerenski, in The Waters of Mars)
0% 0 votes
GEMMA CHAN (Mia Bennett, in The Waters of Mars)
0% 0 votes
SHARON DUNCAN BREWSTER (Maggie Cain, in The Waters of Mars)
0% 0 votes
COSIMA SHAW (Steffi Ehrlich, in The Waters of Mars)
0% 0 votes
MICHAEL GOLDSMITH (Roman Groom, in The Waters of Mars)
0% 0 votes
BERNARD CRIBBINS (Wilfred Mott, in The End of Time)
25% 7 votes
JOHN SIMM (The Master, in The End of Time)
17% 5 votes
TIMOTHY DALTON (Rassilon, in The End of Time)
3% 1 vote
CLAIRE BLOOM (The Woman, in The End of Time)
3% 1 vote
JUNE WHITFIELD (Minnie Hooper, in The End of Time)
0% 0 votes
CARL COLLINS (Shaun Temple, in The End of Time)
0% 0 votes
DAVID HAREWOOD (Joshua Naismith, in The End of Time)
0% 0 votes
TRACY IFEACHOR (Abigail Naismith, in The End of Time)
0% 0 votes
ALEXANDRA MOEN (Lucy Saxon, The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords)
3% 1 vote


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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
    Forum Member
    Hmmmm. I really don't think Cribbins should be included based on your own criteria for previous polls. He was already a well established cast member with significant parts in a few episodes previously so I don't see why he's any different to any of the others you've excluded.
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
    Forum Member
    Although having guest starred before, he'd never had a major role in the series and this was the only one to give him anything more to do than be a 'paper guy' or 'Gramps'. It felt odd to have him as the only person in the Specials to appear in the opening titles but to be excluded. In a way he's difficult in the same way that Alex Kingston is for Series 4 - both played characters that were more significant at one point than at another, but essentially were still guest stars at a certain point.

    The Specials are a difficult thing to factor in in general though, as they lack the normal set-up of a full series. Cribbins is a rarity in that he played a recurring character that went on to have a more significant role later on. Apologies if the decision to include him is unpopular.

    Also apologies for Lucy Saxon at the bottom listing her Series 3 appearances, the poll auto-filled the data for me and I didn't realise the error until I'd posted.
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    Dalekbuster523Dalekbuster523 Posts: 4,596
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    It was a tough choice between Bernard Cribbins and Timothy Dalton for me but in the end I went for Bernard Cribbins because he's just so loveable as Wilf.
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    simongvs70simongvs70 Posts: 2,192
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    Had to go for The Man Who Narrated The Wombles as no one else came close, IMO.
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,507
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    Admit I'm not a great fan of any of these episodes, although thanks to David Morrissey and a very good Tennant performance I rather like The Next Doctor, and Waters of Mars is pretty good too.

    But, looking at the choices given......it's the legend that is Bernard Cribbins for me! Don't apologise, OP. Just happy to vote for the wonderful Wilf.
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
    Forum Member
    This has proved to be the easiest one for me, and I went for Lindsay Duncan. I felt she offered something different at the time, and it was great to see an older woman in the companion role...even if only for a single episode.

    Bernard Cribbins stole the show in The End of Time, but I felt the two-parter was abysmal to the point that it even gave Wilf incredibly little to do. The Noble/Mott family was wasted somewhat in that special, fighting for space amongst a sea of other aspects, many of which needlessly crammed in. As such, I love him to pieces but loved him even more in Series 4 - despite not being able to vote for him there.

    A nod to Timothy Dalton who was superb, and an interesting move to have him narrate the first part of The End of Time almost as a protagonist, only for him to turn out to be the main antagonist in the end. Still, more could have been done to establish him as the villain of the piece, and he also contributes to the wasted potential in that final story.
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    tiggerpoohtiggerpooh Posts: 4,182
    Forum Member
    Lindsay Duncan for me! :)

    A most excellent performance as Adelaide Brooke in The Waters of Mars. :cool:

    Love her other TV work as well, including A Year In Provence, Oliver Twist (the Robert Lindsay and Marc Warren one), Absolutely Fabulous, Spooks, and Victoria Wood With All The Trimmings (as a Women's Institute worker).

    Bernard Cribbins is a close second, followed by John Simm.
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    krikkiter68krikkiter68 Posts: 272
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    Another vote for Lindsay Duncan, I think she's an amazing actress (one of my favourites) and Adelaide's sacrifice was heartbreaking.

    I'd say Bernard Cribbins as second, too - I wouldn't normally vote for characters who go on to be companions - e.g. Donna Noble and River Song - in this sort of poll (great though they are), but, well, this is Wilf! And Bernard was superb.
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    AbominationAbomination Posts: 6,494
    Forum Member
    Here are your Tenth Doctor Specials Top Three Guest Stars

    1st - Lindsay Duncan, as Adelaide Brooke (The Waters of Mars)
    2nd - Bernard Cribbins, as Wilfred Mott (The End of Time)
    3rd - John Simm, as The Master (The End of Time)

    There were a few more male actors in here, but once more a woman has assumed the top spot and will proceed into the eventual final poll!

    Lindsay Duncan was a huge hit as Adelaide in The Waters of Mars and has been remembered as a highlight of the episode. She's something of a diamond in the rough as well, garnering praise within the oft-criticised 2009 Specials.

    Completing the top three are two guests who appeared in previous series, and returned for the Tenth Doctor's swansong - namely the cherished Bernard Cribbins as Wilfred Mott, and the versatile John Simm - who donned countless dozens of outfits in his return as The Master.

    Lindsay Duncan will be included in the Final Poll to be conducted once all eight series have been voted on.
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