
DC's Truth storyline

zwixxxzwixxx Posts: 10,295
Forum Member
With Truth lasting 4 issues in Action Comics, Superman, Superman/WonderWoman and Batman/Superman, and trades usually having at least 6 (iirc), do we think there'll be a Truth trade containing all 16eps from these 4 titles, or that the next arc will be another 4 issue one so they can give us trades for AC,S,S/W and B/W, each containing 8 issues.


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    Bob PaisleyBob Paisley Posts: 3,629
    Forum Member
    Hasn't it all been printed out of order? The secret's out of the bag in Action Comics - yet the big reveal comes afterwards in the Superman title. I feel like I've missed an issue or something.
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    zwixxxzwixxx Posts: 10,295
    Forum Member
    (iiuc) Truth happens in Action Comics 41-44, Superman 41-44, Superman/Wonder Woman 18-21 and Batman/Superman 21-24.

    The story isn't being told in the cross-over way, with p1 in Action41, p2 in Bat/Sup21, etc..

    Instead we have each title telling the story from a different starting point.
    - Action41 sees him journey from Alaska to Metropolis, where it looks like he'll be staying awhile.
    - Bat/Sup21 sees him journey from Metropolis to Gotham.

    Also: Action41 refers to stuff in Superman41 & Superman42, and Bat/Sup21 to stuff in Action42.

    I guess if you're only following one of the titles then this could get a little irritating if they keep referring to exciting stuff you didn't get to see. Even if you are going to follow all 4 titles, all this jumping around in timelines could get confusing, but currently I'm not concerned as I'm viewing each new issue as a new puzzle piece and once we've got them all it will all makes sense 'n stuff. :)

    Although, since I'm basing this all on just 2 issues, I might have this all wrong. :)
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    Bob PaisleyBob Paisley Posts: 3,629
    Forum Member
    zwixxx wrote: »
    (iiuc) Truth happens in Action Comics 41-44, Superman 41-44, Superman/Wonder Woman 18-21 and Batman/Superman 21-24.

    The story isn't being told in the cross-over way, with p1 in Action41, p2 in Bat/Sup21, etc..

    Instead we have each title telling the story from a different starting point.
    - Action41 sees him journey from Alaska to Metropolis, where it looks like he'll be staying awhile.
    - Bat/Sup21 sees him journey from Metropolis to Gotham.

    Also: Action41 refers to stuff in Superman41 & Superman42, and Bat/Sup21 to stuff in Action42.

    I guess if you're only following one of the titles then this could get a little irritating if they keep referring to exciting stuff you didn't get to see. Even if you are going to follow all 4 titles, all this jumping around in timelines could get confusing, but currently I'm not concerned as I'm viewing each new issue as a new puzzle piece and once we've got them all it will all makes sense 'n stuff. :)

    Although, since I'm basing this all on just 2 issues, I might have this all wrong. :)

    And yet everything appears to be out of order. Action Comics continuity has Superman massively under-powered and with everyone knowing he's Clark Kent - yet that revelation comes in Superman 41 (which is published after). I'm not a regular reader of Action Comics, so I don't know what happened in the previous issue, but it isn't making a lot of sense at the moment.
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    zwixxxzwixxx Posts: 10,295
    Forum Member
    And yet everything appears to be out of order. Action Comics continuity has Superman massively under-powered and with everyone knowing he's Clark Kent - yet that revelation comes in Superman 41 (which is published after). I'm not a regular reader of Action Comics, so I don't know what happened in the previous issue, but it isn't making a lot of sense at the moment.
    ^I'm looking at the 4 titles as akin to watching the first 20mins of Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Right now there are big gaps but after they've each completed their individual arc (in 4 issues time), the whole storyline will make sense.
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    Bob PaisleyBob Paisley Posts: 3,629
    Forum Member
    zwixxx wrote: »
    ^I'm looking at the 4 titles as akin to watching the first 20mins of Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Right now there are big gaps but after they've each completed their individual arc (in 4 issues time), the whole storyline will make sense.

    I still thinks it's stupid.
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