
University police officer charged with murder for shooting of Samuel DuBose



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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
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    Takae wrote: »
    Seems obvious that he was spooked by the officer opening his door without warning. This sparked a familiar reaction: fight or flight. He chose flight.

    The officer treated him fine up until then, he chose to put his foot down and drive off for reasons unknown. The cop looked like he panicked and didn't want to be dragged under the car. It all happens in a split second.
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    My usernamesMy usernames Posts: 1,002
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    How Convenient that you had that Daily Mail story at hand. In the absence of reports of a nationwide trend of black cops deliberately murdering unarmed white people and falsifying evidence to cover up their homicide, I'll have to say I can't tell, There might be a racist component to the cops actions , there might not.

    Anyway the two incidents are very different, the black cop was an actual cop not a jumped up security guard. The person he shot was advancing on him with what he thought was a weapon (according to your source), not sitting in his car cooperating with the cop.
    Your comparison is forced and does not stand up to scrutiny.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    And? I don't think there's any way that this can be proved to be a racially motivated killing because the shooter would never admit to it even if it were true (unless he happens to have been carrying a KKK membership card in his police wallet)!

    Unfortunately however this is just the latest in quite a long line of unarmed black citizens dying at the hands of law enforcement officials, so the question of race is naturally going to come into it, and motivation will be a factor if/when a murder trial takes place.

    I'm glad that the wheels of justice seem to be turning pretty quickly in this case though (for once) - so quickly that the concerted victim-blaming we usually see in these types of situations has barely begun! :o

    If the victim had a rap sheet a mile long they are always a saint in death. They were caught doing drugs? No, they are turning their life around. They got done for multiple driving offences? No, they were misunderstandings or some other excuse. They drove off with an officer in their window? No, they were scared.

    If it was a black cop shooting a white person then race wouldn't even cross your mind. A white cop shoots someone black and you automatically think KKK. Don't you realise that's a racist attitude against white cops?
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    anne_666anne_666 Posts: 72,891
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    Takae wrote: »
    Seems obvious that he was spooked by the officer opening his door without warning. This sparked a reaction: fight or flight. He chose flight.

    Understandably spooked. He was shot in the head before he could drive off anywhere. He'd started the engine, he hadn't moved. Not that it's acceptable to kill anyone for driving off, in any civilised world.
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    anne_666anne_666 Posts: 72,891
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    Even though it turned out he was the founding member of a motorcycle gang and had a rap sheet as long as your arm.

    "It turned out"....Your point being? He deserved to be shot in the head?
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    How Convenient that you had that Daily Mail story at hand. In the absence of reports of a nationwide trend of black cops deliberately murdering unarmed white people and falsifying evidence to cover up their homicide, I'll have to say I can't tell, There might be a racist component to the cops actions , there might not.

    Anyway the two incidents are very different, the black cop was an actual cop not a jumped up security guard. The person he shot was advancing on him with what he thought was a weapon (according to your source), not sitting in his car cooperating with the cop.
    Your comparison is forced and does not stand up to scrutiny.
    The video shows the five-foot-seven, 140-pound student never got closer to the officer than four feet and didn't try to grab his weapon, Beasley contended. The lawyer said the video also shows the officer didn't wait for backup to arrive before coming out of the station.

    ‘I have seen nothing to indicate to me that you ought to go out there with a raised gun against a guy who's buck naked, unarmed and in distress,’ he said.

    A properly trained black officer still managed to shoot dead a naked, unarmed white man. Imagine it was roles reversed. You would be screeching from the rooftops how it was race related.

    As for white people being killed by cops:

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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
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    anne_666 wrote: »
    "It turned out"....Your point being? He deserved to be shot in the head?

    Don't put words in my mouth.
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    My usernamesMy usernames Posts: 1,002
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    The officer treated him fine up until then, he chose to put his foot down and drive off for reasons unknown. The cop looked like he panicked and didn't want to be dragged under the car. It all happens in a split second.

    The car didn't move until the cop shot Mr Do Bose in the head. The car then rolled down the road. He didn't try to escape by driving off. If you are up for asking questions , perhaps you could have a go at this one,

    Why did the cop lie in his report about being dragged along by the car?

    When he actually fell over when he fired the weapon. He sounds like a real klutz.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
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    vinba wrote: »
    Course he did... He obviously had 'gang colors' and was a potential motorcycle gang leader and drug dealer..

    Never mind the car moved after he had been shot and anyway all the cop had to do was step back.

    Prove that race was a motivating factor in him being shot. Where is the evidence?
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    The car didn't move until the cop shot Mr Do Bose in the head. The car then rolled down the road. He didn't try to escape by driving off. If you are up for asking questions , perhaps you could have a go at this one,

    Why did the cop lie in his report about being dragged along by the car?

    When he actually fell over when he fired the weapon. He sounds like a real klutz.

    Maybe he is a klutz and panicked. His respectful treatment of the man didn't appear the actions of someone racist hellbent on killing a black man because he is a white cop, yet that is your assertion.

    As for an eyewitness account that Glasgow bin lorry crash had eyewitnesses saying it was going 70-100mph at the time, it was actually only going 25mph. Quite a big difference. It's easy to watch the video 100 times and slow it down at crucial moments but reliving it when it might have been a split second you might not always remember it accurately. It doesn't mean you shot him because he is black though. That is a whole different argument.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
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    vinba wrote: »
    Well you obviously thought.. black guy must be a gang member with gang colors etc.. Perhaps the officer was equally prejudiced?

    I already knew his connections to a motorcycle gang because I can see past the white = bad, black = good, line of argument. If he was some racist wanting to kill him or be mean then why be respectful to the guy and not just pull him out the car on trumped up charges?
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    My usernamesMy usernames Posts: 1,002
    Forum Member
    If the victim had a rap sheet a mile long they are always a saint in death. They were caught doing drugs? No, they are turning their life around. They got done for multiple driving offences? No, they were misunderstandings or some other excuse. They drove off with an officer in their window? No, they were scared.

    If it was a black cop shooting a white person then race wouldn't even cross your mind. A white cop shoots someone black and you automatically think KKK. Don't you realise that's a racist attitude against white cops?

    Don't you realise how lame and boring your attempts to demonise the victim and support the cop are? Even the local police chief hasn't sunk to those depths but you feel you have the right to do so with absolutely no idea of the questions it raises about you.
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    tiggosaurustiggosaurus Posts: 3,653
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    If the victim had a rap sheet a mile long they are always a saint in death. They were caught doing drugs? No, they are turning their life around. They got done for multiple driving offences? No, they were misunderstandings or some other excuse. They drove off with an officer in their window? No, they were scared.

    If it was a black cop shooting a white person then race wouldn't even cross your mind. A white cop shoots someone black and you automatically think KKK. Don't you realise that's a racist attitude against white cops?
    I don't care if he was Ted freaking Bundy, either you believe in the right to be tried in a court of law or you believe in summary execution for minor misdemeanours. Guess I spoke too soon about the victim-blaming huh?

    I have said I don't think this killing can be proved to be racially-motivated and you still want to accuse me of some sort of reverse-racism? Bizarre. Seems clear to me you're the one indulging in race-baiting here, not me.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    Don't you realise how lame and boring your attempts to demonise the victim and support the cop are? Even the local police chief hasn't sunk to those depths but you feel you have the right to do so with absolutely no idea of the questions it raises about you.

    You are racist against white police officers. What evidence have you got that he was shot because he was black?
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
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    vinba wrote: »
    He's got a damned camera strapped to him.. Perhaps he didn't shoot him because he was black but he definitely shot him dead for no reason whatsoever..

    And you've got to ask.. why is this happening disproportionately to black people and many of them on simple stops for traffic violations?

    Is this the 'they might have a gun in the glove box I'd better shoot first and ask questions later' mentality?

    And that link of yours proves nothing.,. Yes more white people than black people have been shot by cops in the last 10 years but that is because there are 3 times as many white people as black people..
    Adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown of the U.S. population, he said black men are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police than white men. But also adjusted to take into account the racial breakdown in violent crime, the data actually show that police are less likely to kill black suspects than white ones.

    “If one adjusts for the racial disparity in the homicide rate or the rate at which police are feloniously killed, whites are actually more likely to be killed by police than blacks,” said Mr. Moskos, a former Baltimore cop and author of the book “Cop in the Hood.”

    “Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks die at the hands of police,” he said. “Adjusted for the racial disparity at which police are feloniously killed, whites are 1.3 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police.”

    All of this racist white cops argument seems futile when they will quite clearly shoot you if you are of any race. Better training and less trigger happy cops is what I'd want if I lived there, not race baiting. If you keep feeding that argument you just create more belligerence and more bodies pile up. Nobody wins.
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    My usernamesMy usernames Posts: 1,002
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    You are racist against white police officers. What evidence have you got that he was shot because he was black?

    Yawn.......moving on,
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    Fappy_McFapperFappy_McFapper Posts: 1,302
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    Don't put words in my mouth.

    No need to since it is crystal clear what you're agenda is.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    No need to since it is crystal clear what you're agenda is.

    You might think every white cop is racist and wants to kill black people, I don't.
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    Fappy_McFapperFappy_McFapper Posts: 1,302
    Forum Member
    You might think every white cop is racist and wants to kill black people, I don't.

    Actually I don't think that at all but I do think, no I know that you are just trolling for an argument.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    Actually I don't think that at all but I do think, no I know that you are just trolling for an argument.

    That was to demonstrate me putting words in your mouth.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    vinba wrote: »
    Nobody is saying that... not even Al Sharpton. There is however a disturbing trend of videos showing black people being to put it mildly 'gunned down' by the police.

    Maybe it's always been like this and the fact that there is so much cctv and phone camera footage nowadays that it's getting less easy for cop to lie and get away with either murdering someone or panicking and killing someone by mistake.

    I'd put body cameras on all cops. I just don't think there are all these racist cops with itchy trigger fingers wanting to kill black people like the media portray. That guy that was shot had obviously been involved with the police a lot. He should have known the procedure and not to give any excuses for the cop to take deadly action like that.

    One guy dead, one guy probably going to jail, black people think they are being targeted, white cops think they are vilified. Everybody loses. Common sense from the driver and common sense and better training from the officer and the whole thing is avoided.
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    My usernamesMy usernames Posts: 1,002
    Forum Member
    I'd put body cameras on all cops. I just don't think there are all these racist cops with itchy trigger fingers wanting to kill black people like the media portray. That guy that was shot had obviously been involved with the police a lot. He should have known the procedure and not to give any excuses for the cop to take deadly action like that.

    One guy dead, one guy probably going to jail, black people think they are being targeted, white cops think they are vilified. Everybody loses. Common sense from the driver and common sense and better training from the officer and the whole thing is avoided.

    What a surprise! More victim blaming from the troll

    Tell me , Frankie is your carer on. Holiday? Are you having an episode because you need to take your meds? You are very one dimensional and entrenched With your arguments like an idiot savant. But also strangely compelling like a circus freak that demands our attention.
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
    Forum Member
    What a surprise! More victim blaming from the troll

    Tell me , Frankie is your carer on. Holiday? Are you having an episode because you need to take your meds? You are very one dimensional and entrenched With your arguments like an idiot savant. But also strangely compelling like a circus freak that demands our attention.

    Your arguments are illogical at best, and race baiting at worst.
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    kitty86kitty86 Posts: 7,034
    Forum Member
    I'd put body cameras on all cops. I just don't think there are all these racist cops with itchy trigger fingers wanting to kill black people like the media portray. That guy that was shot had obviously been involved with the police a lot. He should have known the procedure and not to give any excuses for the cop to take deadly action like that.

    One guy dead, one guy probably going to jail, black people think they are being targeted, white cops think they are vilified. Everybody loses. Common sense from the driver and common sense and better training from the officer and the whole thing is avoided.

    He should have known the procedure? What procedure was that then? The one where you don't give a cop a reason to shoot you in the head for absolutely no reason. Is this really a thing now?!
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    FrankieFixerFrankieFixer Posts: 11,530
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    kitty86 wrote: »
    He should have known the procedure? What procedure was that then? The one where you don't give a cop a reason to shoot you in the head for absolutely no reason. Is this really a thing now?!

    If a police officer is trying to ascertain if you have a licence or not and asks you to take your seat belt off do you turn the ignition and attempt to drive off?
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