
Content Management Platforms

danrichardsdanrichards Posts: 427
Forum Member
So - I'm looking for a CMS alternative to Wordpress, which works nicely as an all in one platform. We've got a decent site as it stands, but it's possibly a bit above some of our staffs heads and, therefore, gets under used.

The most obvious choice is Aiir (http://aiir.com/) who make Sam FM's website, amongst others. However, that comes at a price and isn't available as an off-the0shelf product just yet.

Anybody know of any decent alternatives with a similar functionality?


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    Bandspread199Bandspread199 Posts: 4,939
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    radiobloke2004radiobloke2004 Posts: 689
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    NO! Do not use that God awful platform! Wix is for people who have no concept of what a website can do for their station.

    Failing creating your own Content Management System, from my experience, could you not look at some of the plug in's that are available on Wordpress (even though you are looking elsewhere).

    Radio Station is rather handy and has a lot of the functionality that Aiir has, and it's free.


    If people are unsure what to do, or have a habit of breaking sites, then either set them up with different access rights, or provide training for them.

    I've run a number of FM sites across a number of countries (my business does that), and can help if you are stuck.
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    voltorevoltore Posts: 241
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    Joomla or Drupal. Both heavily used. Learning curve either way. Plenty of templates available. 2ngradio.com is built using Joomla.
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    mfrmfr Posts: 5,662
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    I use WordPress professionally. It is possible to very much simplify the interface, losing options people don't use and coming up with a simpler way to add information.
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    BollardBollard Posts: 3,479
    Forum Member
    I've used CMS Made Simple for many years, the admin interface is so much easier to use than most CMSes I've tried, ideal for non techy people to update.
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