
The real reason Christopher Eccelston quit in his own words

puppetangelpuppetangel Posts: 2,892
Forum Member
In an interview with Radio 4's Loose Ends, he explained: "I don't think it's important that I left - I think it's important that I did it in the first place.

“I'm still there - I was in David Tennant, I was in Matt Smith, I was in Peter Capaldi. I'm always there in spirit."

"Myself and three individuals at the very top of the pyramid clashed so off I went.

“But they're not here to say their side of it so I'm not going into detail."


Still gutted he could't do the Dr Who movie.


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    PaperSkinPaperSkin Posts: 1,327
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    That's just more fluff to hide the truth that the real reason why he left was because of the biscuits, he had it in his contract that he would be supplied at least a dozen biscuits for each days shoot to duck in his coffee between takes, but often there was only half a dozen or just a measly four biscuits... Chris wasn't happy with this breach of contract and disrespect for his needs in the workplace, so he left.. true story.
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    PaperSkinPaperSkin Posts: 1,327
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    He has already explained this and its sad he keeps getting asked questions about it, he didn't agree with some of the people at the top, there was issues with the workplace how people were being treated and so forth. He's not going to say more as he's professional and there's no real point, its not going to achieve anything and could come across as sniping. I think Chris was very gracious in what he said here and that its just his side and the other people are not here to give their side so its not fair to talk about it, good on him rise above the crap interviewers who are just dragging this up because they want some cheap dirt to print and its easier to do than to actually spend a few minutes and think up some interesting questions to ask him. Bah Humbug.
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,507
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    I heard this interview months ago! Huffington Post got stuck in a time eddy or something?

    ETA Didn't mean that to sound rude, OP. He was on Loose Ends to promote his 'The Safe House' series, and thought he came across polite, gracious and funny in a self deprecating way.
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    KoquillionKoquillion Posts: 1,909
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    I wouldn't get too upset P.Skin, Chris obviously didn't mind being asked on this occasion. He would have stipulated 'no Doctor Who questions' if he was bothered or done a 'Bee Gees ' if he didn't like it.
    I think if he is specifically promoting a show he is in, he asks not to be asked about Who. He is still rightly proud of his Doctor and does accept it as part of his career. But he likes to control what he says and when he says it. Nowt wrong with that in the circumstances.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 40
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    Yes. I listened to it when broadcast live. He wasn't that comfortable with the question and the interviewer did press him to answer, which he did.

    Fair play to him. He left because of the top people and didn't do the 50th because he didn't like his script. There. Fine by me. What's the problem ^_^
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    Sufyaan_KaziSufyaan_Kazi Posts: 3,884
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    PaperSkin wrote: »
    That's just more fluff to hide the truth that the real reason why he left was because of the biscuits, he had it in his contract that he would be supplied at least a dozen biscuits for each days shoot to duck in his coffee between takes, but often there was only half a dozen or just a measly four biscuits... Chris wasn't happy with this breach of contract and disrespect for his needs in the workplace, so he left.. true story.

    Too right, biscuits rule.
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    GDKGDK Posts: 9,494
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    The_Judge_ wrote: »
    Too right, biscuits rule.

    Shouldn't that be "The Twelve Biscuits Rule"? :D
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    FIFA1966FIFA1966 Posts: 1,101
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    Russell T Davies, Phil Collinson and Julie Gardner are to blame for Chris leaving.


    The three individuals at the top of the pyramid.
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    ThamwetThamwet Posts: 2,036
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    It's a shame in many ways, because Chris actually applied for the role, he wasn't asked. He had worked with RTD before and wanted to do so again, as well as trying out a totally different role. Sadly though, he and RTD did seem to have some issues.
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    MulettMulett Posts: 9,079
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    I heard him on Radio 2 a few years ago making references to how poorly treated some of the Doctor Who team (runners etc) were by senior staff. He said during that interview that he left because he didn't want to be a part of a show where junior staff were treated so badly.

    I do have a few observations though:

    1/ It's Chris who has a reputation for being prickly/difficult to work with
    2/ Russell T Davies, Phil Collinson and Julie Gardner appeared to be quite loved by the team - certainly, Chris is the only person I've heard make such accusations against them
    3/ There is a different version of the story which is: Chris went through a prolonged "I will do season 2/I won't do season 2" phase and in the end his indecision was putting production at risk so RTD made the decision to replace him.

    I have nothing against Christopher Eccleston. I just don't necessarily believe his version of events.
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    tszujmetszujme Posts: 1,221
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    I'm 99% certain that it wasn't RTD. It doesn't gell with stories I've heard, and I know Eccleston and RTD were and are still friends after he left.

    The story about Eccleston waffling about whether to do S2 or not and RTD casting Tennant while he was still deciding was invented by this one fan from the Philippines who claims one of the top execs emailed her to spill all the gossip. She loathes David Tennant with a passion and was determined to make everyone believe he's a backstabber who stole Eccleston's job out from under him. The story has been thoroughly debunked as it contradicts what all involved have said. The only way it could be true is if Eccleston, RTD, Tennant, Piper, and several others had invented an extremely detailed completely fictitious account of what happened and had stuck to telling those lies (in Eccleston's telling lies in order to protect the people who stabbed him in the back) for ten years.
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    cat666cat666 Posts: 2,063
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    Mulett wrote: »
    I heard him on Radio 2 a few years ago making references to how poorly treated some of the Doctor Who team (runners etc) were by senior staff. He said during that interview that he left because he didn't want to be a part of a show where junior staff were treated so badly.

    I do have a few observations though:

    1/ It's Chris who has a reputation for being prickly/difficult to work with
    2/ Russell T Davies, Phil Collinson and Julie Gardner appeared to be quite loved by the team - certainly, Chris is the only person I've heard make such accusations against them
    3/ There is a different version of the story which is: Chris went through a prolonged "I will do season 2/I won't do season 2" phase and in the end his indecision was putting production at risk so RTD made the decision to replace him.

    I have nothing against Christopher Eccleston. I just don't necessarily believe his version of events.

    Probably the best write up of this I've seen.

    I love Chris' work on Doctor Who and in honesty, most of his acting roles, but he is one who always comes across as the issue, not anyone else. I read he had issues with John Barrowman, a guy loved by pretty much everyone he's ever worked with.

    As for the production team abusing junior staff, it really isn't likely. Again RTD seems beloved by everyone whose worked with him and I struggle to believe that abuse would happen in 2005 and not be reported.

    I also put more stock in the will he won't he story. RTD would have been under pressure to announce a series 2 before series 1 ended so would have needed a decision. If Chris was dragging his heels in commiting then he would have had little choice but to replace.
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    tszujmetszujme Posts: 1,221
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    Boak's bullying has been known for years.
    cat666 wrote: »
    I also put more stock in the will he won't he story. RTD would have been under pressure to announce a series 2 before series 1 ended so would have needed a decision. If Chris was dragging his heels in commiting then he would have had little choice but to replace.
    The timelines don't work out (the evening DT was first approached was three months after CE made the final decision to leave), and CE himself says it's not true.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,152
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    FIFA1966 wrote: »
    Russell T Davies, Phil Collinson and Julie Gardner are to blame for Chris leaving.


    The three individuals at the top of the pyramid.

    There are more people at the top of the pyramid than just those three, and I'd be surprised if it was RTD since he was one of the main reason for Eccleston signing up in the first place.
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    FIFA1966FIFA1966 Posts: 1,101
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    There are more people at the top of the pyramid than just those three, and I'd be surprised if it was RTD since he was one of the main reason for Eccleston signing up in the first place.

    If there were more people at the top of the pyramid, how come their names weren't shown on the ending credits for the show in Chris's era?
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    tszujmetszujme Posts: 1,221
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    FIFA1966 wrote: »
    If there were more people at the top of the pyramid, how come their names weren't shown on the ending credits for the show in Chris's era?
    Because that's not how TV works.

    Name one TV show, past or present, that's had the names of network/studio executives in the credits. Mark Thompson was the unquestionable 'top of the pyramid' of ALL shows on the BBC during those years, how many TV shows has he ever been credited in?
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    jodojodo Posts: 279
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    I loved him in the role and am sure he's tired of being asked about his decision to leave.

    Virtually every interview I've read or heard he is very clear about being proud to have been the Doctor (his interaction with fans show this) but also very consistent in not providing full disclosure which he is perfectly entitled to do.

    It would not be helpful to his career to be known as an actor who 'spills the beans' on behind the scenes issues - which is also refreshing these days.

    My understanding was that there was a big problem with one of the directors of Series 1 (who hasn't returned) and their treatment of staff. I'm sure there were probably other issues but this one seemed the most plausible when I read it. And let's be honest - the scripts from series 2 would probably have made him a two series Doctor at most! :-)
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    G_SalesG_Sales Posts: 49
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    Mulett wrote: »
    I heard him on Radio 2 a few years ago making references to how poorly treated some of the Doctor Who team (runners etc) were by senior staff. He said during that interview that he left because he didn't want to be a part of a show where junior staff were treated so badly.

    I do have a few observations though:

    1/ It's Chris who has a reputation for being prickly/difficult to work with
    2/ Russell T Davies, Phil Collinson and Julie Gardner appeared to be quite loved by the team - certainly, Chris is the only person I've heard make such accusations against them
    3/ There is a different version of the story which is: Chris went through a prolonged "I will do season 2/I won't do season 2" phase and in the end his indecision was putting production at risk so RTD made the decision to replace him.

    I have nothing against Christopher Eccleston. I just don't necessarily believe his version of events.
    Well and I can only impart what I know and was told and you can make your own mind up whether to believe it or not.
    Personally I dont disbelieve it.
    Chris DID apply for the role.
    RTD Did originally want Hugh Grant or Bill Nighy. Never though Chris would be interested.
    The best thing to say was that S 1 was a real trial by fire to get made. What was sold to Chris was not what i turned out to be. By necessity.
    The main thing re the main players, was that things went a bit askew after Mal Young departed.
    It wasnt Chris fell out with RTD. he couldnt get hold of him because of RTDs writing pressure to get everything rewritten.
    No issue with Julie either.
    But Julie had to be seen to support Phil. and Phil Collinson was frontline getting it done. He had people to report to. It was amazing S 1 got made at all or that it turned out to be so good and well recieved.
    and yes there were issues with two directors. But one gets the blame more than Euros does. and that was a major falling out.
    Factor that with some family issues he had at the time and the gruelling schedule.
    and yes, it would seem that they hired David without Chris knowing. They made Chris decision for him.
    Subsequent to that, FWIW, there was an agreement with RTD and the BBC with Chris. Neither would speak of it for 5 years. and Chis, practically to the day, spoke of it 5 years later. and Chris would agree to limited pre agreed media appearances.
    and that he would any atend the Cardiff launch of Rose , providing he had no contact with those he percieved as the issue.
    Again, whats I was reliably told was that Chris was paid 2 million for 2 series and the fact he didnt work for the year after he departed certainly supports it bar limited voiceover work.
    Make of it what you wish.
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    PaperSkinPaperSkin Posts: 1,327
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    I was reliably told that reliable sources used by people on the internet that are never named or alluded to (for protection sake of course) are very reliable indeed, and not at all a Frankenstein monster tale of cherry picked information from various little sound bites hear and there while adding in some bit of imagination with the timing of things said, make of that what you wish.

    David being hired behind Chris's back is plain (and proven) rubbish, but it makes for a nice juice tale of the behind the scenes of the DW production.

    The agreeing not to speak about it for five years seems like nonsense, someone noticing it was that long until Chris decided to open up about some of the issues so they cease on that and with the idiots mentality that 'everything must have a designed reason and purpose' came up with the daft idea they couldn't talk about if for 5 years, Chris is a no nonsense kind of guy can you really see him agreeing to something so ridiculous and unnecessary as that, him saying what he has said was never going to effect DW in any bad way, if he had said the stuff a couple of months after he left it would of made no difference, its just that he didn't want to... buy hey that's boring so lets make a conspiracy huh.

    Also Chris did work the year after DW so that's cobblers.

    The rest of it seems like its at least in the realm of possibility and could be true, who knows, but it could all also be a load of rubbish like some of the points clearly are, its all stuff that's been thrown around in various forms since 2005.
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    tszujmetszujme Posts: 1,221
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    Chris himself has debunked the rumour that they cast David behind his back.

    Unless you can think of a reason he would spend TEN YEARS telling lies in order to protect the people who betrayed him?

    And David's told the story about the evening they first asked him to take the role and what happened the next day a million times, in a lot of detail. If the rumour was true it would mean his entire story was made up. And that David knowingly told a load of lies. Lies that dragged in multiple other people who don't even have any connection to DW, and apparently David somehow forced all of them to go along with his lies!

    Please remember the source of this particular rumour and some of the other things she has said.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 40
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    Blimey it's like flogging a dead horse !

    CE Was on a one year contract. He was approached early in transmission to do series 2 - He either declined or did not confirm at the time, because of his feelings about those at the top and probably his own career.

    It was rational for those at the top to seek alternate actors to take on the role.

    CE didn't seem that passionate about staying, but at least maintained the professionalism that he wouldn't be continuing until the final broadcast.

    He didn't do the 50th because he didn't like the script
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    secretagentsecretagent Posts: 1,553
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    It's probably of no interest to anyone, but I'd just like to say that I, for one, am glad that he did the first series. If a "famous for being famous" idiot had been cast or some ex pretty boy soap star, then I probably wouldn't have watched or encouraged my children to do so. He remains my favourite Doctor so far.
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    IWasBoredIWasBored Posts: 3,418
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    Do you thinkthat one of these people on top of the pyramid may have been Alan yantob?
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    Isambard BrunelIsambard Brunel Posts: 6,598
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    IWasBored wrote: »
    Do you thinkthat one of these people on top of the pyramid may have been Alan yantob?

    Are you really trying to connect Christopher Eccleston leaving Doctor Who and Alan Yentob, because of his role as chairman of the former Kid's Company charity?

    What about the growing suspicion that Camila Batmanghelidjh based her trademark attire on Colin Baker's costume?
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    KoquillionKoquillion Posts: 1,909
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    IWasBored wrote: »
    Do you thinkthat one of these people on top of the pyramid may have been Alan yantob?

    Or Sutekh? :o
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