
Cameron "Labour are a danger to national security" ...



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    alfamalealfamale Posts: 10,309
    Forum Member
    The politics of Fear get endlessly used by the establishment and the right. As much as i wanted scotland to remain in UK i was embarrassed by the Better Together approach of your'e all going to be poor and/or dead if you leave us. Refugee debate was never about numbers, solution or the lack of infrastructure, it was either 'ISIS are coming here to kill us or we'll be the ethnic minority. Tony Blair led us into Iraq on the politics of fear and the 45 minutes rubbish. Try real debate instead.

    So even before the new Labour cabinet states its position on Syria or NATO or anything else we have tory ministers on repeating like a mantra "Labour are a danger to national security"
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    LandisLandis Posts: 14,920
    Forum Member
    Not really. Labour would only be a danger if it actually was in a position to implement the policies that Corbyn has said he wants to.

    Not one Labour supporter in this thread has argued against the statement and told us why Corbyn's policies are not a danger.

    Both economically - with his desire to print money (which will lead to a reduced currency, inflation, and eventually rising interest rates, hit the value of people's benefits, savings and incomes). His desire to leave NATO, not to engage in military intervention when required - will leave us internationally isolated and open to attack by the likes of ISIS - and if you don't think they will, how about saying why rather than attacking Cameron.

    It is not the Conservatives engaged in personal attacks but Labour supporters.

    You are kidding. :)

    Cameron is a National Security Threat right now. He wanted to give arms to ISIS so they could take control of Syria despite dire and graphic warnings from Boris Johnson and a refusal (to support the insanity) from Miliband. That is not Ifs and Buts. Is there some part of Summer 2013 that you don't understand? :confused:
    Cameron is unpredictable. He thinks that our future in the Eu hinges on a game of Poker. And has sent the World's most useless Poker Player (himself) to play.

    Until Corbyn, or a member of the Corbyn Shadow Cabinet, tells us otherwise, the Policies of the Labour Party are the same today as they were on Friday. The Policies of a party headed by Jeremy Corbyn cannot be put to the electorate for another four and a half years. Unless.....
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    fermynfermyn Posts: 2,766
    Forum Member
    I was under the impression that opposition party leaders were regularly briefed on important security issues.

    I wouldn't trust Corbyn not to spill the beans to one of his dubious 'friends'.
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    RagnarokRagnarok Posts: 4,656
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    GibsonSG wrote: »
    ....... Dangerous comment. Does anyone really question the Tory agenda now. Gave yourself away Mr Cameron. What next, banning legitimate political parties and other organisations. Sorry to reel out the over used comparison, but anyone for the 1930's?

    The only threat to national security I see in the house is Theresa May. I wouldn't vote Labour to save my life ether.
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    nainznainz Posts: 1,777
    Forum Member
    Honestly, Sun readers deserve better... https://twitter.com/suttonnick/status/643172463149510656
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    TomWhittonTomWhitton Posts: 1,465
    Forum Member
    Not really. Labour would only be a danger if it actually was in a position to implement the policies that Corbyn has said he wants to.

    Not one Labour supporter in this thread has argued against the statement and told us why Corbyn's policies are not a danger.

    Both economically - with his desire to print money (which will lead to a reduced currency, inflation, and eventually rising interest rates, hit the value of people's benefits, savings and incomes). His desire to leave NATO, not to engage in military intervention when required - will leave us internationally isolated and open to attack by the likes of ISIS - and if you don't think they will, how about saying why rather than attacking Cameron.

    It is not the Conservatives engaged in personal attacks but Labour supporters.

    The reason for that is because calling him a threat to national security is a COMPLETELY ****ING STUPID THING TO SAY and hence not worth arguing with.
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    SnowStorm86SnowStorm86 Posts: 17,273
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    The last time Cameron accused someone of being a threat to national security he shot them dead with a drone.
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    Forum Member
    The last time Cameron accused someone of being a threat to national security he shot them dead with a drone.

    I have already said if I was Corbyn I would avoid any late night drives through any underpasses
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    Forum Member
    SULLA wrote: »
    Dave is right. Corbyn is daft enough the dismantle our armed forces,

    Dave is prepared to defend this country. Corbyn isn't

    I would not be at all surprised if you actually believe that too.

    anyway, Leaving behind the garbage being vomited out of the ministry of truth, lets have a look at who is the largest threat to national security shall we?
    Military at war with David Cameron as top brass threaten to quit over defence budget cuts
    Military chiefs are threatening to quit over the Government’s failure to commit to a key defence ​spending target, it emerged today.
    At least four senior generals are considering resigning because they cannot face leading the Army through fresh cuts, it was reported yesterday.

    Low morale is gripping top brass and middle-ranking officers , who are in “disbelief” that ministers are failing to rule out again swinging the axe at the armed forces’ budget.

    Where Are Our Priorities? Tory Defence Cuts Are Dangerous And Unnecessary
    Ministry of Defence ordered to find £1 billion of further cost savings from the defence budget while OFGEM gives £500 million to power companies to make electrical power lines look prettier

    Government has no more fundamental duty than the protection of the realm from threats foreign and domestic. But while David Cameron’s Conservative majority government is quick to take action against domestic threats (eagerly spending money and passing laws which undermine our fundamental freedoms and civil liberties in the process), it is worryingly weak when it comes to keeping Britain well equipped to deal with foreign dangers.

    Tory cuts to police budget of 20% will leave public unprotected against crime and terror warns retiring senior officer

    Police forces all face major budget cuts
    Greater Manchester PCC Tony Lloyd said the government should look at funding cuts again.

    He told BBC Breakfast there had been 8,000 officers in his force as recently as 2010, but there could drop to 5,500 "if the present projected cuts go ahead".

    Such a reduction would be "a huge change in police numbers", he added.

    Shadow home secretary Yvette Cooper said Tory plans threatened "serious risks to policing and community safety".

    Tory cuts will increase risk of terror attacks – police chief
    The British state will no longer be able adequately to protect the public from criminals and the growing threat of homegrown terrorists if the Conservatives push through their plans to cut further into police numbers, the outgoing leader of the country’s chief constables has told the Observer.

    WHO is the greatest threat to national security at the moment?

    I could start digging up the effects of the Tory neglect on our border security forces too, there are plenty out there, but it's not like me to labour a point. ;-)

    So, how come all of a sudden the Tories see Jezzer as a threat to their tiny majority SORRY I meant national "security" get used to that word by the way, it is now the official replacement for "long term economic plan" which has been sent away for a little rest due to becoming totally exhausted after all the hard work it has put in over the past few months, and there is also some speculation that even though it has put in a lot of "hard work" it did not protect it from it's own cuts as it was low paid.
    another reason for it's retirement is that "it takes far longer both to read and to write and therefore it constantly runs into the inbuilt attention span problems of may of our supporters" a 'Tory party spokesman informs me'

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    MajlisMajlis Posts: 31,362
    Forum Member
    I would not be at all surprised if you actually believe that too.

    anyway, Leaving behind the garbage being vomited out of the ministry of truth, lets have a look at who is the largest threat to national security shall we?

    WHO is the greatest threat to national security at the moment?

    If you fell that cuts to the Armed Forces budgets are a threat to national security then you have to be in agreement with Cameron as Corbyn wants even deeper cuts.
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    Forum Member
    Majlis wrote: »
    If you fell that cuts to the Armed Forces budgets are a threat to national security then you have to be in agreement with Cameron as Corbyn wants even deeper cuts.
    I was pointing out that the beloved leader thinks that all those who hang on his every word are bloody idiots. when the only person who has (if you think that our security IS at risk from cuts) savaged our defence spending is the very man who now accuses someone who has not cut a single penny, of "putting our security at risk" and as ever his acolytes follow without question.
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    Jol44Jol44 Posts: 21,048
    Forum Member
    Nice of him to announce this major revelation on Twitter.

    What was it Cameron said, "too many tweets might make a Tw**"
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    NodgerNodger Posts: 6,668
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    TomWhitton wrote: »
    The reason for that is because calling him a threat to national security is a COMPLETELY ****ING STUPID THING TO SAY and hence not worth arguing with.

    Indeed, he's just the leader of the main opposition party, that's it. Not in any position to actually be a threat to national security nor is he likely to actually be in the event he were PM.
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    Jol44Jol44 Posts: 21,048
    Forum Member
    "Ex-Army head says David Cameron is to blame for rise of ISIS

    The former head of Britain’s Armed Forces has blamed David Cameron for the rise of Islamic State, saying he lacked ‘the balls’ to crush them militarily when they first emerged as a threat.

    In a scathing attack on Cameron’s record on Libya and Syria, General Sir David Richards, ex-chief of the defence staff, said the Prime Minister was more interested in pursuing a ‘Notting Hill liberal agenda’ than showing serious ‘statecraft’. Richards was backed by Britain’s spy chief, who delivered an astonishing personal slap-down to Cameron in a bitter Downing Street clash over Libya."

    Good old incompetent, Iraq war voting, Dave.
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    MajlisMajlis Posts: 31,362
    Forum Member
    I was pointing out that the beloved leader thinks that all those who hang on his every word are bloody idiots. when the only person who has (if you think that our security IS at risk from cuts) savaged our defence spending is the very man who now accuses someone who has not cut a single penny, of "putting our security at risk" and as ever his acolytes follow without question.

    If sure you think that all makes perfect sense... :confused:
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    BillyJamesTBillyJamesT Posts: 2,934
    Forum Member
    Corbyn is obviously being taken seriously by Cameron and the right wing media. If the Labour supporters get half as much fun with Corbyn's rise as I've got from the rise of the Yes movement in Scotland, then your about to have the time of your lifes. My advice,,,get involved.
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    SULLASULLA Posts: 149,789
    Forum Member
    I would not be at all surprised if you actually believe that too.
    Of course I believe it.
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    spiney2spiney2 Posts: 27,058
    Forum Member
    Cameron seems a poor judge of slogans, dreamed up by Tory Central Office, chucked out for the uk mainly tory papers to print. Maybe reflecting his past as a not terribly good PR man ?
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    GTR DavoGTR Davo Posts: 4,574
    Forum Member
    I completely agree with Cameron. Voting for this socialist run labour is nothing but dangerous for the UK and its people.
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    DotheboyshallDotheboyshall Posts: 40,583
    Forum Member
    GTR Davo wrote: »
    I completely agree with Cameron. Voting for this socialist run labour is nothing but dangerous for the UK and its people.
    Cameron has spent the past 5 years destroying the armed forces, why do you support him in doing that?
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    Slarti BartfastSlarti Bartfast Posts: 6,607
    Forum Member
    hume wrote: »
    Ed Miliband would've lost the election, even without the rise of the SNP. But with the Tories able to paint a picture of the two of them in an alliance, it resulted in a Conservative majority.
    The national security angle, the Tories are using, will result in a landslide victory.

    Because I don't follow every political twist and turn, like I use to, I don't get frustrated by it all. I also realise that the Tories are spending more than the last Labour government. Have committed themselves to Trident, HS2 and Hinkley point, (two of which are unaffordable) while cutting government spending across the board.
    The public will expect improvement and when none materialise they'll begin to question the government. But this will be sometime after 2020.
    Unfortunately too late for Corbyn.
    I doubt it. This government has taken doublethink to a whole new level, and it works. Their economic policies have been a disaster, they've borrowed more, they lost our AAA rating, we've had one of the slowest recoveries with umpteen dips, cuts to the most vulnerable leaving services on their knees and thousands of people dead. Yet many people believe things are better, because that's what the Tories say and so do their newspapers.
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    BrawladBrawlad Posts: 5,711
    Forum Member
    Corbyn is obviously being taken seriously by Cameron and the right wing media. If the Labour supporters get half as much fun with Corbyn's rise as I've got from the rise of the Yes movement in Scotland, then your about to have the time of your lifes. My advice,,,get involved.

    Someone on the same wavelength . The apocalyptic warnings, the attempts at character assassination . Al done in such a crack handed style as to make one thinks they are in the film " Carry on up the Media".
    I am getting the popcorn in for the next few days. You only have to watch the farce of a report on Sky News
    Fat anchor man: ( serious face , serious voice) Corbin refused to answer our question Three times.
    Blonde Bimbo: this is a disaster of such a magnitude.

    Lol. Fun times ahead
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    clinchclinch Posts: 11,574
    Forum Member
    And as well as slashing the army, decimating the air force and cutting major warship numbers, Cameron also scrapped our maritime patrol aircraft. We now keep having to ask the French and Canadians to patrol our waters against Russian subs.

    He became so embarrassed about not meeting the NATO two per cent that he was openly casting around for anything that he could count in to the budget - including pensions - to hit the figure.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,772
    Forum Member
    Union bosses threaten to use Jeremy Corbyn's victory to cripple UK

    The chiefs of Britain's biggest unions threaten to “topple the Government” using “coordinated strikes and demonstrations”
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