
heroes reborn us pace (spoilers)



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    Flash525Flash525 Posts: 8,862
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    Ep 3 was okay, though I'm still not too keen on this virtual reality rubbish. Be it a power or not, it just seems sooo unbelievably cheesey.
    zwixxx wrote: »
    ep3 - I can buy into most any power but the clone REALLY shoulda appeared naked. Having him all clothed makes no sense whatsoever.
    Depends how the power worked, but one of two things should have happened:

    1) The clone should have appeared naked
    2) The original should have been able to replicate a watch when his hand grew back; if one clone can replicate clothing, then another should be able to replicate an accessory. :p

    I do wonder whether the original has some sort of control over the others though, if the one we think of as the original is in fact the original.
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    PandakooPandakoo Posts: 5,452
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    I'm really trying to like this as I'm such a heroes fan. I'm probably the only one that found the original series getting better as it went along. But I'm just really not feeling this. I'm finding it boring and it's just not getting me excited. I will stick it out though. All the characters are just so boring and the storylines so far are so below average.
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    zwixxxzwixxx Posts: 10,295
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    Flash525 wrote: »
    ...Depends how the power worked, but one of two things should have happened:
    1) The clone should have appeared naked
    2) The original should have been able to replicate a watch when his hand grew back; if one clone can replicate clothing, then another should be able to replicate an accessory. :p
    I do wonder whether the original has some sort of control over the others though, if the one we think of as the original is in fact the original.
    I'm wondering if the clone makes a clone who makes a clone etc etc, with each successive clone being increasingly dumber, will we end up seeing 2 clones "getting jiggy with each other" :o
    Also, if the original was mortally injured, like a gunshot to the heart, when he severs a finger, will the clone be whole OR similarly mortally injured ?
    Kinda pissed at the show for NOT making his power simple to understand by giving us the a clone. Instead we got a bunch of wait-what-ifs, darn it.
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    F1etchF1etch Posts: 4,100
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    Kinda get the feeling this show could open up and relax a lot more if they just hurry up and reintroduce the alumni. Mentioning, showing in coming soon clips and the fact we know they're back is a chain around the neck here I feel. The whole thing just feels like they're building up to these moments. Also not feeling the woman with Zachary Levi. A supposed evo explosion kills her son and she becomes a mass murderer and is excited about a file? I get grief and all but come on. I doubt anyone who lost someone in a terror attack breaks into a hospital and goes round offing all the Muslim people on file just because someone who was Muslim killed their son in Iraq. It doesn't happen. She's so unrealistic which is saying something in a show where doctors believe a bullet wound is a nail injury or people teleport and fly.
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    ShotDownInFlameShotDownInFlame Posts: 5,718
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    It's a shame previous cast aren't around for too long.

    According to IMDB, ,Mohinder is around for 4 episodes while both Hiro and Matt are only around for 3.

    Although, I have to say the acting on show so far is pretty decent, I'm intrigued in Tommy's storyline, especially by his guardian angel, Colonel Sanders. The El Vengador story isn't too bad either, brings a slight Batman/Daredevil vibe to the show with a hero that has no powers which I think is refreshing for Heroes.

    Other than that, please don't do anymore video game segments, I love video games but that was just cringe-worthy. Plus, the sooner Zach Levi's character's wife gets killed off the better, one of the most unlikeable TV characters I've ever seen. Not even "love to hate" like Joffrey from GoT, just straight up annoying and horrid.
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    ArtfulDodger81ArtfulDodger81 Posts: 965
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    Yuffie wrote: »
    Just watched the first two episodes and I wasn't impressed.

    Just not great at all. If it's a short series I'll plow through it but I won't be able to stick a full length series.

    I'll catch episode 3 tomorrow night.

    I'm sure you'll enjoy, rumours are that Evernow will be next months ps plus offering

    Agree with above about the clone too many questions with that power and how do you kill him.

    It's inevitable that the masked Mexican guy will have a power soon considering his brother and nephew have one.
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    NoEntry2kNoEntry2k Posts: 15,036
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    This line from Conan O'Brien on his talk show last week made me smile - "Heroes Reborn... soon to be renamed Heroes Re-cancelled". :D
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    BatchBatch Posts: 3,346
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    NoEntry2k wrote: »
    This line from Conan O'Brien on his talk show last week made me smile - "Heroes Reborn... soon to be renamed Heroes Re-cancelled". :D

    Unfortunately think he's right, really enjoyed the original Heroes, even the not so good series. But this just hasn't captured the imagination enough. Feels like where Heroes was ultimately headed on its original slide..

    Oh, and what's with the truly awful way they present the "what's on next week" segment at the end of the show !!
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
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    I can't see why they've made this series. It is basically just Heroes with a different cast.

    I really don't like the two tracking down the Evos. And I'm not keen on seeing the Evos basically do what they've always done in the first show.

    They are called Evos for a reason and the show really hasn't evolved.
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    ArtfulDodger81ArtfulDodger81 Posts: 965
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    I think it lacks the actual hero, in the first one it was Peter, the guy who could stand up to Sylar. 2 Evos that go head to head, this series just hasnt got that. Don't think clone guy will have me convinced that he is as bad as Sylar
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    LyceumLyceum Posts: 3,399
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    Really wanted to love this but finding if all a bit blah.

    The first series of Heroes was fantastic TV. Every week left you with so many questions that you actually were interested in finding the answers too.

    The entire series built up to the Sylar V Peter show down and the twists and turns were actually shocking (the initial 'Walker' system reveal etc'.

    This has non of that. I don't care for Katanna girl or how/why her father ended up on a video game needing to be rescued. I don't care where the beardy blokes sister is. I'm not in the least bit interested in 'save the cheerleader save the world take 2 - but with a school boy not girl'.

    I find I don't even care about HRG and why he wiped Claire's death from his memory. Or how the invincible cheerleader met her demise.

    I really wanted more heroes one.
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    ShotDownInFlameShotDownInFlame Posts: 5,718
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    The problem with Heroes Reborn is the pacing is just too damn slow, the acting ranges from competent to poor, the dialogue and general plot direction leaves a lot to be desired and the special effects are... well they remind me of Power Rangers, and I say this as a HUGE fan of the original run.

    I feel like Tim Kring and the other show runners haven't learnt anything about why the original run was cancelled, and the fact that they now have shows to compete with in the form of Arrow and Flash just makes that all the more obvious. A truly dated show. But just like the original run I will stick with it to the end in the hopes the final chapter is worth such a slow burn.
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    Virtual PaulVirtual Paul Posts: 4,671
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    Can't believe they've learnt nothing from the downfall of the original. It's like they chose to try to prove to everyone who gave up on it first time they were wrong by showing how it would have gone down, but taking the same drawn out incohesive multiple storyline approach that caused the original to fail.

    The 'we know what the end game is but we aren't going to tell you anything because really the storyline is full of holes and not that interesting anyway so we can't tell you' is at Lost levels of absurd.

    Spoiler from episode 4 and latest episode 5:
    The whole molly thing was ridiculous with her actions from the point she met HRG, not telling him anything then topping herself because she also didn't want to help those who caught her that HRG was helping her escape from. Then we have the 'save the world' girl with the envelope with the 'reason' and she doesn't even open it.

    I've always wondered why the show was called Heroes when they do nothing cohesive to be heroic. Just soap opera levels of in fighting and the usual 'big bad' coming to get them. Now I know it's because the producers are phoning it in and they said 'evos' not 'heroes'.

    Spoiler from episode 5 (The Lion's Den):
    At least they gave some explanation of how claire is presumed dead, with that shadow girl (beardies sister or is her sister the anti-shadow? he said she could be shadow killer so could go either way) stopping her power from working so they could kill her.
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    LyceumLyceum Posts: 3,399
    Forum Member
    Can't believe they've learnt nothing from the downfall of the original. It's like they chose to try to prove to everyone who gave up on it first time they were wrong by showing how it would have gone down, but taking the same drawn out incohesive multiple storyline approach that caused the original to fail.

    The 'we know what the end game is but we aren't going to tell you anything because really the storyline is full of holes and not that interesting anyway so we can't tell you' is at Lost levels of absurd.

    Spoiler from episode 4 and latest episode 5:
    The whole molly thing was ridiculous with her actions from the point she met HRG, not telling him anything then topping herself because she also didn't want to help those who caught her that HRG was helping her escape from. Then we have the 'save the world' girl with the envelope with the 'reason' and she doesn't even open it.

    I've always wondered why the show was called Heroes when they do nothing cohesive to be heroic. Just soap opera levels of in fighting and the usual 'big bad' coming to get them. Now I know it's because the producers are phoning it in and they said 'evos' not 'heroes'.

    Spoiler from episode 5 (The Lion's Den):
    At least they gave some explanation of how claire is presumed dead, with that shadow girl (beardies sister or is her sister the anti-shadow? he said she could be shadow killer so could go either way) stopping her power from working so they could kill her.

    I think the first ever series the word Heroes for perfectly.

    You had ordinary people discovering these amazing abilities and having to decide to become brave enough to not only show the world but to step up, band together and fight the 'big bad'. They had to become heroes.

    As above though this feels really dated. Like they've just carried on where the last series ended as if there's been no break.

    They seem to have learnt nothing at all from why the show took a nose dive and are just carrying on regardless.
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    PandakooPandakoo Posts: 5,452
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    I'm loving this series now, took me four episodes but I'm hooked. I still can't stand the Japanese characters and storyline but apart from that it's got me interested. I know most people find the pace slow but it fits the show.

    Will there be a season two?
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    ShotDownInFlameShotDownInFlame Posts: 5,718
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    Rewatching the latest episode, it dawned on me that there was a plot thread brought up that could potentially redeem the slow burn of the series. And that is the identity of Tommy's dad.

    I mean for some reason Tommy (whose real name is Nathan apparently) wasn't told who he was or about his biological parents because "we were worried you'd try save your dad". It strikes me as interesting that his dad is singled out while his mother doesn't get a mention.

    And because his name is Nathan, well there's only 3 possibilities really. a) He's Nathan Petrelli's orphan kid just like Claire was in the original run, b) Peter had a secret child and called him Nathan after his brother or c) Tommy is Sylar's kid who called him Nathan out of guilt.

    So the question is, will we see any of these 3 characters appear towards the end of the series?
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,702
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    And because his name is Nathan, well there's only 3 possibilities really. a) He's Nathan Petrelli's orphan kid just like Claire was in the original run, b) Peter had a secret child and called him Nathan after his brother or c) Tommy is Sylar's kid who called him Nathan out of guilt.

    Surely the kid is too old to have been born after the events of Heroes though, which would rule out any possibility of him being Sylars kid?

    Of course it's possible he may have aged faster than normal which may be the case with Malina as Harris was seemingly expecting her to be a baby.
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    ShotDownInFlameShotDownInFlame Posts: 5,718
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    Corwin wrote: »
    Surely the kid is too old to have been born after the events of Heroes though, which would rule out any possibility of him being Sylars kid?

    It could be possible that Sylar had a kid he himself was unaware about pre-original Heroes run. I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote something like that in to the canon for shock value.
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    CorwinCorwin Posts: 16,702
    Forum Member
    It could be possible that Sylar had a kid he himself was unaware about pre-original Heroes run. I wouldn't be surprised if they wrote something like that in to the canon for shock value.

    Bit of a coincidence that the kid is called Nathan then.

    With regards to Malina by guess is she's Claire's daughter and part of her power let her age up from a baby in the last year.

    Protecting his Grandaughter is why HRG had his memory wiped.
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    Flash525Flash525 Posts: 8,862
    Forum Member
    Good theories about Tommy/Nathan, what's the bet though that [they] plan to use his power (of moving stuff) to actually move the entire world? If he could temporarily move Earth as that flare is about to hit, then he'd save the lives of the entire planet. :D

    Still not sure what's going on (or what's suppose to be going on) with Katana Girl, that's got to be leading somewhere, right? Seems a lot of nonsense at the moment.
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    ShotDownInFlameShotDownInFlame Posts: 5,718
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    Flash525 wrote: »
    Good theories about Tommy/Nathan, what's the bet though that [they] plan to use his power (of moving stuff) to actually move the entire world? If he could temporarily move Earth as that flare is about to hit, then he'd save the lives of the entire planet. :D

    Still not sure what's going on (or what's suppose to be going on) with Katana Girl, that's got to be leading somewhere, right? Seems a lot of nonsense at the moment.

    I think what you say could potentially happen, or at least I could see it happening because the writing on the show is so shoddy sometimes. BUT the threat is a solar flare and we have a character who absorbs and harnesses the power of solar energy...coincidence? I wouldn't be surprised if Tommy's use is to teleport Luke straight into the eye of the solar flare or some bollocks like that so he absorbs the entire thing, wiping out the threat and sacrificing himself so he lives on with his son in the "afterlife".

    As for Katana Girl, I can't exactly think of any logical way she could influence the solar flare with her power. Personally I think her story really is serving simply as a means of writing Hiro back into the fold in a somewhat creative way. Once Hiro is in she'll serve little purpose other than to be a bodyguard/sidekick type to Noah.
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
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    As for Katana Girl, I can't exactly think of any logical way she could influence the solar flare with her power. Personally I think her story really is serving simply as a means of writing Hiro back into the fold in a somewhat creative way. Once Hiro is in she'll serve little purpose other than to be a bodyguard/sidekick type to Noah.

    Perhaps she can influence the solar flare in virtual reality in a way she can't do in normal reality.
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    ShotDownInFlameShotDownInFlame Posts: 5,718
    Forum Member
    I...I don't even know where to begin on this latest episode.

    The video game segments returned complete with "LEEEEEROY JENKINS" once more to create an overload of cringe.

    Then there were two major deaths that were glossed over so incredibly quickly you wonder why the characters were introduced in the first place.

    And there came a point where I watched an extremely poorly rendered "shadow hand" forcibly insert itself into a guys mouth that I just had to laugh, there was just no other reaction to it, words failed me big time.

    Meanwhile some characters met up for overly convenient reasons to advance the plot and immediately hit it off in again, overly convenient means. Other characters didn't have a lot going on and had scenes which you could fast forward through and not miss out on anything *cough* El Vengador *cough*.

    Finally though, Hiro is back. So I guess there's that, but even that didn't quite deliver and certainly didn't help soften the blow on the fact that this may have been one of the most ill conceived episodes of any TV show I've seen in a while.
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    Alien28Alien28 Posts: 1,382
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    I agree, shoddy episode, but even Heroes got in on the Back to the Future hype this week... Did anyone else spot it?
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    ShotDownInFlameShotDownInFlame Posts: 5,718
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    Alien28 wrote: »
    I agree, shoddy episode, but even Heroes got in on the Back to the Future hype this week... Did anyone else spot it?

    88 Hill Valley indeed, shame that was one of very few pleasing moments this week
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