
Tide turns against Islamacists in Syria

DrivethruDrivethru Posts: 1,064
Forum Member
We are reaching the end game for Islamacists, Neo Ottoman ambitions, Saudi ambitions for Western Syria. Russia's hammer blow now has the islamacists retreating after taking very heavy losses. The Syrian Army is retaking 100s of KMs per day. The Liblabcon's dream is over, Assad, the most secular leader in the region - and I include Israel in that assertion, is taking back control of his country. The most beautiful thing about this is the Christians and moderate shias will be able to relax this Xmas knowing their future is far brighter - thanks to Russia.





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    johnny_boi_UKjohnny_boi_UK Posts: 3,761
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    hardly, the damage is already done, thousands dead and millions have been dispersed.

    sure the isis army may be beaten but their cause will just be buried for the time being
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    mal2poolmal2pool Posts: 5,690
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    `Assad could have taken control sooner if we hadnt helped the rebels. we caused half of this again, the war could have been over and less died.
    whats the point of all this destruction and death. its gets nowhere, nothing will change when its all over.
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    davordavor Posts: 6,874
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    mal2pool wrote: »
    `Assad could have taken control sooner if we hadnt helped the rebels. we caused half of this again, the war could have been over and less died.
    whats the point of all this destruction and death. its gets nowhere, nothing will change when its all over.

    That's true. Assad would have defeated Syrian rebel groups with minimal casualties if the west and the Sunni countries hadn't been helping Islamists by providing weapons and logistics.
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    mountymounty Posts: 19,253
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    We can't put any faith in assad his thugs have murdered thousands and he is directly responsible for unleashing them.
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    Sky_GuySky_Guy Posts: 6,859
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    Unless Assad is put back into control of Syria, it will carry on.

    You also have Libya, no one is running the place, it will end up with group troops in the region to install someone.

    What fools we were for getting rid of Gaddafi, he was made and evil, but maintained control.
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    DrivethruDrivethru Posts: 1,064
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    mounty wrote: »
    We can't put any faith in assad his thugs have murdered thousands and he is directly responsible for unleashing them.

    Actually Turkey, Saudi, France, UK, US and friends are directly responsible for what befell Syria. Same for Libya. Putin has defeated the Sunni enablers in Syria. The Sunni enablers should give Libya another go, Syria will again be a secular state where Shias and Christians are safe - like before we started to arm Islamacists with the Neo Ottomans.
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    mal2poolmal2pool Posts: 5,690
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    mounty wrote: »
    We can't put any faith in assad his thugs have murdered thousands and he is directly responsible for unleashing them.

    assad is defending his country with everything it takes, we would do the same i bet.....if his people hadnt turned on him he wouldnt have retaliated.
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    PrestonAlPrestonAl Posts: 10,342
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    Many Syrians would rather live under ISIS than Assad, and they loathe ISIS.
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    Sky_GuySky_Guy Posts: 6,859
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    They have killed a senior rebel, by air strike. On Christmas day?
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    DrivethruDrivethru Posts: 1,064
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    Yip. ^^

    Personally I think we should show respect to Turkey and Saudi at this point. They spent a fortune trying to Sunnify Western Syria and Russia has undone their work in less than 2 months. We should also spare a thought for UK, US and French taxpayers whose weapons found their way to ISIS and Al Nusra, but are now back with Assad after the Damascus retreat yesterday.

    Finally we should spare a thought for the guy who calls himself the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights - he told the world 250,000 Syrian 'civilians' have died so far. I am afraid that myth is coming to end also.
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    DotheboyshallDotheboyshall Posts: 40,583
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    Tide turns against Islamacists in Afghanistan...
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    DrivethruDrivethru Posts: 1,064
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    That never happened. Afghanistan is a lost cause - for both the people there and the UK/US taxpayer..
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    Sky_GuySky_Guy Posts: 6,859
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    Drivethru wrote: »
    That never happened. Afghanistan is a lost cause - for both the people there and the UK/US taxpayer..

    They tried to westernise it, the people did not want it.
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    misawa97misawa97 Posts: 11,579
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    Sky_Guy wrote: »
    They have killed a senior rebel, by air strike. On Christmas day?

    May allah forgive him. Alloush was a leader of the sahwat that fought against the state, Aligned with the taghout against the state and came to the conclusion that fighting Muslims was more important than fighting the Shia oppressors and Assad.

    He agreed to that ridiculous agreement in Riyadh to please his masters and now gets taken out.
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    Jellied EelJellied Eel Posts: 33,091
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    Sky_Guy wrote: »
    They have killed a senior rebel, by air strike. On Christmas day?

    It's not Christmas day till Jan 7th..

    Then again, it's possible some folks took their xmas bonus early-


    Showing some.. interesting gold trading. And possibly the largest theft in history, if it's true.
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    Blockz99Blockz99 Posts: 5,045
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    misawa97 wrote: »
    May allah forgive him. Alloush was a leader of the sahwat that fought against the state, Aligned with the taghout against the state and came to the conclusion that fighting Muslims was more important than fighting the Shia oppressors and Assad.

    He agreed to that ridiculous agreement in Riyadh to please his masters and now gets taken out.

    Muslims killing muslims who would have thought that possible :o . Alloush was a salafist extremist who was supported until recently by Saudi he was also wanted for murdering and torture of Syrians who oppose Assad see the case of the abduction of Razan Zaytouneh, a Syrian human-rights campaigner. But then those who support Alloush and ISIS dont't pay too much attention to human rights.

    Again your saying that Shia are not Muslims .

    Still not brave enough to say whether you support IS or not ?
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    oncemoreoncemore Posts: 2,953
    Forum Member
    This would all have been so much less bloody if Assad had acquiesced to the will of the Syrian people and stepped down from power. Sadly, that isn't how it went down.

    I'm sure the US and the west will find something Russia wants enough so that they will trade Assad. Maybe ensure he won't face criminal charges or something. We will see how Geneva goes I guess.
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    DrivethruDrivethru Posts: 1,064
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    oncemore wrote: »
    This would all have been so much less bloody if Assad had acquiesced to the will of the Syrian people and stepped down from power.

    The majority of Syrians wanted Assad - the sole protector of the Christians and Shias, to step down? When did that happen?
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    oncemoreoncemore Posts: 2,953
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    Drivethru wrote: »
    The majority of Syrians wanted Assad - the sole protector of the Christians and Shias, to step down? When did that happen?

    2011, around when Assad was rounding up thousands of protesters (whoops I mean "terrorists") who wanted pesky things like freedom of expression and press.

    Assad positioning himself as a protector of secularism was always laughable.
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    Jellied EelJellied Eel Posts: 33,091
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    Both the Al Jazeera and France 24 news channels, to their credit, give a far better and more rounded picture of what is actually happening in the Middle East even if that makes for uncomfortable viewing at times.

    Not always, just a different version of the state broadcaster. Somewhere in between the various state broadcasters may lie the truth. In Western broadcasts, Assad is still bad despite having had a fairly liberal/secular state up until the Sunni states decided that was setting a bad example, and he had to go. So cue mysterious gunmen opening fire, as happened in Libya & Ukraine.. And a media ready to blame Assad for those shootings, as they blamed Gaddafi in Libya. And then the usual rebellion.

    Although unlike Libya, we've not really been providing air support to the moderate terrorists, just turning a blind eye when Sunni states arm them. And somehow supporting, or at least allowing NATO member Turkey to profit from Syrian oil. Video on RT showed Russia bombing more convoys heading for Turkey. Usual suspects will call that 'war crimes' and civilian deaths, but trading with an enemy makes an enemy.

    So all rather messy, especially as we seem to be sticking to the policy of regime change and saying Assad must go.. Despite the likely replacement being a less secular Islamic state.
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    Jellied EelJellied Eel Posts: 33,091
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    oncemore wrote: »
    2011, around when Assad was rounding up thousands of protesters (whoops I mean "terrorists") who wanted pesky things like freedom of expression and press.

    Where's the evidence of this? We 'round up' protestors when they get a bit unruly quite regularly.
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    oncemoreoncemore Posts: 2,953
    Forum Member
    Where's the evidence of this? We 'round up' protestors when they get a bit unruly quite regularly.

    We rarely open fire into crowds of them though. That's typically the actions of a despot.


    Not sure why people are trying to paint him as some savior of Syria or whatever. He's gassed and killed his own people deliberately, just like his dad. He's a tyrant. The question is whether or not the west can manage to convince Russia to let him go or somehow arrange a deal where he stays for a bit until a transition can be made to a new person. Not sure if they will get that, though.

    Either way, trying to push the narrative that Assad is somehow good for his country instead of just an "elected" leader desperately clinging to power is pretty asinine.
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    thenetworkbabethenetworkbabe Posts: 45,639
    Forum Member
    Drivethru wrote: »
    We are reaching the end game for Islamacists, Neo Ottoman ambitions, Saudi ambitions for Western Syria. Russia's hammer blow now has the islamacists retreating after taking very heavy losses. The Syrian Army is retaking 100s of KMs per day. The Liblabcon's dream is over, Assad, the most secular leader in the region - and I include Israel in that assertion, is taking back control of his country. The most beautiful thing about this is the Christians and moderate shias will be able to relax this Xmas knowing their future is far brighter - thanks to Russia.




    If you look at Assad supporting sources, of course they claim victory - so did the Iraqi propaganda minISter as US tanks rode into Baghdad.

    The reality so far is small gains on the ground - because Assad still lacks infantry - and the Iranians and hizbollah have got fed up of their casualties, and reduced their effort. The successes have been in stopping the key remaining Assad controlled areas falling.

    Russian firepower is doing a lot of damage - pretty indicriminately - but without infantry to take and hold territory, the war goes on.

    ISIS is not doing so well against the Kurds, or now the Iraqis - who seem to have ISIS forces in Ramadi outnumbered by 16 to 1 , and are nearing recapturing the city - with coalition airpower in support. .
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    thenetworkbabethenetworkbabe Posts: 45,639
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    Drivethru wrote: »
    The majority of Syrians wanted Assad - the sole protector of the Christians and Shias, to step down? When did that happen?

    The majority of people in Syria are Sunni and other minorities. The fact that the Shia minority want to maintain their oppression of the majority , hardly makes them the only people with a say. Assad has to go , and Alawite dominance has to end.
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    Jellied EelJellied Eel Posts: 33,091
    Forum Member
    oncemore wrote: »
    We rarely open fire into crowds of them though. That's typically the actions of a despot.



    Human rights groups said that since protests began seven days ago in the south, 38 people had been killed by government forces

    Hardly 'thousands'. And the same thing happened when Libya and Ukraine kicked off. Mysterious gunmen start shooting, crowd goes wild etc etc. And in Syria, where did the Free Syrian Army originate?

    Precise details were hard to obtain because the government sealed off the area to reporters and would not let foreign news media into the country.

    Yet the news comes out, 'thousands' were killed by the cruel despot..
    Not sure why people are trying to paint him as some savior of Syria or whatever. He's gassed and killed his own people deliberately, just like his dad.

    So Barry O'Bomber announces a 'red line' if CBW were used. And waddya know, gas gets used. Much as it has been by Islamists in Iraq. And there's evidence that CBW precursors were being supplied to the moderate terrorists by Turkey...
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