
The Big Holby City Thread (Part 5)



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    lucy-loulucy-lou Posts: 236
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    No way are they Raf's twins...for one Kim has to be more than 10 weeks with a bump that size!
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    bel110bel110 Posts: 14,128
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    lucy-lou wrote: »
    No way are they Raf's twins...for one Kim has to be more than 10 weeks with a bump that size!

    I know I thought that, I have twins and had no bump until after 12 weeks, I also thought they looked quite developed on the scan. BUT I then thought that surely 3 medical experts would be able to tell the difference between a foetus of approx 10 weeks and say 16 weeks which was nearer her bump size?
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    memmhmemmh Posts: 14,384
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    Raf was back on AAU last week, and now he was in Keller this week. They need to make up their minds about where he's meant to be working these days.
    Morgsie wrote: »
    Raf should insist on paternity test once the babies are born.
    More degrading of Dom from Isaac, I really hope there is light at the end of tunnel and that Dom is free from Isaac
    Do like a bit of Mo and Jac. Not sure about Jac and Matteo
    I also like Berena and Catherine Russel and Gemma Redgrave are fantastic. I hope Serena gets help
    Catherine and Jemma really are fantastic.
    And, yes, Raf should definitely insist on a paternity test.
    Lucytash wrote: »
    Jason will be back. There was a picture of him having his haircut on Twitter – that's why Twitter is useful, for information! Catherine Russell said hello my nephew !!
    I assumed Jules was just on holiday, but I was surprised that there were no mentions of Jason over the past few weeks, or only very brief ones. He was so badly injured he needed emergency surgery, but only one person asked how he was. I thought there would be more concern, although I suppose his injury was overshadowed by Elinor's death.
    bel110 wrote: »
    My first instinct was the babies are not Rafs, but then I came more convinced they might be, but that woman is very dodgy so who knows?

    Essie's reaction was totally understated. I'm sorry but here is a woman who desperately wants a baby and who has just found out the guy she is casually seeing has managed to get another woman pregnant with not one but two babies and he's pretty happy about it ... and Essie seems totally fine about it all and even pleased for him?

    I wonder if the babies are Rafs and then in a few weeks Essie also discovers she's pregnant leaving Raf in the bizarre situation of having unborn children with two different woman and being torn between them.

    The rest was really strong - Jas / Serena / Bernie and Mo / Jac are always a joy. So glad Mo didn't know Dermots number, I don't know anyone's number these days :D
    I'm not sure how much Essie and Raf care for each other. It does seem to be a very casual relationship. I'm sure she'd be upset if Sacha got someone pregnant, but I don't think she's particularly emotionally invested in Raf.
    bel110 wrote: »
    I know I thought that, I have twins and had no bump until after 12 weeks, I also thought they looked quite developed on the scan. BUT I then thought that surely 3 medical experts would be able to tell the difference between a foetus of approx 10 weeks and say 16 weeks which was nearer her bump size?
    None of them are experts in obstetrics. They may not even have done obstetric rotations during their training. It does happen that trainee doctors and nurses don't do rotations with every medical speciality. And none of them have children of their own, so probably have limited experience with pregnancies. It did come across that none of them really knew what they were doing with the ultrasound.
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    Collins1965Collins1965 Posts: 13,954
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    Essie not being emotionally invested in the relationship with Raf makes it even worse in my eyes because she is hurting Sacha so much over nothing then. Horrible self absorbed woman. I hope Raf dumps her for Kim even if Kim is a complete bunny boiler.
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    bel110bel110 Posts: 14,128
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    I don't think Essie not being emotionally invested would make her any less upset. When you are desperate to have a baby you resent any woman who can conceive. It's not really about Raf at all, but the fact Raf impregnated kim ( who she knows and who's son she looked after because she couldn't cope ) would make it a double blow. It would be quite tough for her to swallow and I don't buy at all that she was so cool about it all ...
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    memmhmemmh Posts: 14,384
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    Perhaps we'll see more of a reaction from Essie as the story develops.
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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,422
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    I have severe doubts those babies are Rafs. I know miracles can happen but it really would have to be a miracle, unkess they're changing his probkems. Not onky had he and Amy been trying for years (they'd been together since University and wanted kids for much, if not all of that time), they'd had extensive tests which showed that Amy did not have a hostile womb (or any other issue) but he not only had a low sperm count, they had been irreparably damaged by a prior illnes, possibly Mumps. They were on such bad shape that IVF wasn't even worth trying.

    Though they've already changed what he'd always wanted to call a boy, it used to be Callum (Mae for a girl), and Amy still named her son that.

    I'd say she's either bunny boiling or thinks a Doctor is a better bet financially than the real father.

    The Serena stuff was good, as was the Jac / Mo scenes and interesting POW on Darwin but I found much of it a bit blah and/or contrived.

    Why didn't Jac have her own bike or car at the Hospital? She's always driven in unkess she's spent the night with a colleague and we know she and Marreo weren't together. If Mo and Jac were both finished their shifts, why wasn't anybody else and why couldn't one of them have hiven her a lift, like Sacha. Why did she have her passport at work? Was she meant to go without a change of clothes? How did Matteo know she wasn't due to have Emma, especially if she wasn't due at work tge next day or so? Why is Mo so bothered about Jac getting with Matteo, she never helped smooth over issues with Jonny, despite knowing that he was nuts about her...

    I guess none of that woukd bother me if I liked the romance but I don't. I just don't see any chemistry at all and it's really out of character for Jac to be so invested, so early. It took months for her to start admitting feelings for either Joseph or Jonny. And I don't believe she'd ever let his having been.on the team that stole the Stent go. Why have Mo and Hansenn?

    Finally, yet more comments about how pretty he is, how good he smells, sex on.legs. enough already. He's hot, he's wonderful, Jacs lucky ti have him. I understand the memo on hiw we're meant to view him. But I'm afraid I don't.
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    srhgtssrhgts Posts: 8,941
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    Whyyyyy would Jac get involved with Matteo, I don't buy it at all. He screwed her over professionally and they're just ridiculous together, totally incompatible. There's nothing about him that she'd be drawn to on any level. And without meaning offence to the actor, all the other characters droning on about him being an adonis constantly is ludicrous; imo he's not attractive at all. Ollie is 50 times more attractive but no one gushes about him constantly. The Jac and Matteo kissing scenes have been painful to watch, they're just so weird together. I've found Jac being with anyone who isn't Joseph pretty weird, but Matteo has to be the worst of the lot by miles. Even more than the awful Johnny. Even more than Guy. Terrible stuff.

    God I loathe Isaac , hope he meets with a horrible comeuppance. I suspect it won't be any time soon and we'll have to see plenty more vile abusive disgusting behaviour towards Dom, but when he gets his just desserts it'd better be good. He's an absolute monster. I am kinda enjoying the storyline really but it's horrid to see him be so incredibly cruel and manipulative towards Dom.
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,601
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    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    I guess none of that woukd bother me if I liked the romance but I don't. I just don't see any chemistry at all and it's really out of character for Jac to be so invested, so early. It took months for her to start admitting feelings for either Joseph or Jonny. And I don't believe she'd ever let his having been.on the team that stole the Stent go. Why have Mo and Hansenn?

    Finally, yet more comments about how pretty he is, how good he smells, sex on.legs. enough already. He's hot, he's wonderful, Jacs lucky ti have him. I understand the memo on hiw we're meant to view him. But I'm afraid I don't.

    I feel exactly the same about this KitKat. It is just so incredibly contrived, and has been from the outset. He has been completely forced down the viewer's throats as being prefect in every way. They made it so obvious from the first second he appeared that he was a love interest that it has made the whole thing completely boring in my opinion.

    I don't dislike Matteo as a character, in fact I think that I probably would like him, if he were simply interacting with other characters and allowed to develop naturally as a character in his own right. However, I think that there is zero chemistry between him and Jac, and I found that kissing scene to be completely cringy to watch.

    As you say, it is entirely out of character for Jac to behave like that in respect of a man she has only just met. Joseph was supposed to be the love of her life, and I am fairly sure she never behaved in the giddy fashion she did last night, especially in front of a work colleague. It took months with Jonny too, and whilst I wasn't a major fan of that pairing in the end, there was, at least, plenty of chemistry between the two of them.

    Catherine Russell was outstanding again last night again. I felt so frustrated with Serena, but thought the performance was just brilliant and so believable. Ditto for Redgrave. I wasn't a major fan of Bernie's character at the outset, but I think that she is fantastic now. I am also loving both Morven and Jasmine at the moment.

    Agree with the poster who said that they need to make up their minds about where Raf works. There is no explanation as to why he is moving between Keller and AAU from week to week. Also don't think that he is the father of those babies and find it odd that he hasn't really questioned it at all. Kim does seem to be much further than 10 weeks along, but I am guessing that the actress who plays Kim is actually expecting in real life. I had actually thought that when she appeared previously. I don't think that the character is meant to be much more than three months.

    I agree with Collins' comments re Essie. Why break Sacha's heart over something which mattered so little? I also didn't particularly like that she was having a bit of a laugh at him with Raf at the start, when talking about him eating all of the chocolate.
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    bel110bel110 Posts: 14,128
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    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    I have severe doubts those babies are Rafs. I know miracles can happen but it really would have to be a miracle, unkess they're changing his probkems. Not onky had he and Amy been trying for years (they'd been together since University and wanted kids for much, if not all of that time), they'd had extensive tests which showed that Amy did not have a hostile womb (or any other issue) but he not only had a low sperm count, they had been irreparably damaged by a prior illnes, possibly Mumps. They were on such bad shape that IVF wasn't even worth trying.

    Though they've already changed what he'd always wanted to call a boy, it used to be Callum (Mae for a girl), and Amy still named her son that.

    I'd say she's either bunny boiling or thinks a Doctor is a better bet financially than the real father.


    Thanks, that's interesting ... I didn't watch back then so I didn't know how extreme his fertility issues are and it does seem like it would be incredibly unlikely and almost impossible for him to be the father but as you say miracles do happen!

    I suppose it does explain why he found it so easy to accept that the babies might be his though, and whilst he may have doubts very deep down it's understandable that he would desperately want to believe Kim was telling the truth and grab this opportunity with both hands and not question it too much.
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    SweetiecatSweetiecat Posts: 1,819
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    kitkat1971 wrote: »
    Finally, yet more comments about how pretty he is, how good he smells, sex on.legs. enough already. He's hot, he's wonderful, Jacs lucky ti have him. I understand the memo on hiw we're meant to view him. But I'm afraid I don't.

    I don't either. From his very first appearance I thought his face looked like a monkey/ape and I can't get that image of him out of my head now. I would take almost any if the other male characters from Holby before Matteo personally.
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    kazmartinskazmartins Posts: 1,428
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    Sweetiecat wrote: »
    I don't either. From his very first appearance I thought his face looked like a monkey/ape and I can't get that image of him out of my head now. I would take almost any if the other male characters from Holby before Matteo personally.

    I don't find him good looking either - Valentine is much better looking and they don't swoon over him - The accent is ok but again nothing special and I think without the beard he might be quite normal looking!!
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    Ziggy RainbowZiggy Rainbow Posts: 1,528
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    srhgts wrote: »
    Whyyyyy would Jac get involved with Matteo, I don't buy it at all. He screwed her over professionally and they're just ridiculous together, totally incompatible. There's nothing about him that she'd be drawn to on any level. And without meaning offence to the actor, all the other characters droning on about him being an adonis constantly is ludicrous; imo he's not attractive at all. Ollie is 50 times more attractive but no one gushes about him constantly. The Jac and Matteo kissing scenes have been painful to watch, they're just so weird together. I've found Jac being with anyone who isn't Joseph pretty weird, but Matteo has to be the worst of the lot by miles. Even more than the awful Johnny. Even more than Guy. Terrible stuff.

    God I loathe Isaac , hope he meets with a horrible comeuppance. I suspect it won't be any time soon and we'll have to see plenty more vile abusive disgusting behaviour towards Dom, but when he gets his just desserts it'd better be good. He's an absolute monster. I am kinda enjoying the storyline really but it's horrid to see him be so incredibly cruel and manipulative towards Dom.

    I totally agree. I can't see the attraction of Matteo, or any chemistry between him and Jac. And yes, Ollie is ridiculously good looking, though very well matched by gorgeous Zosia. I loved the scenes with Mo and Jac, they make a good double act. I assume Mr T is on paternity leave, and no one is covering his job? Because the scenes with the baby scan were just silly. I'm another one who doesn't believe the babies are Raf's.
    Re your comments on Isaac, I couldn't have put it any better. He's repulsive. But very well acted.
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    Little StarLittle Star Posts: 1,601
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    kazmartins wrote: »
    I don't find him good looking either - Valentine is much better looking and they don't swoon over him - The accent is ok but again nothing special and I think without the beard he might be quite normal looking!!

    Good point! Valentine is never swooned over and we rarely hear about him being good looking now. In fact, he is treated more like a comedy esque character now and, in my opinion, he is far more attractive than Matteo.

    I have thought for a while that both Ollie and Zosia could be going soon, so they may be trying to create a new 'swoon' character on Darwin.
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    skteoskskteosk Posts: 19,740
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    So, looks like Raf has got a miracle baby (or two), just not with Essie. I remain sceptical, given that Kim has not been the most trustworthy woman in the past. I was very surprised at Raf rejecting her phone call at the start: Isn't he meant to be her addiction sponsor or something? And yes, he does seem to work on whichever ward the storyline requires.

    Serena seems to have been pulled back from the brink, time will tell whether it's enough to keep her at work. Jasmine was an idiot again for not noticing the patient referred to his wife in the past tense and then spending all episode blathering on about her, but she did good with the diagnosis.

    I like Matteo and I...don't dislike him with Jac. He did a good job with both her and the patient. It is the fact that Jac is written with a sense of humour that has saved her from turning into Connie, so thankful for that. I don't mind their scenes but I agree it doesn't come across as a great love. At least they got a few digs in at Mo. (Loved how no-one cared about her Godfather joke, especially when she felt the need to explain it.)
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    80sQueen80sQueen Posts: 795
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    skteosk wrote: »
    So, looks like Raf has got a miracle baby (or two), just not with Essie. I remain sceptical, given that Kim has not been the most trustworthy woman in the past. I was very surprised at Raf rejecting her phone call at the start: Isn't he meant to be her addiction sponsor or something? And yes, he does seem to work on whichever ward the storyline requires.

    Serena seems to have been pulled back from the brink, time will tell whether it's enough to keep her at work. Jasmine was an idiot again for not noticing the patient referred to his wife in the past tense and then spending all episode blathering on about her, but she did good with the diagnosis.

    I like Matteo and I...don't dislike him with Jac. He did a good job with both her and the patient. It is the fact that Jac is written with a sense of humour that has saved her from turning into Connie, so thankful for that. I don't mind their scenes but I agree it doesn't come across as a great love. At least they got a few digs in at Mo. (Loved how no-one cared about her Godfather joke, especially when she felt the need to explain it.)

    BIB - I think he said to Essie when he cut the call "10 weeks radio silence", and then later Kim announces she's 10 weeks pregnant...
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    lucy-loulucy-lou Posts: 236
    Forum Member
    Thinking out loud here.....

    Could Essie end up with the babies?

    Either through Kim dying or Raf gaining custody?
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    memmhmemmh Posts: 14,384
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    I know on an intellectual level that Matteo and Ollie are both good-looking men but I can't say I find either of them particularly attractive. They're not my type. Personally, I'd be more inclined to go for Sacha.

    I'm another who doesn't buy Jac and Matteo as a couple, and it infuriates me that Jac has just forgotten all about him being the one to steal her research. Matteo's attitude also annoys me -- he's rude and has spent a lot of time trying to undermine Jac. I didn't like him when he first arrived, and I still don't like him now. And the idea that Jac should be grateful for his interest in her makes me want to start throwing things!
    Besides, one of the new castings will apparently be Mrs Matteo Rossini. Assuming she really is his wife (I suppose it's possible they may be divorced but she's still using his name) it doesn't seem as though he's anymore trustworthy in his personal life than he is in his professional life.

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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,422
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    I can't remember any character, male or female, in the shows hustory whose good looks, attractiveness and sexiness has been constantly referred to in the way Rossinis is and we have had some beautiful specimens over the course of nearly 20 years.

    Yes, you'll get the odd reference to how physically attractive a character is, usually by a Patient (and let's face it, as a tv continuing drama, all the actors are better than average looking, most cross the line to gorgeous) but this is every week by multiple characters.

    To be honest (& I risk soundung like an old person here), due to the floppy hair and full beard, I can't make out enough of his face other than his eyes (which are very nice) to form an opinion on his looks!

    Attraction is subjective of course so don't like to comment too much but I will say that I personally agree that Valentine is much better looking (from what I can see of Rossini as paragraph above), as historically was Joseph. Whilst not as classically handsome, I also thought that Jonny was very attractive, he just had that undefined 'something' for me.

    But all that aside, I don't dislike Matteo. In fact, as a free standing character, I quite like him. He's engaging to watch and quite enigmatic re what his true nature is. If they weren't insisting on telling us hiw wonderful he is every other scene and shoving a relationship which I see no chemistry in, and potentially damaging to what makes my favourite character my favourite charscter, I'd probably be rating him as the best new addition since the 2012/2013 batch of Jonny, Mo, Serena, Thompson, Zosia, Dom and Digby.
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    masterquanmasterquan Posts: 5,804
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    Saying Ollie is 'much better looking' than Rossini is quite frankly ridiculous. Hes not better looking that's why Rossini can play the stud women drool over and Ollie can't. He was cast because of his looks. As a straight male I noticed he was a handsome guy as soon as he came on screen. Plus Ollie is dull, has no swag, whose made Zosia sort of boring too.
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    AntoniaAAntoniaA Posts: 6,640
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    I thought last night's episode was great on so many levels. Very good acting from all of them and I do find the pairing of Jac and Matteo quite believable.

    Not sure if Raf is the father of the twins but am prepared to accept the fact unless proven otherwise. It's not unheard of for a man with low sperm count to father a baby, I do know someone to whom that happened. Low doesn't mean none. I hope the twins are Raf's.

    My heart goes out to Serena.
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    Collins1965Collins1965 Posts: 13,954
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    I remember a stage where Ollie's gorgeous blue eyes were commented on on an almost weekly basis. Plus back in the day they were always going on about how beautiful Chrissie was.

    For me Matteo is good looking but not gorgeous. Joseph Spence Ollie and Ric wouls be far more handsome imo. But he is better than Jonny that's for sure (imo).

    It's all subjective any way isn't it??
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    bel110bel110 Posts: 14,128
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    I haven't been bowled over by Rossini looks wise but I just googled the actor and there are some pics of him with stubble rather than beard and less beard and I have to say he is rather handsome with less facial hair! He looks a bit like the Croatian Dr from ER ( can't remember his name ) who was also very attractive in my opinion.
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    kitkat1971kitkat1971 Posts: 39,422
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    masterquan wrote: »
    Saying Ollie is 'much better looking' than Rossini is quite frankly ridiculous. Hes not better looking that's why Rossini can play the stud women drool over and Ollie can't. He was cast because of his looks. As a straight male I noticed he was a handsome guy as soon as he came on screen. Plus Ollie is dull, has no swag, whose made Zosia sort of boring too.

    But that's why it's subjective.

    I think from a totally objective point of view, it is fair to say they are both handsome nen in terms of what is generally recognised as aesthetically pleasing - even, symmetrical facial features, good bone structure, defined cheek bones, big, nice eyes, full mouth, unblemished skin, full head of hair, tall, broad shoulders, slim but muscular.

    I think even if they're not your 'type', most woukd recognise them as good looking.

    So, from then, it is just which one you personally find more appealing, whise features you personally find more attractive. For many, the differences in the men's eyes (one pools of chocolate brown, one piercingly blue) would be enough to find one much more attractive than the other.

    Re Anderson, he's actually commented that he thinks he was at keast partially hired for his looks with the intention of Ollie being a successful kadies man but after a while they realised he wasn't great at acting that aspect so toned it down. It us noticeable that Oliver had a very high hit rate with women in his first few months (Chrissie, Daisha, Jac) which then taiked off.

    To be honest, I don't think people would be discussing his looks to this extent, certainly not critically and comparing to other male characters, if the scripts weren't going on about them so much and explicitly stating thst he is much better looking than anybidy else.

    In that way, it's counter productive to setting him up as a heartthrob imo.
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    Jack_ClintonJack_Clinton Posts: 2,495
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    Lucytash wrote: »
    I thought she said that the ship's going down. just checked my recording with subtitles and it's definitely ship

    Bernie said it so quick - it could have been ship or could have been shit. I thought I heard shit.
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