
Glee (US Pace) (Part 4)

SupportSupport Posts: 71,284
alixfowler wrote: »
Loved this weeks episode for three reasons

Cheesy Ricky Martin and why does he have to be gay lol
Sue generally but her scenes and the swim coach and Will were really funny
Emma was actually normal and had a point.

They need to use Sugar more as she looks quite amusing, get rid of Rory and never let Puck and Finn dance again as it's starting to look like dad at a wedding dancing.

PS stop the whole Mercedes/Sam stuff it's hardly Romeo and Juliet and is trying to be S1 Finn and Rachel
    Admin Notice: This thread is a continuation of: http://forums.digitalspy.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1472925


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      GulftasticGulftastic Posts: 127,765
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      New thread!

      Looking forward to next week' ep! The net is aliiiiiive, with the sound of Brittana.
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 727
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      there's something so satisfying about writing on the first page of a new thread!!

      anyway, enjoyed the Spanish episode in parts, although wasn't loving the music so much. REALLY looking forward to Heart next week - cannot believe it's been a year since the last valentines episode already!
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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      Shiny new thread!
      Wasn't a big fan of this episode tbh, I don't know why there was just something not quite right...
      Did like Will realising what a jerk he is to Emma though! urgh.
      Sue wanting babies plot? Mmm, funny in parts but a bit random...
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      missloomissloo Posts: 1,853
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      what are the songs for next week?

      I liked this weeks episode, but it definately wasn't the strongest episode i've seen, i didn't really like the performances that much. Ricky Martin was a whole lot of hotness tho!
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,295
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      Gulftastic wrote: »
      New thread!

      Looking forward to next week' ep! The net is aliiiiiive, with the sound of Brittana.

      I didn't know you were a fan of them :D

      I can't wait.

      Half term aswell, so I wont have to be up early
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      BuddyBontheNetBuddyBontheNet Posts: 28,170
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      This week's episode was okay, but not great. I liked Ricky Martin and Sexy and I Know It was great fun, although it felt to me like he was being slotted in in like Gwyneth Paltrow. Shame he's not a regular member of the show, as that could spice things up a bit.

      Surprisingly I like the idea of Sue becoming a Mum.

      Best song for me was Sam singing Bamboleo/Hero, with Mercedes in close second with Don't Wanna Lose You. Thought La Isla Bonita with Santana was a bit meh to be honest and I expected it would be better - it seemed a little slow? :confused:.

      And yet again the dubbing was dreadful. It's really bugging me now because the earlier series were not this bad, so what has changed? :confused:
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,714
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      missloo wrote: »
      what are the songs for next week?

      I liked this weeks episode, but it definately wasn't the strongest episode i've seen, i didn't really like the performances that much. Ricky Martin was a whole lot of hotness tho!

      Songs are:
      L.O.V.E - Tina and Mike
      I will always love you - Mercedes
      Stereo Heart - Sam, Mercedes and Joe Hart (Samuel from GP)
      Let me Love you - Unknown
      Love Shack - By the looks of the trailer this is an everyone song
      You're the top - unknown
      Home - unknown
      Cherish mash up - unknown

      Seems like a lot of songs...I'm also really hoping for a Puck number!

      alixfowler, I'm gutted Ricky Martin's gay too! And I agree with BuddyB that Bomboleo/Hero was the best, though I didn't like the Mercedes number, but thats more because I'm not a Mercedes fan so I tend not to like numbers she does on her own..
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      GulftasticGulftastic Posts: 127,765
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      Ninostar wrote: »
      I didn't know you were a fan of them :D

      Who isn't? It's shameful the way they have handled the whole thing, certainly compared to how well they dealt with Kurt's homosexuality. It became all about bloody Finn, instead of being about Santana.

      I also love a bit of Faberry. Those two have insane chemistry. Shame they'll never make it canon.
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,991
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      This episode definitely exceeded my expectations as I thought it had the potential to be awful based on the spoilers I'd heard, but it was actually good and had some of the funniest moments/lines I've heard on the show for a while. It wasn't my favourite in terms of music - the songs were all fine (well with the exception of A Little Less Conservation) but didn't really do a lot for me. I did like Sexy and I Know It though - stupid song but one of those fun and funny choir room performances.

      I was dreading another guest star episode but I actually really liked Ricky Martin - his character wasn't annoying and he made a good contribution to the episode without taking over and everything revolving around him. I'm loving this synchronised swimming coach too - her lines have had me laughing aloud.

      I can't say Blaine's absence bothered me in the least - I'm so over both him and the whole Klaine relationship.

      As for the Regionals song spoilers, I think the distribution seems really fair - it's nice to see that the majority singing a) rarely get the chance to sing in competition b) are senior characters who have less remaining opportunities for competition solos with ND and c) all helped contribute to ND's win at Sectionals. Oh wait...
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      xxLoopy_louxxxxLoopy_louxx Posts: 21,397
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      I liked this weeks episode, thought there was some funny moments and pretty much liked all the songs (apart from A Little Less Conversation, that was just bad). Also, really liked Ricky Martin and it seems like he could come back. :D

      Id love for Puck to have a song aswell, love listening to him sing.
      Dont think that rapping for regionals will be that bad actually, Santana doing a Nicki Minaj song could be good, Blaine however, not so much.
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,714
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      Gulftastic wrote: »
      Who isn't? It's shameful the way they have handled the whole thing, certainly compared to how well they dealt with Kurt's homosexuality. It became all about bloody Finn, instead of being about Santana.

      I also love a bit of Faberry. Those two have insane chemistry. Shame they'll never make it canon.

      I like Santana, I'm not so fond of Brittany, they took her stupidity a bit too far at times (Rory the leprechaun), but I did like what Sue comment to Becky in The Spanish Teacher("Only two of my Cheerios write in crayon, and your spellings better than Brittany's" :D)
      I agree about Faberry, personally I'd have had them in way more scenes together! :D
      I liked this weeks episode, thought there was some funny moments and pretty much liked all the songs (apart from A Little Less Conversation, that was just bad). Also, really liked Ricky Martin and it seems like he could come back. :D

      Id love for Puck to have a song aswell, love listening to him sing.
      Dont think that rapping for regionals will be that bad actually, Santana doing a Nicki Minaj song could be good, Blaine however, not so much.

      I'm still hoping for the Puck/Quinn ending with him going off to live with her while she's at Yale, so I'd really like him to be singing a love song to her! :D
      And as for the spoiler, thats my problem exactly.
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      dronkuladronkula Posts: 2,090
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      Hey - anyone know what's happened to Tina? She's not been in the last 2 episodes.
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,295
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      Gulftastic wrote: »
      Who isn't? It's shameful the way they have handled the whole thing, certainly compared to how well they dealt with Kurt's homosexuality. It became all about bloody Finn, instead of being about Santana.

      I also love a bit of Faberry. Those two have insane chemistry. Shame they'll never make it canon.

      Yeah I agree with everything there. I wont even talk about how they dealt with Santana's storyline, I get too angry. But I don't think they did it well at all. Lets just leave it with that :p

      The faberry thing I cant see it romantically but they have so much chemistry as friends. I wish Rachel would actually listen to Quinn for once. Finn isn't that great.
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,714
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      dronkula wrote: »
      Hey - anyone know what's happened to Tina? She's not been in the last 2 episodes.

      Not a clue.. I hadn't noticed. Actually, she was in Michael, she just didnt do much (she was in the library with Quinn and Rachel in GTBSS) but I think you're right about Spanish Teacher.. Maybe she was sick or something? She's in it next week anyway :)
      Ninostar wrote: »
      Yeah I agree with everything there. I wont even talk about how they dealt with Santana's storyline, I get too angry. But I don't think they did it well at all. Lets just leave it with that :p

      The faberry thing I cant see it romantically but they have so much chemistry as friends. I wish Rachel would actually listen to Quinn for once. Finn isn't that great.

      I agree with this. I think what comes across is the offscreen friendship Dianna and Rachel have so any scenes they've done work really well no matter what the circumstances - even in scenes such as the slap scene last season, but the first time I remember it was just after FInn found out the baby was Pucks. Their scene there is one of my all-time favourites.
      And yes, she should've listened to Quinn. But then she never really would, I mean it was really just a nicer way of saying what she had said last season - that Rachel cant allow Finn to hold her back from her dreams. I think both of these scenes were (again) classic Faberry moments where the chemistry makes it all so much better, which I think lots of the Glee scenes lack.
      I might be getting controversial here but I think couples like Klaine are suffering now because they don't have much chemistry anymore, they had potential at the start and with performances like Somewhere only we know, but it hasn't really lasted.
      And one of the reasons I don't really like Samcedes is their lack of it full stop, I think what was great about them was that they were just friends in Prom but they had to make it more than that :mad:
      I think Finchel could go the same way. They haven't quite yet, but they may. Maybe its just me.

      For couples with chemistry, I'd have to say Quinn and Puck (okay not exactly a couple but let me dream!), for example Beth's birth, the baking scene, Only the good die young, and the scene on the bed this season.. I saw potential in Puckleberry too but now its only friend chemistry imo. And Mike and Tina are just so cute that I don't care if there is or is not chemistry!

      How did I manage to write so much about chemistry?!
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 332
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      I was surprised at Ricky Martin. I really liked him. :D Loved Spanish Teacher, I think one of the better episodes of the series. I enjoyed La Isla Bonita, and the whole Will in a Matador's outfit to sing Elvis was incredibly cringe worthy, and a little bit ridiculous. Yay for a new thread!
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,379
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      Where is the gossip about regional song list come from? Anyone got a link?

      Problem with Corey is that he is really too old to pull off 17/18 which was proved with the dad at wedding dancing as well as Puck. Oh and I didn't miss Blaine either as it made Kurt bearable again

      So after valentines day episode we miss are Glee - less till April?
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      revans33revans33 Posts: 2,170
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      alixfowler wrote: »
      Where is the gossip about regional song list come from? Anyone got a link?

      Problem with Corey is that he is really too old to pull off 17/18 which was proved with the dad at wedding dancing as well as Puck. Oh and I didn't miss Blaine either as it made Kurt bearable again

      So after valentines day episode we miss are Glee - less till April?

      No we have one more episode after 'Heart' then it's the break. I agree about Kurt, I thought his smitten scenes were hilarious
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,379
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      I thought Heart was the Valentines day episode? Oh well just means a load of reruns when the UK gets Glee back in March
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,714
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      alixfowler wrote: »
      I thought Heart was the Valentines day episode? Oh well just means a load of reruns when the UK gets Glee back in March

      Yeah, its Heart - the valentines episode - and then 'On my way' which is the Regionals episode. I think they're shaping it up so that Nationals isnt the last episode this time, because the breaks two episodes earlier than it was last season.
      And for the record, I disagree that Puck 'dad dances', he pulled his dancing off. Mark Salling can pull anything off ;):D
      But I agree about Finn and Kurt, though Finn just can't really pull off dancing.. :D
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,714
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      Songs are out

      Cherish -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pCVK6TEtsE
      Oh my god! I nearly died. Dianna and Samuel's voices go well together. I just didnt expect Quinn to get a song! I love it! Also some googling brought me to speculation of a Quinn/Joe thing... But that could be utter rubbish!

      Stero Hearts - I love Samuel's voice!

      L.O.V.E - not quite with this one... I like this song but their voices are too proper :o

      You're the top - this is unusual!

      Let me Love you - this isnt the song I thought it was :(

      Love shack

      Cant find home...
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      xxLoopy_louxxxxLoopy_louxx Posts: 21,397
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      Heres home. :)


      Havent listened to all the songs yet but so far Stereo Hearts is my fave.
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      [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,714
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      Heres home. :)


      Havent listened to all the songs yet but so far Stereo Hearts is my fave.

      I love cherish. It makes me all tingly :D I love stereo hearts too (love te trough instead of travie!) but I love that song anyone, I've never heard Cherish before. Exited for this episode!!!
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      xxLoopy_louxxxxLoopy_louxx Posts: 21,397
      Forum Member
      I love cherish. It makes me all tingly :D I love stereo hearts too (love te trough instead of travie!) but I love that song anyone, I've never heard Cherish before. Exited for this episode!!!

      Cherish is good aswell, actually all the songs from this episode are alright. Id heard the Madonna part of the Cherish mashup before but not the other part, I like it though. :)
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      xxLoopy_louxxxxLoopy_louxx Posts: 21,397
      Forum Member
      Another song from next week - I Will Always Love You. Ambers voice is just amazing. :)

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      StressMonkeyStressMonkey Posts: 13,347
      Forum Member
      Songs are out

      Cherish -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pCVK6TEtsE
      Oh my god! I nearly died. Dianna and Samuel's voices go well together. I just didnt expect Quinn to get a song! I love it! Also some googling brought me to speculation of a Quinn/Joe thing... But that could be utter rubbish!

      Stero Hearts - I love Samuel's voice!

      L.O.V.E - not quite with this one... I like this song but their voices are too proper :o

      You're the top - this is unusual!

      Let me Love you - this isnt the song I thought it was :(

      Love shack
      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1i1T5Oed4Pg&feature=BFa&list=ULC2RgziXBans&lf=mfu_in_orderCant find home...

      BIB - this isnt the song I thought it was :(

      Much as I do quite like the twee, light weight L.O.V.E, I thought it was going to be F.E.E.L.I.N.G.C.A.L.L.E.D.L.O.V.E:o

      All those full stops confused me:o

      So obviously I am sorely disappointed:(

      ***StressMonkey goes off to listen to Different Class for approx the 1000th time this century***
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