
Eleven's Last Story - What Antagonist Do You Want?

Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
Forum Member
Well, which one guys?

Antagonist for Eleven's last story? 53 votes

The Master (Simm)
45% 24 votes
Daleks (with/without Davros)
54% 29 votes


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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    Poll options a bit limited maybe...
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    YosheeYoshee Posts: 408
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    Well, on the one hand, the Daleks have had an episode recently, so perhaps leave them a while...

    On the other hand, the Master was heavily involved in Ten's last story, so it could seem a bit repetitive if he was also heavily involved in Eleven's last story.

    On the third hand, Eleven has faced off against quite a few other enemies that played a large role in his plot/character arc(s). Perhaps one of these would be a more suitable opponent (e.g. the Silence).

    Or maybe it's John Hurt's Doctor that causes Eleven to regenerate. We'll just have to wait and see.

    Given the options in this poll though, I'd have to pick the Daleks, as two regenerations in a row in episodes involving the Master would be repetitive IMO.
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    I can't seem to edit the poll because I also wanted to add Silence/Madame Kovarian, Weeping Angels and a New Creation as well into the mix.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 270
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    John Hurt's Doctor
    the Silence
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    bp2bp2 Posts: 1,117
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    I would like to see the Master face Matt Smith. But in reality it is probably more likely to be the Daleks since it is their 50th anniversary around Christmas.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    Well neither the Master or the Daleks....the Daleks aren't synonymous with Matt's Doctor and their threat has been hampered in the NuWho years due to their nearly once a year appearence. They need to be rested for a good while (small appearance in the 50th aside of course) To be honest I don't really rate the Master much as a villain either....if he had to come back though, John Simm would be nowhere near the role. An off-screen regeneration would have taken place if I was in charge.

    To answer the question, I'd like the Silence....preferably with Kovarian there in some capacity but if not, oh well. The Silence are a must.
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    Something brand new which isn't defeated by love.
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    JohnnyForgetJohnnyForget Posts: 24,061
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    Ideally, I want neither. The Silence seem a more appropriate choice of villain for Matt's last story.

    If it is down to a choice between those in the poll, then I'd prefer:-

    (a) The Master over the Daleks with Davros

    (b) The Daleks without Davros over the Master.
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    So 3008So 3008 Posts: 2,052
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    Whoever is the 50th anniversary big bad and/or the Silence and Madame Kovarian.

    I would like a Davros return sometime soon though, it's been five years.
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    Something brand new which isn't defeated by love.

    I don't care as long as it isn't defeated by love, remembering or somebody being a mother. ;)
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    I don't care as long as it isn't defeated by love, remembering or somebody being a mother. ;)

    I'm secretly hoping it's all three of those just to be a big annoyment to quite a few people. :p Personally, I see no problem with any of those kinds of resolutions....it's far better than pressing some buttons any day....
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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    bbll22 wrote: »
    I'm secretly hoping it's all three of those just to be a big annoyment to quite a few people. :p Personally, I see no problem with any of those kinds of resolutions....it's far better than pressing some buttons any day....

    I think they all have their different merits if not overused but it does always seem to me that Journeys End gets a free pass in general despite its ludicrous ending whereas S3 in particular and S5 i have heard criticised quite often. I like them all but S4s defeat of the Daleks is by far the weakest 'will this do?' resolution and yet I haven't heard it slated.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 903
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    I'd rather mystery-oriented than enemy/action-oriented episode. But out of this two I'd say Daleks.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    I think they all have their different merits if not overused but it does always seem to me that Journeys End gets a free pass in general despite its ludicrous ending whereas S3 in particular and S5 i have heard criticised quite often. I like them all but S4s defeat of the Daleks is by far the weakest 'will this do?' resolution and yet I haven't heard it slated.

    It is odd how Journey's End does seem to escape that criticism....the simple point of why would the Daleks have a button controlled device in the first place still makes little sense to me. Obviously, if it was for Davros, how come we never saw him use it before? It things like this that really irk me, buttons saving the day...

    The love ending in Closing Time never did irk me at all. I don't even class it as love defeating the Cybermen...it was Craig's humanity over-riding what it is to be a Cyberman....love is part of being human and that humanity beat the Cybermen....

    As you say, all these love and remembering kind of endings are fine so long as they're not overused - something I don't think are being overdone. I'm fine with them every now and then...it's produced some variety in endings at least in the last few years...
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    TheSilentFezTheSilentFez Posts: 11,107
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    bbll22 wrote: »
    I'm secretly hoping it's all three of those just to be a big annoyment to quite a few people. :p Personally, I see no problem with any of those kinds of resolutions....it's far better than pressing some buttons any day....

    I don't actually mind such resolutions either, but we've had quite a few of the recently so I'd like something else for a change.
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    Philip_LambPhilip_Lamb Posts: 287
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    That and the fact that journeys end was the exact same plot as bad wolf/ parting of the ways. Daleks building a huge army whilst hiding for aeons, TARDIS gives magic power to companion, Doctor hangs about like a spare set of wedding tackle, Companion saves the day by making all the daleks disappear and loses aforementioned power because she`s as powerful as a God and has sad consequences
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    Granny McSmithGranny McSmith Posts: 19,622
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    bbll22 wrote: »

    The love ending in Closing Time never did irk me at all. I don't even class it as love defeating the Cybermen...it was Craig's humanity over-riding what it is to be a Cyberman....love is part of being human and that humanity beat the Cybermen....


    No, don't do that...just...don't. It makes me cry.:cry: And occasionally feel sick.

    I don't mind the odd button. I didn't like the button in Journey to the centre of the Tardis, though. That was very poor, I thought.
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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    I am afraid Closing Time was too much for me. Didn't like it at all and it crossed the line into mawkish awfulness. But we all have our lines! That was mine.
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    bbll22bbll22 Posts: 527
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    I am afraid Closing Time was too much for me. Didn't like it at all and it crossed the line into mawkish awfulness. But we all have our lines! That was mine.

    Fair enough....it's not particularly a favourite ending of mine at all either...it's ok, it was never great but I don't think it's as bad as it's made out to be.

    If it crossed the line for you fair enough, Journey's End did that for me....all that build-up to be solved by some buttons....I don't think I've been as angry at an ending in NuWho as that....I really hated it....
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    saladfingers81saladfingers81 Posts: 11,301
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    bbll22 wrote: »
    Fair enough....it's not particularly a favourite ending of mine at all either...it's ok, it was never great but I don't think it's as bad as it's made out to be.

    If it crossed the line for you fair enough, Journey's End did that for me....all that build-up to be solved by some buttons....I don't think I've been as angry at an ending in NuWho as that....I really hated it....

    I see your point. I don't like Closing Times ending but it isn't as illogical and nonsensical and could have been quite effective if done better. Certainly the theme of someone trying to defeat evil and retain their humanity to do so can be powerful and has been seen across the show with echoes of it in 'Asylum of the Daleks' with its 'I. Am. Huuuuman' ending. That worked alot better for me as it wasn't so cheesy and possibly as it didn't involve James Corden.

    I wonder if 'Journeys End' gets away with it more than other episodes due to its epic nature and so much going on. You can almost forgive it that ending as there is alot of other stuff to like and the ending after the ending is brilliantly acted by Tate and Tennant. But I agree with you. Worst resolution to a brilliant set up i can think of. It was genuinely epic up until that point and then WTF. Death by touch typing. No. No. No.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 611
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    I want something new and original. We havn't had a regeneration caused by something entirely new since Andorzani.

    Six was caused by the Rani, Seven by the Master, Nine by the Daleks, and Ten by the Master (again).

    Whatever foe Eleven fights in the Christmas special, it should be something that hasn't been fought by any Doctor beforehand. I'd actually prefer it if all future regeneration stories features something new as the main villain, I really don't want to get to a point where we just cycle through Daleks, Cybermen and the Master.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 611
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    I wonder if 'Journeys End' gets away with it more than other episodes due to its epic nature and so much going on. You can almost forgive it that ending as there is alot of other stuff to like and the ending after the ending is brilliantly acted by Tate and Tennant. But I agree with you. Worst resolution to a brilliant set up i can think of. It was genuinely epic up until that point and then WTF. Death by touch typing. No. No. No.

    It dosen't get away with it with me; The Series 4 finale is my absolute worst story in the entire series, and the button-pressing ending is only part of the problem.

    Really, Donna was the only purely good thing about it in my opinion. Everything else was either just bad or could have been good but something bad was tacked on.
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    AlbacomAlbacom Posts: 34,578
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    I would love it if it was Clara that killed the Doctor and caused his regeneration. What if he did something so against her principles that the only way to stop him was to kill him? Maybe she makes him fall from a height and he lands on the field of Trenzalore?
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    Michael_EveMichael_Eve Posts: 14,503
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    9's last outing...Daleks. 10's...Simm Master. Agree with Mrfipp I'd like something different for 11. The Weeping Angels saw off Amy and Rory, so no. (although that would have been nicely circular as they were Matt's (rather than 11's) first adversaries filming the show.) The Silence/Madam Kovarian....lots of possibilities there so that could work well.

    Failing that, I'm sure The Kandyman could've been reassembled somehow? 'Return to The Kandy Kitchen'. :p

    Just picked up my DWM which has got a lovely tribute to Matt in Moffat's column. Gawd, like the Doctor, I hate endings...but new beginnings are cool. :)
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    Shawn_LunnShawn_Lunn Posts: 9,353
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    Kandyman would be interesting for Eleven's last story.
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