
Worst Facebook status updates



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    G1116-UKG1116-UK Posts: 62
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    I was on recently and some muppet had posted "Got back ache :-(".

    Who cares. I mean really, who cares?
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    far2coolfar2cool Posts: 6,334
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    Instagram photos.

    How has technology got to a stage where I scroll down a page and can see what people I went to primary school with 10 years ago are having for their tea, in a sepia tone with a fancy border around it??
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    saladcreamsaladcream Posts: 751
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    instagram picture of a drip in someones arm.
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    DaisyBumblerootDaisyBumbleroot Posts: 24,763
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    far2cool wrote: »
    Instagram photos.

    How has technology got to a stage where I scroll down a page and can see what people I went to primary school with 10 years ago are having for their tea, in a sepia tone with a fancy border around it??

    instagram, making photos look shit since 2010
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    angelafisherangelafisher Posts: 4,150
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    bookaddict wrote: »
    Yes! I always wonder this. When you're having a really great time, surely the last thing you'd think would be, "I'll just have to log on to Facebook and tell everyone what a really great time I'm having."

    Yes I see these quite a lot. A friend of mine posted the following update recently: "I am just about to have my tea. Sweed (sic), carrots, potatoes and gravy." I mean, who CARES???

    :eek: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!!

    I also hate those statuses which demand that you copy and paste it, so that the person who posted it knows that you're paying attention/that you're a true friend etc., etc. Or the ones that say things like, "Most people won't have the guts to post this, but I know who will." That kind of thing.

    Those drive me nuts, as do the one that say if you're a true believer you'll post anything to do with Jesus Christ. My relationship with the Saviour doesn't rest on what I post on FB!
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    kikifikikifi Posts: 326
    Forum Member
    I had someone post a picture of her pregnancy test which was positive. I wouldnt mind but it was only two years ago she had a miscarriage and that was all over facebook.

    Now I am having daily updates of how sick she feels.
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    sillybillybuntosillybillybunto Posts: 37
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    If people used facebook for something useful like keeping in touch with friends and family that live far away or you don't see often then I could see the point in it.

    Adding everyone you've ever come in to contact with to your friend list just for the sake of having a bigger list and sharing pictures of your dinner with them is dumb!

    I give up on it when I realised people will be my friend on there but won't say more than 2 words to me in person!
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    BastardBeaverBastardBeaver Posts: 11,903
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    "Like my status and I will rate you out of 10 for personality & looks"


    I tend to just post jokes that have made me laugh as my fb status nowadays.
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    RednellRednell Posts: 2,528
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    The Ones Where Folk Insist On Capitalising Every Single Flipping Word.

    For some irrational reason these irritate me.

    I know I've said this before, but various friends who do nothing but complain about their children being noisy, messy, falling out with each other. It was your decision to have 4 kids under 7, luv, get on with it. Doesn't sit well with me.
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    bookaddictbookaddict Posts: 2,806
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    Rednell wrote: »
    The Ones Where Folk Insist On Capitalising Every Single Flipping Word.

    For some irrational reason these irritate me.

    Yes, that gets on my nerves too. I have one friend on there who AlwAys WriTEs hIs STatUS LikE tHIs. It annoys me, and also, surely it's harder to write things that way???
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    RednellRednell Posts: 2,528
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    It must do. It took me considerably longer to type that first sentence, and I had to concentrate to make sure I remembered to stick the capital letters in, so I'd hate typing like that all the time.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 208
    Forum Member
    I had a friend who updated that she was so proud of her little boy for doing a big poo in his potty.

    She was defriended 2 seconds after
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    decobelledecobelle Posts: 4,717
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    Papoo wrote: »
    I had a friend who updated that she was so proud of her little boy for doing a big poo in his potty.

    She was defriended 2 seconds after

    Ha ha, my 2 year old has made that achievement this week, and I was sooo tempted to put it on Facebook! Problem is, you're so chuffed and you really want to share it with someone, but nobody apart from you cares! At least I know this, and didn't put it on Facebook. And I've told all of you instead, thanks for listening ;)
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    xmodz10xmodz10 Posts: 1,434
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    From a Chav with two babies at the age of 18 years old.

    Not many of you lot can say you got your own house at the age of 18.

    what was funny is that it wasn't her house it was a council house
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    LemonPledgeLemonPledge Posts: 6,277
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    Jason100 wrote: »
    Does anyone have that one facebook friend that always posts mobile images with insightful words or advice?

    The eyes are usless when the heart and mind is blind

    If you really loved someone you do whats right and dont follow the world .

    Aslong as theres someone in the sky to protect me theres is no one on the earth to break me !

    Instead of looking for the other "half of your deen" first focus on the first half to be it for someone else. Yourself !

    Even a Man is responsible to lower his gaze but a girl should watch what she gives him to gaze
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    Irishguy123Irishguy123 Posts: 14,818
    Forum Member
    The not-at-all inappropriate gem appeared in my news feed earlier:


    4 years ago an "EVIL BITCH" made false claims that my uncle ****** ****** sexually assaulted her. She said she was going to make him pay for throwing her out of his house. so she made up her story and dragged him through the courts and only yesterday the 28th/6/2012 after 4 years of hell was he found NOT GUILTY ON ALL ACCOUNTS BY A JURY ON A UNANIMOUS DECISION.

    She also made false claims that her mother abused her in the past, brought social services out to the house and made statements to the HSE to pursue the matter. she than admitted in court that she fabricated the whole thing and was lying. History does tend to repeat itself tho.

    In the court she said she was never in his house after the last "alleged" assault took place. She was proven in court to have once again to be lying.

    She also said in court "under oath" that she didn't attend a family party that took place in the summer of the alleged assault because she was afraid of ******. only to once again be proven to be a liar because to her surprise the defence played a DVD that shows her at the party singing drinking and stuffing her face with cake. She had no reply and refused to show her face in court for the rest of the day.

    If she was telling the truth then she would have only 1 story to remember but in court she kept contradicting herself and forgetting major details,

    I could go on all day but at least the truth is out now and her true colours are shown to the town. I wouldn't trust her as far as i could throw her but that wouldn't be too far judging by her size..

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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 29,701
    Forum Member
    I have a friend who actually takes a picture of all her meals, then adds them to her album entitled "I should be a food critic". Captions such as "I made this omelette following *insert some random name*'s recipe. Best one yet!" :yawn:
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    netcurtainsnetcurtains Posts: 23,494
    Forum Member
    Papoo wrote: »
    I had a friend who updated that she was so proud of her little boy for doing a big poo in his potty.

    She was defriended 2 seconds after

    Wish I'd had facebook when my eldest was little, I could have posted a picture of the big shit she left on my back doorstep. It was a proud moment.
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    dorydaryldorydaryl Posts: 15,927
    Forum Member
    I've just seen:
    "Never again will I take a laxative and a sleeping tablet on the same night" :eek:

    Later followed by:
    "'Can't take any more of this anal leakage!" :confused::o

    Nor could I! :p

    (P.S. Posted this without seeing the poo-related comments above...am honestly not joking. Someone really did post this!)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 29,701
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    dorydaryl wrote: »
    I've just seen:
    "Never again will I take a laxative and a sleeping tablet on the same night" :eek:

    Later followed by:
    "'Can't take any more of this anal leakage!" :confused::o

    Nor could I! :p

    (P.S. Posted this without seeing the poo-related comments above...am honestly not joking. Someone really did post this!)

    Hahahaha! :D
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    steven walkingsteven walking Posts: 439
    Forum Member
    My step-son had his FB hacked by a friend at University,who put a status saying 'Mark is going to be a daddy!' It had a scan picture and everything. It was probably hillarious - until his Mum saw it, went ballistic (he was halfway through his degree at the time) and called his mobile. Bless him, he was in the pub and hadn't got a clue was she was so mad about!

    Excellent :D

    i'm not on WankBank but the OH is, the following is from her feed.

    David - tadger has a very large boil

    Concerned FB friend - u betta c doc

    David - kk its cool, Lorna offered to suk it.

    ewwwwww yuk:mad:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 24,724
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    scoobyju1 wrote: »
    Having a WEE!

    Seriously, I'm not kidding :rolleyes:

    It could be worse they could be doing a number 2!!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 24,724
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    Anything with disturbing images or ones that try to guilt trip you into sharing,

    There is one cat rescue site in the USA that said so and so cat, showing it's picture, was going to get put down tomorrow unless someone rescues them. I soon deleted that one - it was too upsetting:cry:

    People who say they blocked someone whom I don't know or care about

    Ones where they say they are a lifelong friend and will stand by you through thick and thin, then get nasty if you have an off day and need a bit of support. Then get defensive when you say they have upset you.
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    DaisyBumblerootDaisyBumbleroot Posts: 24,763
    Forum Member
    dorydaryl wrote: »
    I've just seen:
    "Never again will I take a laxative and a sleeping tablet on the same night" :eek:

    Later followed by:
    "'Can't take any more of this anal leakage!" :confused::o

    Nor could I! :p

    (P.S. Posted this without seeing the poo-related comments above...am honestly not joking. Someone really did post this!)

    Brilliant hahaha!
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    pugamopugamo Posts: 18,039
    Forum Member
    The not-at-all inappropriate gem appeared in my news feed earlier:


    4 years ago an "EVIL BITCH" made false claims that my uncle ****** ****** sexually assaulted her. She said she was going to make him pay for throwing her out of his house. so she made up her story and dragged him through the courts and only yesterday the 28th/6/2012 after 4 years of hell was he found NOT GUILTY ON ALL ACCOUNTS BY A JURY ON A UNANIMOUS DECISION.

    She also made false claims that her mother abused her in the past, brought social services out to the house and made statements to the HSE to pursue the matter. she than admitted in court that she fabricated the whole thing and was lying. History does tend to repeat itself tho.

    In the court she said she was never in his house after the last "alleged" assault took place. She was proven in court to have once again to be lying.

    She also said in court "under oath" that she didn't attend a family party that took place in the summer of the alleged assault because she was afraid of ******. only to once again be proven to be a liar because to her surprise the defence played a DVD that shows her at the party singing drinking and stuffing her face with cake. She had no reply and refused to show her face in court for the rest of the day.

    If she was telling the truth then she would have only 1 story to remember but in court she kept contradicting herself and forgetting major details,

    I could go on all day but at least the truth is out now and her true colours are shown to the town. I wouldn't trust her as far as i could throw her but that wouldn't be too far judging by her size..


    Oh my. I thought the good people of Cork were above such nonsense
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