
The Returned (Les Revenants) heading to Channel 4 - spoilers in tags (Merged)



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    olivejolivej Posts: 14,696
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    By the time it's shown in the UK we will have all forgotten about it lol.

    I recorded it so can re-watch - yay but for some reason my skybox didnt record Serge and Toni's episode :confused:
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    SupratadSupratad Posts: 10,508
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    By the time it's shown in the UK we will have all forgotten about it lol.

    Might not be a problem if CH4 do what they did with other series like Black Mirror, and re-run the first series to fire up interest in the second series.

    Yes, yes I did say "series" and not "season"
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    phill363phill363 Posts: 24,313
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    I think channel 4 will want to air it as close to the French broadcast to stop people watching on youtube or spoilers getting out.
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    angelafisherangelafisher Posts: 4,150
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    phill363 wrote: »
    I think channel 4 will want to air it as close to the French broadcast to stop people watching on youtube or spoilers getting out.

    I could see all the spoilers in the world, much as I love the programme, I'd still be none the wiser!!
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    holly berryholly berry Posts: 14,288
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    Annecy's old town is gorgeous but not appropriate for les revenants: too chocolate box!

    Functional and bland buildings, looming mountains, Mogwai - that's what works :D
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    holly berryholly berry Posts: 14,288
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    Dead but not forgotten :)


    And he'd better rise again
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 9
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    Sorry for no game changing insights as far as the plot goes. Thanks to all that have tried to explain what the hell is going on..:-))

    I did however buy the Mogwai soundtrack CD.
    I have to say that it sounds just absolutely amazing. Wasn't sure at first when playing it in the car on the way home, but later on the the big hifi in the house just wow...

    It kind of simmers along until the last two tracks then bang!

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    holly berryholly berry Posts: 14,288
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    Because key people like Camille and Victor will be two years older at the start of S2 (assuming they're not dropped altogether :eek:) perhaps one way to deal with the obvious ageing process will be to allow les revenants to age when they return (obviously the rotting protest will need to be arrested or managed) but if they 'die' again they return to the age they were when they died for the first time.

    Adele's unborn baby will be almost two lol
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    silentNatesilentNate Posts: 84,079
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    mattoo wrote: »
    Sorry for no game changing insights as far as the plot goes. Thanks to all that have tried to explain what the hell is going on..:-))

    I did however buy the Mogwai soundtrack CD.
    I have to say that it sounds just absolutely amazing. Wasn't sure at first when playing it in the car on the way home, but later on the the big hifi in the house just wow...

    It kind of simmers along until the last two tracks then bang!


    Both Mr Beast and Rock Action are better albums though, sorry :o

    This is coming from a big fan... I even own their Zidane soundtrack album :eek:
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    davey_waveydavey_wavey Posts: 27,421
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    I've just watched the entire series over the past two days - I was majorly impressed and loved every second of this series. I thought the ending was brilliant, and it's left me wanting more!

    I didn't like Pierre at all and definetly think he's a bad 'un... however I could kind of understand and sympathise with what Thomas did in the final episode and I don't think he's a baddie at all. He just wants to protect his family at all costs because he loves them, and he's willing to sacrifice others to do that. Maybe that's not the right thing to do, but he couldn't bear letting go of his family and wanted to keep them all together. I can understand that.

    I don't think Lucy is a 'returned'. I think she is between the living and the dead. She is the 'go between' and exists between the living world and the underworld and communicates between both worlds. When Lucy said someone was missing and asked for Adele, I thought Adele must have committed suicide, but then I remember she slept with Simon when he returned and now she's pregnant, and I guess the undead are after her baby, as Simon is the father. I thought the ending was great... I think the next series will definetly focus on the undead trying to get Adele's baby, and will also focus on the mystery of where Thomas, Laure and the other cops have disappeared too.

    Now a quick summary....

    I found Camille really annoying :o Victor's a great character. Serge is fit. I'm glad when the neighbour croaked it - she was annoyingly nosey. Overall, great series with characters I felt emotionally invested in.
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    holly berryholly berry Posts: 14,288
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    Thomas is seriously creepy. When you love someone you don't install surveillance cameras in your home so you can watch his or her every move. That's about control and possession - products of when love goes bad. Of course, there always a seemingly innocent explanation (she's prone to depression and has already made one attempt at suicide).

    Thomas knew who Simon was - the father of his gf's daughter and the love of her life. Love his altruistic behaviour (tried to frame him for Serge's wrongdoings, and then killed him - again?)

    He'll find a way of getting rid of Adele and Simon's child, too, if they're in the next series.

    Acting out of love? Don't make me laugh :D
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    davey_waveydavey_wavey Posts: 27,421
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    I think Thomas installed those cameras so he could protect his family - like you say, Adele was prone to depression and already made a suicide attempt. He didn't want to lose those he loved.

    Also, yeh he shot Simon and attempted to frame him for Serge's crimes... but again that's because he was desperate not to lose Adele and Chloe. He wants to keep the family he's got because he cares for them and he'll do anything to keep them all together. His motives may be questionable, but I wouldn't say he's a baddie. I don't think he'll want to get rid of Adele and the unborn child. He'll just want Simon out of the picture.
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    olivejolivej Posts: 14,696
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    Turned to channel 4 for tonight's episode then remembered it finished last week :(:(:(
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 367
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    Let me start by saying I really did not wnt to like this. My "2episode rule" ( if you're not onboard by then, it's not going o happen) was revised to n " end of part 1" decline, that's how muh I wanted to hater hi. However, by the time Camille was making herself a sarnie and wondering where all the " new" ugly crockery had come from, it was "oh crap, I'm hooked". I paced it so every Saturday night or 4 week, watched 2 at a time so only finished last night, hence not been on here before so no spoilers. I knew there will be a season 2, so didn't expect answers, and will be watching next year, but for me the final scenes were totally out of character with wht had gone before and fell into ombie lichens and Rosemary's baby territory.
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    rivercity_rulesrivercity_rules Posts: 24,270
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    Can someone clarify when Victor was shot. I thought it was ten years before present day, yet he was alive 35 years earlier and the same age.

    In the flashback when he was killed he also didn't want to sleep so had he returned already and this was his second (or maybe more), return. Or was the shooting 35 years ago also. I can't work out if that would work with Pierre, he'd need to be mid 50's now which he could be although I presumed he was under 50, and strange enough 10 years later making the comment about singing songs from school, never mind 35. I know it's a TV show and that part was clearly the hint for viewers, but still.

    Also with Adele being asked to join the horde and Chloe telling her it was the baby they wanted, could this have been a red herring, before Chloe mentioned the baby, I believed Adele could be a returnee, could be that she had killed herself and returned multiple times. Also I looked the idea that perhaps Simon hadn't abandoned her when pregnant, but actually they both committed suicide together but she returned much faster, unaware of what they had done and made it to the wedding.The problem with that theory is that it would be a further stretch of the imagination that when she returned, she returned pregnant, in which case chloe would technically be a returnee as well, so they wouldn't have let her go I don't think. I hope we discover Simon was forced to kill himself somehow, I want him and Adele reunited, she seems far too good for the policeman.

    Can't believe we have to wait so long for new series. I watched the first episode last weekend, then watched the rest this weekend, it's been so good!
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    Agent KrycekAgent Krycek Posts: 39,269
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    Can someone clarify when Victor was shot. I thought it was ten years before present day, yet he was alive 35 years earlier and the same age.

    In the flashback when he was killed he also didn't want to sleep so had he returned already and this was his second (or maybe more), return. Or was the shooting 35 years ago also. I can't work out if that would work with Pierre, he'd need to be mid 50's now which he could be although I presumed he was under 50, and strange enough 10 years later making the comment about singing songs from school, never mind 35. I know it's a TV show and that part was clearly the hint for viewers, but still.

    Also with Adele being asked to join the horde and Chloe telling her it was the baby they wanted, could this have been a red herring, before Chloe mentioned the baby, I believed Adele could be a returnee, could be that she had killed herself and returned multiple times. Also I looked the idea that perhaps Simon hadn't abandoned her when pregnant, but actually they both committed suicide together but she returned much faster, unaware of what they had done and made it to the wedding.The problem with that theory is that it would be a further stretch of the imagination that when she returned, she returned pregnant, in which case chloe would technically be a returnee as well, so they wouldn't have let her go I don't think. I hope we discover Simon was forced to kill himself somehow, I want him and Adele reunited, she seems far too good for the policeman.

    Can't believe we have to wait so long for new series. I watched the first episode last weekend, then watched the rest this weekend, it's been so good!

    Victor was shot 35 years ago, after the dam burst, although not long, about a year before Mrs Costas died.

    He was then back at the coach crash (4 years before series started), we don't know where he's been in between his death and the coach crash, or the crash and him latching onto Julie.

    Hope that clarifies :)
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    mazzy50mazzy50 Posts: 13,314
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    ellie1167 wrote: »
    Didn't Lucy say they were missing one and it was Adele's baby? Or am I making that up...not had a chance for a second viewing yet

    Yes, but I don't think Thomas was included in that conversation was he? So as far as I recall he had no idea that Adele was pregnant.
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    brangdonbrangdon Posts: 14,131
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    I don't think Lucy is a 'returned'. I think she is between the living and the dead. She is the 'go between' and exists between the living world and the underworld and communicates between both worlds.
    I am coming around to the idea that she died in hospital, after spending several days alive but in a coma. When we saw her acting as sex-medium while alive, she wasn't very convincing, and at the time I thought she was faking it. When she came back she seemed more genuine: she knew the policeman's name and, later, knew about Simon's suicide. Perhaps she came to the village because she wanted to become a returned. At any rate, she was more prepared and more able to take advantage of her new state.

    I agree about her being a go between or psychopomp, regardless of whether she's still alive.
    [Thomas]'ll find a way of getting rid of Adele and Simon's child, too, if they're in the next series.
    Chloé is also Simon's child, and he sacrificed everyone to get her back, so if he does want rid of the new baby it won't be because it's not his.

    However, there's currently a question mark over how normal it is. Chloé was conceived while Simon was alive; the new baby while he was returned. It may be some kind of magic hybrid baby. Or it may just be normal, and the returned only want it because Simon wants it, and that's only because he knows he's lost Chloé on account of being absent for her formative years, but he can be there for the new baby.
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    rivercity_rulesrivercity_rules Posts: 24,270
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    I think they will go along the lines of the new baby being half returnee, half human and it's blood having the ability to stop the rot which seems to afflict the returned. It's a bit cliche so hopefully I'm wrong.

    Thanks for clarification on victors first (on screen) death, so hard to keep up with how long ago the returned people died.
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    holly berryholly berry Posts: 14,288
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    Chloé wants her real dad, Simon and not control freak Thomas :p

    It's not all about what Thomas wants!
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    Jules 1Jules 1 Posts: 2,543
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    When i read these names, I am reading them in a French prononciation rather than the normal British way, am I the only one doing this.
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    NormandieNormandie Posts: 4,618
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    Chloé wants her real dad, Simon and not control freak Thomas :p
    I know you don't like Thomas... and I have to say that I think he'd look a lot more sympa if he closed his mouth occasionally when thinking :D... but I think Thomas is Chloé's "real dad" in the way that it matters.

    Simon is her ange and that sort of idea can be very powerful for kids but I'm not sure he's more than a curiosity to her... her dead dad. If she was frightened, I think she'd naturally run to Thomas...
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    sanfran1sanfran1 Posts: 417
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    Sorry if this has already been explained but can anyone tell me what were the marks on Lena's back all about, earlier in the series?
    She wasn't one of the returned?
    Did they just disappear?
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    daisyduck1976daisyduck1976 Posts: 1,166
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    No-one knows but we suspect that the strange dark hairy marks are something to do with the returnees deteriorating the longer that they are returned. The thinking is that Lena was getting that mark due to "the twin thing".
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 961
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    manc2008 wrote: »

    The respect in which it compares to Lost is the cynical approach to storytelling. From the start, there is never any intention to explain or resolve anything. It's all about building hype so viewing figures rise. In the end, you feel you've wasted your time as you're never going to find out if the hunches you had and guesses you made were right. So whats the point in investing? Look at the number of posts on here trying to work things out - all a total waste of time.

    Abandoned plot threads is seen as a bad thing in books and films. Yet do it in a TV series and you'll have people fawning over how 'post-modern' it is. Utter nonsense. It's a deliberate way of stringing viewers along so they'll keep watching. And people still think they'll have all this stuff answered in Series 2. They won't. Nothing will ever be explained or resolved.

    I think there's a tricky balance between tying up story developments and leaving enough unexplained so that you're not being spoon-fed. Les Revenants doesn't manage it (it doesn't even attempt it). Engrenages does. So does The Sopranos, The Wire, Borgen and various other truly great series.

    This is a show designed to create hype. The viewers are strung along with tantalising developments that actually are never going anywhere.

    Spot on. I guess a few savvy amongst us will engage in more productive programmes and not watch the rest of 'Perdu'.
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