
Favourite Emmerdale Character 2014 - Round 2, Heat 1



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    DVRBobDVRBob Posts: 118
    Forum Member
    Victoria Sugden
    Nicola King
    Kerry Wyatt
    Debbie Dingle.
    Moira Barton.
    Dianne Sugden
    Zak Dingle
    Georegia Sharma
    Finn Barton
    Belle Dingle
    Andy Sugden
    Ross Barton
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    ReservedReserved Posts: 12,058
    Forum Member
    Thanks for running this btw Reserved :-D

    My pleasure :)
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    GlendarrochGlendarroch Posts: 20,489
    Forum Member
    Nicola King - best
    Victoria sugden
    Zak Dingle
    Moira Barton
    Diane sugden
    Georgia sharma
    Debbie Dingle
    andy sugden
    Ross Barton
    finn Barton

    Reserved, if you're taking bribes, I have a loyalty card entitling me to a free coffee at Macdonalds. If Cain wins, it's yours:D:D:D
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    ReservedReserved Posts: 12,058
    Forum Member
    Reserved, if you're taking bribes, I have a loyalty card entitling me to a free coffee at Macdonalds. If Cain wins, it's yours:D:D:D

    Done :p

    However, if a better deal comes along, you may have to offer more than a free coffee. I'm open to all sorts of offers, I am ;-)
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    Melephunk2010Melephunk2010 Posts: 38,737
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    Reserved wrote: »
    Done :p

    However, if a better deal comes along, you may have to offer more than a free coffee. I'm open to all sorts of offers, I am ;-)

    I'll give you a bag of haribo and a 10 pack of fosters to see Debbie win it.
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    GlendarrochGlendarroch Posts: 20,489
    Forum Member
    I'll give you a bag of haribo and a 10 pack of fosters to see Debbie win it.

    That's fightin' talk>:(:D
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    Melephunk2010Melephunk2010 Posts: 38,737
    Forum Member
    That's fightin' talk>:(:D

    Damn Right! >:(:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 4,994
    Forum Member
    Reserved wrote: »
    Done :p

    However, if a better deal comes along, you may have to offer more than a free coffee. I'm open to all sorts of offers, I am ;-)

    I'll give you a ride in my fire engine if Nessa wins.. even let you turn on the sirens and everything.... :D:D:D
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,008
    Forum Member
    Diane Sugden
    Nicola King
    Moira Barton
    Victoria Sugden
    Zak Dingle
    Andy Sugden
    Kerry Wyatt
    Debbie Dingle
    Belle Dingle
    Ross Barton
    Georgia Sharma
    Finn Barton
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    Telly_FanTelly_Fan Posts: 805
    Forum Member
    Reserved wrote: »
    I'm genuinely sorry though and next time I'll try to answer your questions without the hostility (if I haven't scared you off from asking anymore, that is)!
    Telly_Fan wrote: »
    Well yes of course, if you're happy with you're way so be it. But may I enquire how you are totting up the votes currently? I'd have thought even without a summary, my 'stage 1' is the easiest way to tally them up. Especially with the check line (adding them all up to 55) which should ensure you've not made a mistake. I'm genuinely interested how you do it. :)

    An answer WITH hostility would have been preferable to ignoring it :(

    Also, yes, I'm aware of the irony of following up the above quote with this response;

    A quick thanks to Reserved for the hard work involved in putting this game together. Who cares about the way the votes are counted :)
    Telly_Fan wrote: »
    No-one, probably. I just thought I'd try and help save him time (and also show there were no hard feelings at the same time):)


    I hadn't cared at the time of Beaurepaire's post, however. It was only Reserved's reply to me that aroused my curiosity. I honestly can't think of a way of calculating all the totals that is easier than putting them onto a spreadsheet (which is just the sort of thing they are designed for, afterall) :confused:

    That's OK though. This all started because I was :confused: - now I'll just have to remain :confused: about something else!
    Yes you have, but you made it incredibly patronising.

    If you were grateful for what Reserved was doing you wouldn't be telling him/her the way YOU think it should be done.
    Telly_Fan wrote: »
    I made a suggestion ... Reserved rejected this suggestion, ...We can agree to disagree on that though.

    The other thing I "told" him to do. Well you tell me - if you'd accidentally left Debbie from your vote, or put Sarah or someone in by mistake, would you rather Debbie was moved to the bottom, or that Reserved alerted you to your error so that you could fix it? Again, if he is busy or for other reasons doesn't want to make contact, that is entirely his prerogative, but then isn't it better that you know that any mistake would risk Debbie being automatically put at the bottom? ...I automatically assumed that Reserved would check for the correct positioning ...so I contacted him to help him out. That's how it came to light. ...I probably would have left him to his own devices ... but I was posting anyway so I thought I'd let people know they had to be careful with their votes.


    Lastly, ...I was offering suggestions on how he could save time ...

    Reserved can run the poll how he likes. We should all welcome feedback though. It can be disregarded by all means, but I don't see any problem with offering suggestions for improvement. People on here offer suggestion for improving Emmerdale all the time. They still appreciate that Emmerdale exists, and aren't told not to have an opinion unless they're prepared to apply for a job on the show.

    Again, telling me I'm talking a load of rubbish would have been preferable to no response at all. :( I tried to get across that I didn't TELL Reserved to do *anything*. Actually looking at it again that isn't exactly what you said, but anyway:
    If you were grateful for what Reserved was doing you wouldn't be telling him/her the way YOU think it should be done.

    Thinking about it a different way, that's a nonsense. No-one's ever made you a mug of tea/coffee with too much milk or something? Were you not grateful in any case? Did you not nonetheless advise them how you'd prefer it in future?

    Of course, it's a totally different scenario - the tea/coffee is being made specifically for your benefit, whereas this poll quite obviously isn't being made for mine. But, as I only offered suggestions that he was free to do what he wanted with it IS the same principal. Making suggestions does not mean I can't respect the effort already being put in. Are you not grateful for the work done by the Emmerdale cast and crew, even though you don't agree with everything that happens on the show?

    I was hurt by your comments and I'm further hurt that you rejected my attempt to resolve the issue :( The discussion on here hadn't even been about my suggestions (only in a secondary way), it was about a misleading representation of facts (which was resolved). You don't even know what wording was used when the first two suggestions were made as it was in a PM, and if I didn't respect the work he was doing, why did I help him out during heat 6, and why would I have tried to help again by suggesting ways that I thought he might be able to save time in calculating the figures?
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    Telly_FanTelly_Fan Posts: 805
    Forum Member
    (In two parts because of the smiley limit!)

    There have been times yes when I could have worded things differently :blush:, but I haven't done anything bad. :( Challenging misleading representations of facts isn't a bad thing to do (some journalists make a respectable living out of it (albeit in more serious circumstances)), offering feedback and trying to help isn't a bad thing to do. So why have I been made to feel like what I've done has been SO wrong? :(

    I don't care that my suggestions weren't incorporated, but I don't think there was anything wrong with the suggestions themselves. Everyone's rushed to show their support for Reserved (which of course is fine), but no-one has come and stood up for *me* to say that actually I had made relevant points. And I KNOW the average scores thing was a sensible point because (before all this started) someone said by PM that they agreed with me.

    Perhaps I'm being over sensitive (and making a right show of myself in the process :blush: ), but the very visible support for Reserved contrasted against the total lack of support for me, in addition to the negative posts to me and the ignoring of my replies, has made me feel very unwelcome here :(, when all I was trying to do in the first place was the right thing! :(
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    ReservedReserved Posts: 12,058
    Forum Member
    Telly_Fan wrote: »
    There have been times yes when I could have worded things differently :blush:, but I haven't done anything bad. :( Challenging misleading representations of facts isn't a bad thing to do (some journalists make a respectable living out of it (albeit in more serious circumstances)), offering feedback and trying to help isn't a bad thing to do. So why have I been made to feel like what I've done has been SO wrong? :(

    I don't care that my suggestions weren't incorporated, but I don't think there was anything wrong with the suggestions themselves. Everyone's rushed to show their support for Reserved (which of course is fine), but no-one has come and stood up for *me* to say that actually I had made relevant points. And I KNOW the average scores thing was a sensible point because (before all this started) someone said by PM that they agreed with me.

    I don't like the idea of the average scores - it's as simple as that. A thousand people could PM you and agree with you, it won't change my mind. If you feel so strongly about the format of the results, then simply don't participate and/or run your own.

    I ignored your last question because I couldn't be bothered getting into another discussion with you. Why does it matter how I get the results? I'm guessing the results you've got are the exact same as mine, or you'd have said something by now - so as long as they're correct, why does it matter to you how I get to the end result? I don't see all the other hosts getting so much hassle of how they run their game/how they get the result/why they don't do average scores etcetcetc. Why not go and ask them the same questions?

    You're picking fights for absolutely no reason, and after giving you the benefit of doubt in my last post to you, you've confirmed to me that you're just here to cause trouble with these latest posts, I'm afraid.

    You haven't done anything wrong in the sense that you've provided an opinion on how I should the run game, but it's the way you communicate those thoughts in your posts.

    "I'm bored of this conversation" - Belle Dingle.
    I won't be entertaining your posts from now on.
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    Telly_FanTelly_Fan Posts: 805
    Forum Member
    Reserved wrote: »
    I don't like the idea of the average scores - it's as simple as that. A thousand people could PM you and agree with you, it won't change my mind.


    And nor should it. I thought I'd made clear that you can run it how you like. :confused:

    My point was that I've been made to feel like I was wrong to even air an opinion. The paragraph you're referring to directly related to the final paragraph, and the feeling I was getting that my opinion doesn't even have any value - not to *you*, but to *anyone* around here (except for the PM er). It's all very well everyone coming to your defence, but it's felt to me (perhaps wrongly) like some of them have been implying 'take no notice of that idiot'. Coupled with the direct criticism for "telling" you things, and being ignored I've felt like I'm not wanted here :(
    If you feel so strongly about the format of the results

    I don't. I offered a suggestion. That's it.
    I ignored your last question because I couldn't be bothered getting into another discussion with you.

    I wouldn't have been so bothered had you not specifically said you'd try and answer any other questions. You were alomost inviting further questions and then chose to ignore it when I asked one. How is that meant to make me feel? :(
    Why does it matter how I get the results?

    I was interested. As I explained earlier "I honestly can't think of a way of calculating all the totals that is easier than putting them onto a spreadsheet". I really genuinely can't.
    I don't see all the other hosts getting so much hassle of how they run their game/how they get the result/why they don't do average scores etcetcetc. Why not go and ask them the same questions?

    At the moment I'm more interested in Emmerdale than the other soaps - I haven't even looked at the other polls. Remember I only made the suggestions to YOU because I was PMing you anyway, and please don't forget that the reason I was PMing you was to try and be helpful. If you hadn't commented that you were behind in the counting I'd never have sent that PM in the first place!
    You're picking fights for absolutely no reason

    I was trying to explain how I felt being ignored etc :(
    you've confirmed to me that you're just here to cause trouble with these latest posts, I'm afraid.

    I've confirmed nothing. You've inferred it, but I'm afraid I have been misunderstood, again. :(
    it's the way you communicate those thoughts in your posts.

    I'm sorry. I tried. :(
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    tjbantamtjbantam Posts: 1,330
    Forum Member
    1 Zak
    2 Moira
    3 Nicola
    4 Ross
    5 Diane
    6 Belle
    7 Finn
    8 Kerry
    9 Victoria
    10 Debbie
    11 Georgia
    12 Andy
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    Telly_FanTelly_Fan Posts: 805
    Forum Member
    Telly_Fan wrote: »
    it's felt to me (perhaps wrongly) like some of them have been implying 'take no notice of that idiot'. Coupled with the direct criticism for "telling" you things, and being ignored I've felt like I'm not wanted here :(

    I realise that now even more people will think of me as an idiot (and that it my have just been 'paranoia', if you will, anyway), but that part of it was very much secondary to the main things that had upset me anyway.

    When I wrote that reply to Reserved that enquired what his method was, it was the first post I'd written to him where I wasn't worried about the sort of reaction it would get. I thought we'd sorted it out, he'd said I could ask a question, so I thought he'd be happy to answer. Even when I first saw he'd replied to others, I thought "don't panic, he'll come back to it when he's ready". Then I realised he'd decided to go against what he said, and it hurt me.

    Who here can honestly put there hand up and say 'I like being ignored'? It's not a nice feeling. :( It would have been much better if Reserved had said "sorry, but I don't feel like answering that question". At least I wouldn't have felt shunned. :(

    Secondly, I was saddened to see that Melephunk had taken issue against me. I wrote a reply hoping to resolve things, and waited anxiously for a reply - only to find after 24 hours of apprehension that she very deliberately ignored my attempt to resolve it and instead replied to other people. :(

    I didn't know when I started last night that I was going to write all that. It just sort of flowed out. Once I realised I hadn't *quite* replied to what Melephunk had actually said, I had already gone off on a different tangent and I decided the best thing was to be honest about how the ignoring and certain other things (I didn't refer to anyone else in particular but there's at least one other person who to me had seemed to make a very deliberate dig at my expense) had made me feel. I didn't want to stay around here if I thought people were going to be going out of there way to ignore me in future. I thought it better to try and clear the air. I obviously failed. :(
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    CuishlaCuishla Posts: 16,332
    Forum Member
    Nicola King
    Victoria Sugden
    Diane Sugden
    Debbie Dingle
    Kerry Wyatt
    Ross Barton
    Zak Dingle
    Finn Barton
    Georgia Sharma
    Belle Dingle
    Moira Barton
    Andy Sugden
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    ReservedReserved Posts: 12,058
    Forum Member
    Any last minute votes? Just over an hour left before voting closes so be quick :)
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    OldnjadedOldnjaded Posts: 89,126
    Forum Member
    Reserved wrote: »
    Any last minute votes? Just over an hour left before voting closes so be quick :)

    You're right to waste no more time on a single lone dissenter. For ease, I strongly recommend the ignore button. :)
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    Telly_FanTelly_Fan Posts: 805
    Forum Member
    Oldnjaded wrote: »
    You're right to waste no more time on a single lone dissenter. For ease, I strongly recommend the ignore button. :)

    I really wouldn't bother. You don't think I'm sticking around this place now do you? :cry:

    I just can't believe it turned out like this. :(

    Just because there was a legitimate reason, the summary was still inaccurate and misleading. I could have handled things differently, but I did nothing wrong questioning why false information had been given.

    As for the rest of it I really do despair! :( I've been totally and utterly misunderstood. :(

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    Owen19Owen19 Posts: 13,198
    Forum Member
    Victoria Sudgen
    Nicola King
    Ross Barton
    Moira Barton
    Diane Sudgen
    Belle Dingle
    Debbie Dingle
    Andy Sudgen
    Kerry Wyatt
    Zak Dingle
    Finn Barton
    Georgia Sharma
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    ReservedReserved Posts: 12,058
    Forum Member
    Oldnjaded wrote: »
    You're right to waste no more time on a single lone dissenter. For ease, I strongly recommend the ignore button. :)

    I'm too busy finishing off the voting and typing up the next thread to take notice of 'em :)

    It's a friggin' game and to cause such a reaction in someone because I choose to layout the opening post in a way they'd rather I didn't is baffling.

    I have taken some advice off them though, and I shall be warning people about messing up their vote from now on, so I hope they get off my back now. Clean slate going into the next round, hopefully.
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    nBonBo Posts: 694
    Forum Member
    Kerry Wyatt
    Moira Barton
    Victoria Sugden
    Nicola King
    Zak Dingle
    Debbie Dingle
    Ross Barton
    Finn Barton
    Andy Sugden
    Belle Dingle
    Diane Sugden
    Georgia Sharma
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    Telly_FanTelly_Fan Posts: 805
    Forum Member
    Telly_Fan wrote: »
    I've been totally and utterly misunderstood. :(
    Reserved wrote: »
    a reaction in someone because I choose to layout the opening post in a way they'd rather I didn't

    Which rather proves my point.

    It was the false information, nothing whatsoever to do with the layout.

    I don't know how much clearer I could have been on that issue! :confused::confused:
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 7,189
    Forum Member
    Reserved wrote: »
    Results of Round 1, Heat 7:

    01. Diane Sugden - 14.43%
    02. Alicia Metcalfe - 14.37%
    03. Victoria Sugden - 13.93%
    04. Zak Dingle - 12.92%
    05. Bernice Blackstock - 10.70%

    06. Bob Hope - 10.62%
    07. Adam Barton - 9.52%
    08. Sean Spencer - 5.88%
    09. Leo Goskirk - 4.73%
    10. Gemma Andrews - 2.85%

    Thank you for all of your votes :)

    It was an exciting heat, this one. Diane, Alicia and Victoria led, and it was extremely close between all three of 'em from the very start and stayed that way throughout - it's Diane who comes out victorious, though. Bernice started off well and actually kept up with the top three for quite some time, but in the latter half of the voting, the support for her wasn't there, allowing Zak to catch up and take over her. Adam did much better than I expected, but he still misses out on a place in the final 36. Sean, Leo and Gemma were continuously put bottom of pretty much every list.

    Bob may not have made the top five, but he's secured a place in the next round anyway as he did indeed beat Priya's percentage of 10.34%! She managed to hold her place since the very first heat, but unfortunately, she's fallen at the last hurdle, so we say goodbye to her along with Adam, Sean, Leo and Gemma!

    The final 36 are:
    Jimmy King, Edna Birch, Ross Barton, Belle Dingle, Andy Sugden, Dan Spencer, Vanessa Woodfield, Ruby Haswell, Finn Barton, Harriet Finch, Cain Dingle, Nicola King, Moira Barton, Val Pollard, Chas Dingle, Charity Sharma, Megan Macey, Declan Macey, Kerry Wyatt, Jai Sharma, Eric Pollard, Debbie Dingle, Rhona Kirk, Sandy Thomas, Georgia Sharma, David Metcalfe, Rodney Blackstock, Pearl Ladderbanks, Paddy Kirk, Rishi Sharma, Diane Sugden, Alicia Metcalfe, Victoria Sugden, Zak Dingle, Bernice Blackstock and Bob Hope.

    In Round 2, there will be three heats of 12, with six characters in each heat making it into the next round (the final 18).

    Please rank the characters below from your favourite to least favourite. The top six will go through to Round 3.

    ROUND 2, HEAT 1:

    Finn Barton
    Belle Dingle
    Andy Sugden
    Diane Sugden
    Debbie Dingle
    Kerry Wyatt
    Moira Barton
    Ross Barton
    Nicola King
    Georgia Sharma
    Victoria Sugden
    Zak Dingle

    Voting closes on Saturday at 3PM.

    Fave - Nicola King
    Diane Sugden
    Zak dingle
    Belle dingle
    Moira Barton
    Debbie dingle
    Finn Barton
    Ross Barton
    Andy Sugden
    Victoria Sugden
    Kerry Wyatt
    Least fave - Georgia sharma
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    GlendarrochGlendarroch Posts: 20,489
    Forum Member
    Telly_Fan wrote: »
    I realise that now even more people will think of me as an idiot (and that it my have just been 'paranoia', if you will, anyway), but that part of it was very much secondary to the main things that had upset me anyway.

    When I wrote that reply to Reserved that enquired what his method was, it was the first post I'd written to him where I wasn't worried about the sort of reaction it would get. I thought we'd sorted it out, he'd said I could ask a question, so I thought he'd be happy to answer. Even when I first saw he'd replied to others, I thought "don't panic, he'll come back to it when he's ready". Then I realised he'd decided to go against what he said, and it hurt me.

    Who here can honestly put there hand up and say 'I like being ignored'? It's not a nice feeling. :( It would have been much better if Reserved had said "sorry, but I don't feel like answering that question". At least I wouldn't have felt shunned. :(

    Secondly, I was saddened to see that Melephunk had taken issue against me. I wrote a reply hoping to resolve things, and waited anxiously for a reply - only to find after 24 hours of apprehension that she very deliberately ignored my attempt to resolve it and instead replied to other people. :(

    I didn't know when I started last night that I was going to write all that. It just sort of flowed out. Once I realised I hadn't *quite* replied to what Melephunk had actually said, I had already gone off on a different tangent and I decided the best thing was to be honest about how the ignoring and certain other things (I didn't refer to anyone else in particular but there's at least one other person who to me had seemed to make a very deliberate dig at my expense) had made me feel. I didn't want to stay around here if I thought people were going to be going out of there way to ignore me in future. I thought it better to try and clear the air. I obviously failed. :(
    Personally i didn't understand your points (my fault, i'm not good with figures]. But I do appreciate that Reserved puts a lot of time and effort in for our amusement. Most of us are trying to make light of the situation because at the end of the day it's a wee bit of fun, imo. :)There's nothing to stop you joining in.

    And Reserved, how does a 25 yr old Macallan single malt sound:D
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