
Who Killed Lucy Beale? - Latest theories, updates and spoilers (Merged)



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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Ben_Manns wrote: »
    Well, the writer said it would make or break his career.

    He's just broke it.

    Ridiculous. Some of the worst writing I've ever seen. What a cop out. Hang your head in shame.

    It's a shame because in my opinion some of the build-up writing in respect to Dot, Nick, and Ian has been excellent.
    Bobby being the killer doesn't seem to have any relation to anything really. It's like some random whim where they've gone mad and suddenly decided to turn a kid into some evil monster out of the blue. Just a crazy decision.
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    InspirationInspiration Posts: 62,753
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    bookclub10 wrote: »
    Here is the aftershow interview with DTC. He says that Bobby was the killer from the start, that they told the actor on Monday but had asked his dad before that....

    Certainly some of the more recent scenes point to Bobby in hind sight, such as Emma not wanting to go to her bosses when she had vital info.. probably because Jane pleaded with her.

    There was never one single natural suspect with all the others and no clear motive. Now we know why. I suppose at least this wasn't some weird twist like it turning out to be Deano or something daft like that.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 82
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    so ian was out kerb crawling, ben was out mugging, peter was out scoring, lauren was out but we don't know why she was at the beales on the video (????) even abi was out threatening lucy..all this, and a ten year old, in pyjamas, with a plastic box he could barely get his hands around, killed lucy in a house full of people and waited for jane like he's michael myers...they have made a mockery out of a potentially powerful drama
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    Fair_DoosFair_Doos Posts: 106
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    fozzie74 wrote: »
    He's Ian's. He had a paternity test, and Gary found out he wasn't his. They showed the "heartbreaking"(?!) moment Ian came to take him from Gary on one of the compilation shows last week (the only reason i remember it!!).

    They will find out in s few years there was a mix up with the DNA and he IS Gary's child, not Ians.....
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 398
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    I'd love to know what clues over the last ten months were supposed to allow anyone to guess it was Bobby. I mean, the first rule of a whodunit is that the author should be able to point back, at the end, to the clues that they left, so that the reader/audience can say - oh yes, should have got that.

    With Bobby, they are none.

    Twist for the sake of a twist. Shock for the sake of a shock. Everything that has always been poor about soap operas for me. Still, maybe that makes it a fitting anniversary.
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    allyuffy1allyuffy1 Posts: 19
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    Well, here's my take on it!

    When people on here were speculating a few days ago that it was Bobby, I made a post saying NO WAY is it Bobby, that it would be ridiculous, unrealistic, they wouldn't give such a HUGE storyline to a young actor, how could a 10 year old murder Lucy,etc..

    However, I've TOTALLY changed my mind after that flashback episode - that was sublime! I loved how it made us believe it was Denise at first. When she was panicking and clearing up in the bedroom, I genuinely thought there would be a shot of Lucy's body next to her :eek: Even when Peter was running past the house and he stopped, I thought he was going to storm in and confront Lucy. My nerves were shot at that point!

    Even Whitney ran through my mind when she started at the house (how cold was that "rot in hell" line! :eek: ) Then when it showed Max, I thought "Oh God, it's Max!" NEVER in a million years did I suspect that Jane would turn around to see Bobby! I didn't even notice that scene was live, the actor who plays Bobby really excelled. He had that disturbed, crazed look down to a tee! So I take back what I said about him too young to handle this storyline.

    Anyways, after having a think, this is why I think Bobby is a fantastic choice:

    1. Emotional Impact - Realistically, it had to be a Beale in order for this storyline to deliver the sad and upsetting element that we were promised. It HAD to be someone that grieved for Lucy and someone close to Ian - who could have been closer but his son and Lucy's brother?

    2. Bobby is family - If the killer had been a non Beale, it would be partially easier for the Beales to move on from this. But because it's Bobby, the family will always be haunted by this. Every time Ian looks at Bobby, he will see Lucy and he will be reminded of what she could have become. Reminded that Lucy's brother killed her

    3. This makes things VERY interesting for the character of Bobby and the aftermath. This reveal WILL CHANGE all the Beales forever. This would almost certainly drive Ian to another mental breakdown. Knowing a member of his own family, his own son killed Lucy. This changes his whole relationship with Jane forever. How can he ever forgive her? Perhaps he could understand why Jane felt the need to protect Bobby, but when he realises that Jane (presumably) left Lucy in the common on a cold, dark night knowing that she was dead? He'll question why Jane didn't call an ambulance.

    Jane will never be able to overcome the guilt that she feels in covering up Lucy's death, particularly after her last contact with Lucy was Lucy telling Jane she wanted her to be her mother. What an awful burden for her to be carrying all this time!

    And then there's Bobby..what does this mean for him? Is he really, really disturbed, killing Lucy in cold blood and knowing what he did? OR did he believe Lucy was still alive and unconscious? He seemed pretty cold standing there across from Lucy when Jane walked in! Seemed to point like he did believe she was still alive, "Whatever she says, she started it". This makes the whole sage even MORE sad. Bobby has no idea. He saw Lucy and Denise arguing and then sneaked downstairs to confront Lucy. Who knows where the jewellery box came from, but likely a massive row broke out. Lucy obviously had to be bending down or sitting in order for Bobby to be able to hit her! To have killed her, it must have been a pretty hard whack though :eek:

    DTC tweeted "And there you have it. But the COMPLETELY LIVE fallout tomorrow is going to have you reaching for the tissues" Seems like it's going to be another incredible episode! I must say a massive well down to DTC for actually making Bobby the killer. Nobody ever saw that coming, but he said he doesn't want people to say that. He wants people to be saddened and realise that it makes sense. And I reckon by tomorrow (once we know the full story), it will. This storyline has been amazing and now that Bobby has been revealed as the killer, the aftermath should be fantastic and potentially groundbreaking for EastEnders!

    Great post. I was initially disappointed but you've made it seem better
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    scotschicalocascotschicaloca Posts: 44
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    Max is involved I reckon, hes helped to cover up the murder. I reckon he called Jane while she was in Masoods house (who called Jane??? We saw Max about to enter the house). Then Jane calls him (without telling him Bobby is the killer) to help move the body. Max helps out, believing it is Abbi who killed Lucy and that he is protecting her.

    I agree with this, posted something similar earlier but whats just occured to me is: Why did Max think Jane was so eager to help move the body and why did Jane think same about him?
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    jendejende Posts: 21,432
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    Yes I was thinking how ridiculous it would be for a little boy to beat a grown woman to death with a music box.
    So now I'm wondering that as in the last couple of episodes we've had a couple of false reveals, will this be another false reveal? And that as we didn't actually see it happen somebody else was involved.
    There were one or two bits missing from parts in the flashback episode, so I'm wondering if there is more to come in order to fill the pieces which are missing.
    We saw Bobby holding the music box acting like he killed Lucy, but can we say for sure that we know that this is the case at the moment?
    But taking into account she had a head injury, she was hit by Jake, slapped by Abi, grappled with by Denise, it most probably wouldn't mean that Bobby had to use much force. Even a slight bang on or around the wound could set off a blood clot, which may have even been started with the other ocassions she was hit.
    hope max moved the body.

    jane says to bobby 'dont worry, lets get u in bed, lucy is fine' and takes bobby upstairs, by the time she has settled him and she is downstairs to think about what to do next max has come in and found the body, moved it via the backgate and jane looks for lucy, assuming she has woken up and stumbled off.

    please god lol dont want jane to have moved the body!
    :D Yeah, I kind of want Jane to say, 'well I thought she was dead, put Bobby to bed and when I came down she was gone, so assumed she was ok.'

    To then find out she stumbled out, died in Max's arms and he thought it was cos of Abi and dumped her! But not sure how they'll show that in the live eppy :D

    Well we can hope eh??
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    PacerkezPacerkez Posts: 1,050
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    Melax wrote: »
    I think Lucy was on the floor because she was snorting all the cocaine Peter keeps spilling on the floor everywhere he goes. That's what killed her, she overdosed. Bobby is innocent!!

    I just spat my wine :D:D:D
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    jamesjp14jamesjp14 Posts: 351
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    Jane to Cindy to Bobby, that was the decision process. They said it didn't feel right until Alex Lamb suggested Bobby
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 398
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    I am surprised that they didn't actually show what happened to Lucy, I assumed we would see exactly what happened.

    I think we all wanted more from the flashback. We all assumed the flashback would explain things, rather than be another chance at a last minute twist. Maybe it would have been better if the flashback had come at the end of the week, after the live episode? They were so concerned that it had to be a surprise that they kind of missed the point, IMO.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 32
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    Ok, so in my part-time I'm a hacker. I've hacked DTCs email account and came across this. The email is dated today at 9:32 am:

    DTC: Guys, we've got a problem
    GROUP: What?
    DTC: It's about tonight?
    GROUP: Crap, what's up?
    DTC: Well, you know the big reveal...
    GROUP: Yeh, the thing you've been working on for ten months. What about it?
    DTC: Well, there's a problem
    GROUP: Uhhhh....ok.... what?
    DTC: Well. I don't actually have an ending.
    GROUP: WHAT. What the actual fk. How is that even possible?
    DTC: Well, I kinda thought it would sort itself out.
    GROUP: That doesn't even make sense.
    DTC: Uh... yeh. Well, any ideas?
    GROUP: Well, we need something that links the clues. It needs to be clever.
    DTC: Gotcha.
    DTC: So....... who we thinking?
    GROUP: I dunno... Denise? She had motive and lived at the house.
    GROUP: Oh yeh that Whitney bird, she hated Lucy with a passion.
    GROUP: Plus don't forget, Peter overheard Ian saying she was his favourite.
    GROUP: Oh and Abi knew of her affair with her dad Max.
    GROUP: Oh and Lola had issues with her too
    GROUP: Yeh, you could add Lee to that as well. He liked Lucy and could be gutted she chose Max over him
    GROUP: What about Ben? He's killed before?
    GROUP: Yeh maybe this time could be Jay's turn?
    GROUP: What about Cindy? That bitch is always miserable. She could easily have killed him?
    GROUP: Jane would be a shock maybe??
    GROUP: How about Lauren kills her and Jane covers? Bit random but Lauren does have a dodgy side to her?
    GROUP: Ok, how about Les or Pam? They seem a bit dodgy - we could probably make that work?
    GROUP: Or Ian? That would be insanely shocking!
    DTC: How about Lady Di?
    GROUP: No.
    DTC: Ha..... errr.... don't worry I was only joking. I think I've got it. Thanks for your help guys.

    ** 12 hours later **

    GROUP: So who'd you go with in the end?
    DTC: Well you all came up with great ideas. But just as I was about to go with Lady Di, that little **** Bobby came in and threatened me at knife point, so I had to give the part to him.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Wasn't she filmed going into the Beales on the night of the murder? How was that reflected??

    It wasn't. And I don't know why. Because yesterday I read an article online interviewing one of the creators about how much work they had to do to recreate that scene, as it's a different set now from a year ago.
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    Aurora13Aurora13 Posts: 30,264
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    DTC said this was based on Broadchurch. In the first series the public cared about what happened to Danny Latimer. He's twisted this believing that public will care what happens to Bobby Beale. Thing is they don't give a chit. He is a nonentity.

    If it had been Tiffany at 10 doing this to Whitney and Bianca covering it up. More believable but more importantly public would have cared about Tiff.

    Fact is Bobby could be carted off tomorrow and it wouldn't make an iota of difference to the show.
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    MattXfactorMattXfactor Posts: 3,223
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    Ten_Ben wrote: »
    Well said, mate. Agree with every word, saves me a load of typing!! :D

    The thread's been better than the story. So much potential, could have been spectacular had it been Ian, Max, Jane, Denise, yet we get an epic fail.

    Thanks haha, I hope my venting of anger has in some way made you feel better about yours! Agreed this thread and the theories on it blew this out of the water. TBH that can always happen with these things but usually no way near to this extent, I thought the end was horrible. I thought if Bobby did it he'd not know he did it, and from this tonight the only way he can not of known he did it is if he's a complete idiot lol.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
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    I think we all wanted more from the flashback. We all assumed the flashback would explain things, rather than be another chance at a last minute twist. Maybe it would have been better if the flashback had come at the end of the week, after the live episode? They were so concerned that it had to be a surprise that they kind of missed the point, IMO.

    It could have been so much better, I think many would agree with that atleast? :D
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    She got slapped up by Abby, roughed up by Denise, elbowed by Jake, knocked down by max in the car lot....did half the square have a part to play in killing Lucy

    Yesterday a few posters were actually saying that would happen....but they said it as a joke.:D
    Like the comedy film Airplane where they are all queuing up in a line to slap that hysterical woman on the plane.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 82
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    DIsco_kid wrote: »
    This isn't correct, it was revealed later that Bobby was in fact Ian's son

    i stand corrected :)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,978
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    Well done to all the people who said it was Bobby and Jane covered.. and a very well done to the people who had a bet on it. I couldn't afford the risk of the amount of money I would have had to bet to get a good return by the time it became likely it could be him.
    Well done to you all!!
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    LolaSveltLolaSvelt Posts: 2,293
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    They definitely just picked a name out of a hat. What do you expect with Eastenders? It's a rubbish soap opera. Actually, that statement is quite redundant considering all soap operas are rubbish.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 1,310
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    C_N1 wrote: »
    why are only pro-Eastenders, pro-DTC comments allowed? It's as though DTC is above criticism on here sometimes. This is a free forum and people should be allowed to post what they want, not just stuff sucking DTC off

    No i meant the people who are criticisng and mocking the disappointment and dtc hating on here

    Lol i absolutely loathe dtc
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Piipp wrote: »
    What a waste of ten months. Where is the payoff? Writers are supposed to be clever with these things; making us think it is everyone whilst it still IS one of those people. Not pointing fingers at everyone and then deciding that actually, it's none of these people. It's just shit poor script writing in my opinion.

    I read in this thread a few days ago about a really good writer proving their worth by having the killer hidden in plain sight. However, EE have just completely hidden the killer. We've hardly even seen Bobby.

    I agree with you. If this really is the intended outcome it's makes all these clues and plot-lines and investigations they've shown over the course of ten months utterly meaningless.
    It's like throwing all that out of the window and saying I know, lets make it turn out to be some random demon kid who the viewer has hardly any familiarity with.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 5,579
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    I think the biggest clue all along was Jane whisking bobby off to Birmingham and not really wanting to return with him
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    Aurora13Aurora13 Posts: 30,264
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    They were too embarrassed to show her actualy being killed is it? Ludricrous that Jane went and dumped her body to be eaten by foxes perhaps as opposed to phone an ambulance. Its an utter shambolic end.

    Why did Jane say oh my god Bobby when she needed to " get the kids" for Ian to tell them Lucy was dead. Another viewer lost here im afraid.

    I suspect there has been a change in ending with Peter going!
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 350
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    Aurora13 wrote: »
    DTC said this was based on Broadchurch. In the first series the public cared about what happened to Danny Latimer. He's twisted this believing that public will care what happens to Bobby Beale. Thing is they don't give a chit. He is a nonentity.

    If it had been Tiffany at 10 doing this to Whitney and Bianca covering it up. More believable but more importantly public would have cared about Tiff.

    Fact is Bobby could be carted off tomorrow and it wouldn't make an iota of difference to the show.

    Speaking of Tiffany, wasn't there a story where Bobby was emailing Tiffany saying he was trying to investigate and find out who killed his sister?
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