
Marvel's Jessica Jones - Season 1 Discussion Thread (Spoilers in Tags)



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    not_the_doctornot_the_doctor Posts: 1,835
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    It's based on the comic books. The show hasn't attempted to be more mature for television, and is trying to keep to the spirit of the source material.
    Yes, I think people would have complained if the sex scenes hadn't been there too, since it was such an integral part of the comics. That said, it did feel like they didn't really work as well in the show. That one (in)famous scene from the comics really spoke to Jessica's emotionally damaged state, whereas the scenes on the show mostly came across as just your average drunken hook-up. One of them in particular was staged almost like a romantic comedy.
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    YuffieYuffie Posts: 9,864
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    Flash525 wrote: »
    I'm nearing completion of the show (episode 12 now). Has anyone ever stopped to think that maybe people who were out to get Kevin should have just worn earphones or something? I mean, if they can't hear him, they're not going to do as he says, right?

    Luke + Headphones = Kevin's smashed up face. :p

    Good thinking, and it goes back to someone else's post a page or two back about weather he can control people who don't understand English.

    So many questions .... so little time to answer them.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Yes, I think people would have complained if the sex scenes hadn't been there too, since it was such an integral part of the comics. That said, it did feel like they didn't really work as well in the show. That one (in)famous scene from the comics really spoke to Jessica's emotionally damaged state, whereas the scenes on the show mostly came across as just your average drunken hook-up. One of them in particular was staged almost like a romantic comedy.

    From what I read online, if anything the television scene version appeared to play down her feelings from the same scene in the comic book.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    I started watching the series again. And for some reason I'm enjoying it even more than the first time. One reason for that would partly be due to picking up details which I may have missed on first viewing.

    There is one little detail which leaves an interesting question.....
    When Jeri Hogarth and Jessica help Hope have a forced abortion to rid herself of Kilgrave's unborn child, Jeri comes back later on without Jessica there and says to one of the staff that she wants the dead foetus.

    I completely forgot about that when I was watching it the first time.

    Themes which run right across the series are that often the point is made very clear that many of the victims are told to smile, and that quite often when Kilgrave issues commands to people they somehow secretly want those things to happen, and as they are under Kilgrave's control their responsibility is taken away from the actions they carry out as they are free from fear, guilt, or logic.

    Also Kilgrave isn't the only one who has control issues, throughout the series several characters use and control each other for their own ends, and some characters demonstrate that whatever Kilgrave has made them do was probably already within them all their life.
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    Matt DMatt D Posts: 13,153
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    I started watching the series again. And for some reason I'm enjoying it even more than the first time. One reason for that would partly be due to picking up details which I may have missed on first viewing.

    There is one little detail which leaves an interesting question.....
    When Jeri Hogarth and Jessica help Hope have a forced abortion to rid herself of Kilgrave's unborn child, Jeri comes back later on without Jessica there and says to one of the staff that she wants the dead foetus.

    I completely forgot about that when I was watching it the first time.

    It came up again more than once later in the season.
    Jeri told Kilgrave about it when they were at Wendy's.

    Kilgrave later acquired the tissue and his father used it in his experiments to increase Kilgrave's power.
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Matt D wrote: »
    It came up again more than once later in the season.
    Jeri told Kilgrave about it when they were at Wendy's.

    Kilgrave later acquired the tissue and his father used it in his experiments to increase Kilgrave's power.

    Oh I see. I missed that bit then. I'll be coming up to that again soon as I am only at around the halfway point.
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    HelboreHelbore Posts: 16,101
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    One thing the Netflix Marvel TV shows have taught me;
    I you're an old black guy, get the hell out of Hell's Kitchen as fast as you bloody can!

    I really enjoyed this show. I thought everyone brought their A game and all the characters were both likable and unlikable at times. Even Kilgrave was sympathetic at times. For instance;
    When Jessica has him help save the family being held hostage. His reaction afterwards - actually seemed to enjoy the reaction he got off the mother. It was also interesting how he admitted the idea of having the father simply blow his head off seemed right to him. He need Jessica's conscience to show him the right way. Of course, it also proves that he is a pure psychopath. He has absolutely no concept of right and wrong. But with a little bit of guidance, he could potentially be a force for good. Maybe.

    Or maybe he really was too damaged to fix. The thing he liked the most out of being a hero what what he got out of it, emotionally.

    There's some well-written, interesting chars throughout.

    PS. did anyone else think Officer Simpson looked at bit like Steve Rogers?
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
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    Perhaps people could put the Number of the Episode they are discussing, in bold at the start of their post.

    Such as

    Episode 2 Discussion

    And then leave a bit of space before discussing.

    Then people could skip those posts.

    Just an idea
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    nathanbrazilnathanbrazil Posts: 8,863
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    shaddler wrote: »
    I watch the first episode yesterday. All the pointless sex scenes put me off, it felt like a really clumsy attempt at defining itself as a mature show.

    It isn't pointless, in fact that is the point you've missed. People like JJ and Luke Cage are physically so much more robust than the rest of us, so imagine what that does to their private lives. They'd always be at risk of accidentally breaking normal people. But each other....
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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    Flash525 wrote: »
    I'm nearing completion of the show (episode 12 now). Has anyone ever stopped to think that maybe people who were out to get Kevin should have just worn earphones or something? I mean, if they can't hear him, they're not going to do as he says, right?

    Luke + Headphones = Kevin's smashed up face. :p

    I read your post when you posted it at the time. But deliberately didn't answer it for a reason.
    I'm just wondering if you've watched episode 13 yet? ;-)
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    bokononbokonon Posts: 2,370
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    I thought it was really interesting but it had many more flaws than Daredevil which was a sort of masterpiece.

    On the positive side it was original in the way that it married up an explicitly feminist theme (woman takes on man who has been trying to control her life) with a female dominated cast in which men played secondary roles. And the relationship between Jessica and Trish was great. And the primary male role of Killgrave worked a treat: a really unusual villain played by a great actor. In fact that was probably the main area where JJ scored over DD because D'Onofrio was pretty much the weak link in that series.

    But, but, but on JJ they basically ran out of plot while on DD they had ideas to burn. So the first episodes felt underpowered with not enough happening because they had to keep delaying the confrontation with Killgrave. The middle sections were great because you felt it was building to a climax. But then it did sort of build to a climax around 8/9 and for the last four episodes they just kept throwing random stuff at the screen. Episode 11 would be the prime evidence in that regard- no plot progression but a series of random events to make sure that there was room for the events of 12 and 13. The stuff about Simpson was also typical in that regard. It was interesting when he was Killgraved, it was interesting when he was recovering from being Killgraved. But the stuff after that was absolutely pointless and actually detracted from rather than added to the main story. Presumably Simpson's story will work into the larger Defenders architecture and he will feature elsewhere- otherwise it really was redundant.

    But now I have probably sounded more critical than I meant to be so lets say Krysten Ritter and Rachael Taylor carried the thing along with great energy and charisma.
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    ItHasPotentialItHasPotential Posts: 7,817
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    i'll tell you something, kilgrave reminds me of a very evil time lord, had me in stitches with his quirky speak.

    "go over there and stay there" LOL
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    James FrederickJames Frederick Posts: 53,184
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    Helbore wrote: »

    PS. did anyone else think Officer Simpson looked at bit like Steve Rogers?

    Funny you should say that in the comics he was also part of the super soldier/wepon X program.

    His name is Nuke in the comics.
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    JenzenJenzen Posts: 7,364
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    David Tennant was just fantastic in this, great villian!
    Overall I think DD is the better show of the two, but I enjoyed JJ and I'm not much of a superhero TV fan usually.
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    KennyTKennyT Posts: 20,706
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    Just finished last night. Very good, but as someone else mentioned, the fight scenes weren't as good as in DD. I thought that it didn't really pick up until midway through, when
    JJ convinced Kilgrave to do something good, the moral ambiguities that that introduced could have been explored a bit more deeply and taken the show in a completely different direction - which is why they probably didn't do it!.

    So, overall 9.5/10 (DD got 10/10 from me) - but i'm loving all the Marvel series that i've watched (even AoS) except for Agent Carter (am i wrong? Should i give that a second chance?)

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    HelboreHelbore Posts: 16,101
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    KennyT wrote: »
    So, overall 9.5/10 (DD got 10/10 from me) - but i'm loving all the Marvel series that i've watched (even AoS) except for Agent Carter (am i wrong? Should i give that a second chance?)


    How much of Agent Carter did you watch? I thought it was fantastic, personally. I'd put Agents of SHIELD as the weakest of the Marvel shows, although I still really enjoy it. I think the other shows are tighter because of their shorter run times. AoS suffers somewhat from the age-old US TV problem of needing padding to accommodate the number of episodes required.
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    KennyTKennyT Posts: 20,706
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    Helbore wrote: »
    How much of Agent Carter did you watch? I thought it was fantastic, personally. I'd put Agents of SHIELD as the weakest of the Marvel shows, although I still really enjoy it. I think the other shows are tighter because of their shorter run times. AoS suffers somewhat from the age-old US TV problem of needing padding to accommodate the number of episodes required.
    I think I watched the first couple (or maybe just halfway through the second one before I decided to bail out).

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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
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    KennyT wrote: »
    I think I watched the first couple (or maybe just halfway through the second one before I decided to bail out).


    Well then yes I'd give it another go. It's a great series.
    I agree with the poster above that AOS is the weakest of the Marvel television series. Not that it's weak, I just mean in comparison to the other shows.

    With Agent Carter, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil I think they're all high quality and all good, it's just a case of picking your favourite.
    At the moment Jessica Jones probably edges it for me over Daredevil. But they are equally good in their own ways.
    Agent Carter is like a completely different world to JJ and DD, but it's still very good on its own terms.
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    James FrederickJames Frederick Posts: 53,184
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    From what I have heard online Jessica Jones will get a 2nd series but not for at least 2 years.

    They are working on other shows

    Daredevil series 2
    Luke Cage.
    Iron Fist
    Maybe Punisher.

    And Defenders which will be all of them inc JJ teaming up.

    JJ will likey cameo in the others it's almost certain she will cameo in Luke Cage.

    Night Nurse is also confirmed for Luke Cage and pretty much confirmed she will be in at least 1 ep of all the shows
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
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    I think JJ is obviously designed as a show, so as to not cost too much in terms of special FX. But it doesn't skimp on characterisation, story and atmosphere.

    I like the way they have shades of gray in terms of Good and Evil, and that not everything is black and white.
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    James FrederickJames Frederick Posts: 53,184
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    I think JJ is obviously designed as a show, so as to not cost too much in terms of special FX. But it doesn't skimp on characterisation, story and atmosphere.

    I like the way they have shades of gray in terms of Good and Evil, and that not everything is black and white.
    To save on money they have depowered her in the comics she can fly but obviously that would cost a lot.
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    koantemplationkoantemplation Posts: 101,293
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    Spoiler Space for Episode 10 onwards

    When is the stupid moo going to realise she's caused more deaths by letting him live than she could ever save?


    Rhetorical question.
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    KennyTKennyT Posts: 20,706
    Forum Member
    Well then yes I'd give it another go. It's a great series.
    I agree with the poster above that AOS is the weakest of the Marvel television series. Not that it's weak, I just mean in comparison to the other shows.

    With Agent Carter, Jessica Jones, and Daredevil I think they're all high quality and all good, it's just a case of picking your favourite.
    At the moment Jessica Jones probably edges it for me over Daredevil. But they are equally good in their own ways.
    Agent Carter is like a completely different world to JJ and DD, but it's still very good on its own terms.
    OK, tks. Looks like I'll at least have something to watch over Xmas!

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    AlrightmateAlrightmate Posts: 73,120
    Forum Member
    Spoiler Space for Episode 10 onwards

    When is the stupid moo going to realise she's caused more deaths by letting him live than she could ever save?


    Rhetorical question.

    The whole point is to keep him alive because.....
    ...If he dies Hope gets convicted of murdering her parents.
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    ThrombinThrombin Posts: 9,416
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    I just found out about this show. I've watched up to episode 3 so far and really like it. I remember Luke Cage from the comics but I don't think I ever read any Jessica Jones stuff.

    I looked up what Marvel says about the characters and interestingly...
    Jessica Jones marries Luke Cage and has a daughter with him. She used to be a supervillain due to being mind-controlled but got taught how to resist it by Jean Gray from the X-men and later became a Superhero instead. She and Luke also acted as bodyguards for Daredevil at one point.

    It says her powers include flying but I guess they decided to save themselves some money and skip that bit!
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