
Saturday morning show



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    marbrimarbri Posts: 3,231
    Forum Member
    Sounds like Bear is just proving Aubrey's rant to him the other night. Where she said he´ll win this and it will be the biggest thing to ever happen to him in life, that being an asshole is the only thing he has to offer because otherwise he has nothing to sell (no talent and nothing interesting about him). And then his 15 minutes will be over.
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    Parish15Parish15 Posts: 821
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    marbri wrote: »
    Sounds like Bear is just proving Aubrey's rant to him the other night. Where she said he´ll win this and it will be the biggest thing to ever happen to him in life, that being an asshole is the only thing he has to offer because otherwise he has nothing to sell (no talent and nothing interesting about him). And then his 15 minutes will be over.

    I think that really struck a chord, he was gunning for her on BOTs
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    ageappropriateageappropriate Posts: 9,895
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    Parish15 wrote: »
    I think that really struck a chord, he was gunning for her on BOTs

    Aubrey was right. He'll be forgotten about soon enough. Showbiz circles can freeze out undesirables very quickly.
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    jpscloudjpscloud Posts: 1,326
    Forum Member
    Wonder why Aubrey wasn't there with the finalists?

    And did anyone else hear Renee say something like "Be nice Marnie, be nice Marnie"?
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    Forum Member
    The one trick pony doing his routine....utterly embarrassed for him! If he seriously think acting like that will get him a TV career he is one seriously deluded individual.
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    ohboyohboy Posts: 2,916
    Forum Member
    i love that aubrey skipped it.

    if she isn't contractually obligated to put up with bear's nastiness, she's not going to subject herself to it.

    i bet it just burns bear's ass that she isn't there to be abused.
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    ABCZYXABCZYX Posts: 12,143
    Forum Member
    Just watched this and >:(

    Bear kept dive bombing other peoples interviews and when the presenters were reading their autocues. He talked over Gabby a few times. When she was asking Ricky a question he picked up the fruit bowl and waved it at her asking if she wanted any fruit and she politely declined going on with her question with Ricky, and Bear acted like he was offended. All for effect obviously. He kept bleating on about how fantastic and amazing he is and how he is the dream person to live with and how everybody is just jealous of his win. He kept saying how it proved he was a good person. Yet, in the same breath he starts moaning that since he's come out of the house he's had nothing but nastiness aimed at him and he's still waiting for someone to come up to him and shake his hand and say well done. Where the hell are all his fans and supporters when he needs them, huh? Gabby asks him about his relationship with Chloe and gets the usual eggs and pancakes answer, because as he's now well proven, anything original and sincere and coming from a personable place, is completely non-existent. And he was still wearing the same old, creased crap he always wears, like he rolled out of bed.

    Ricky looked like he didn't even want to be there. Clearly angry about Bear's behaviour. Lord knows what people have had to put up with him all morning? Frankie was his usual happy self. Marnie was just her typical, oblivious sheep like self following Bear's lead and supporting his obnoxious behaviour. Renee was just like she was in the house and Bear was still pushing her emotional buttons and speaking over her when she was trying to explain herself. Gabby had to step in and tell Bear to let her speak.

    The sad thing about Bear is, we can all see he is going to become a victim of his own parody. If he thinks he can take on the world with that awful personality, he's deluded. He could have took this opportunity of winning and turned it round like his ex, Vicky Pattinson has, and built up this public life he craves so desperately. But, he's not clever enough or likable enough to do so. He's really shot himself in the foot and when he's 50, if he lives that long, he'll be the sad, pathetic bloke at his nephew or nieces wedding leering at the young bridesmaids because he still thinks he's got it and just plain ruining the day and making it all about him as per sodding usual.

    I just wish he pissed off into oblivion ASAP. In life, all of us have some people who will dislike us. That's normal. But, If most people dislike you, then the problem is YOU!! He is so unable to learn and grow that it is shamefully embarrassing.

    Glad I didn't watch it then.
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    DarcyprincessDarcyprincess Posts: 25,693
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    Blondie X wrote: »
    Though I did think it was interesting that Ricky said he'd met Stephen and Bear on the show. That implied to me that Stephen is actually ok but he's caught up in playing the character of Bear who really isn't

    Ricky did tell Bear in the house that he liked Stevo but not Bear, so that tells it all! He's like a Jekyll and Hyde character!
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    heresittingheresitting Posts: 2,743
    Forum Member
    Just watched this and >:(

    Bear kept dive bombing other peoples interviews and when the presenters were reading their autocues. He talked over Gabby a few times. When she was asking Ricky a question he picked up the fruit bowl and waved it at her asking if she wanted any fruit and she politely declined going on with her question with Ricky, and Bear acted like he was offended. All for effect obviously. He kept bleating on about how fantastic and amazing he is and how he is the dream person to live with and how everybody is just jealous of his win. He kept saying how it proved he was a good person. Yet, in the same breath he starts moaning that since he's come out of the house he's had nothing but nastiness aimed at him and he's still waiting for someone to come up to him and shake his hand and say well done. Where the hell are all his fans and supporters when he needs them, huh? Gabby asks him about his relationship with Chloe and gets the usual eggs and pancakes answer, because as he's now well proven, anything original and sincere and coming from a personable place, is completely non-existent. And he was still wearing the same old, creased crap he always wears, like he rolled out of bed.

    Ricky looked like he didn't even want to be there. Clearly angry about Bear's behaviour. Lord knows what people have had to put up with him all morning? Frankie was his usual happy self. Marnie was just her typical, oblivious sheep like self following Bear's lead and supporting his obnoxious behaviour. Renee was just like she was in the house and Bear was still pushing her emotional buttons and speaking over her when she was trying to explain herself. Gabby had to step in and tell Bear to let her speak.

    The sad thing about Bear is, we can all see he is going to become a victim of his own parody. If he thinks he can take on the world with that awful personality, he's deluded. He could have took this opportunity of winning and turned it round like his ex, Vicky Pattinson has, and built up this public life he craves so desperately. But, he's not clever enough or likable enough to do so. He's really shot himself in the foot and when he's 50, if he lives that long, he'll be the sad, pathetic bloke at his nephew or nieces wedding leering at the young bridesmaids because he still thinks he's got it and just plain ruining the day and making it all about him as per sodding usual.

    I just wish he pissed off into oblivion ASAP. In life, all of us have some people who will dislike us. That's normal. But, If most people dislike you, then the problem is YOU!! He is so unable to learn and grow that it is shamefully embarrassing.

    thanks for that.

    That BIB brought back memories of Gino Rio (remember her!) who also thought she'd have the world at her feet...

    Does his constant leaping about and demanding attention remind anyone else of Michael Barrymore?
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    GlinnyGlinny Posts: 4,426
    Forum Member
    I switched off the final as soon as Ricky finished his interview. Could not stand to watch the idiot.

    Very surprised he managed get to a tv studio this morning after his drinking and god knows what else he did last night from the papers this morning. Mind you I expect he never went to bed to sleep. He is so hyper he can just keep going constantly.

    It is unbelievable that he got away with so much vile, obnoxious behaviour in the house. C5 have certainly created even more of a monster by allowing him to win than he was when he entered the house.

    He should have been thrown out weeks ago.

    Hopefully he will burn himself out and fade into obscurity.
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    Blanche.DuboisBlanche.Dubois Posts: 674
    Forum Member
    Channel 5 - The Saturday Show Live - 9.00-11.00am

    Thank you! :)
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    AstuteAstute Posts: 4,708
    Forum Member
    I hope it all goes to his head ( that ship is sailing swiftly by ) that he continues misbehaving and being a total pratt on the interviews and any sets he appears on and no one invites him back -Too risky

    The money and opportunities will soon dry up and he will be roofless sooner rather than later .....

    In any case, the way he is carrying on - looks like they will have to open out all the doorways at home to allow that incredible ego through .
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    Peter EPeter E Posts: 7,746
    Forum Member
    Even Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea (who's a very confident and extrovert person for those who don't watch the programme) was shocked and looked bemused by Bear's antics in the studio!!!

    Unfortunately, I have a funny feeling Bear's destined to be the new Joey Essex (they're managed by the same person)!!!
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    AstuteAstute Posts: 4,708
    Forum Member
    Peter E wrote: »
    Even Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea (who's a very confident and extrovert person for those who don't watch the programme) was shocked and looked bemused by Bear's antics in the studio!!!

    Unfortunately, I have a funny feeling Bear's destined to be the new Joey Essex (they are managed by the same person)!!!

    Joey Essex, whatever show he is on, should be "Celebrating Stupid"
    Bear can be on "Celebrating Thugs"
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    Rogana JoshRogana Josh Posts: 41,348
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    Peter E wrote: »
    Even Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea (who's a very confident and extrovert person for those who don't watch the programme) was shocked and looked bemused by Bear's antics in the studio!!!

    Unfortunately, I have a funny feeling Bear's destined to be the new Joey Essex (they're managed by the same person)!!!

    Joey's at least pleasant.

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    Rogana JoshRogana Josh Posts: 41,348
    Forum Member
    Ricky did tell Bear in the house that he liked Stevo but not Bear, so that tells it all! He's like a Jekyll and Hyde character!

    He could possibly have schizoid tendencies.
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    HeartacheHeartache Posts: 4,299
    Forum Member
    Shows what an absolute cretin he is, it's all these spin off guest appearances that make the extra money for the people that have been on these shows. Can't see him on something like the Wright stuff, if he is such a loose cannon, and can't actually control his behaviour.
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    digiqueendigiqueen Posts: 1,226
    Forum Member
    Should he do personal appearances in clubs I reckon he'll need security. There are bigger men than him out there who would take offence at his antics. He'd cause a riot in a phone box.
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    digiqueendigiqueen Posts: 1,226
    Forum Member
    That's the thing. He has been spouting off since leaving the house that he was the positive one and everybody else was negative and the public voted for him because he was positive.

    Yet, he created the negativity completely which bouyed up his mood, thus giving him a vaneer of cheeriness. Absolute classic template of a malignant narcissist > They create the chaos to feed off it and empower themselves. He is so up his own arse he can't see he actually needs said people to fuel his narcissistic supply. Without the people he can't create misery. Without the misery > he ceases to exist as a person. He'd dry up and die.

    I think for me and some other viewers who have mentioned it here, if you are well aware of these psychological ticks, traits and patterns, when you see it in a housemate on a TV show, it stirs you up because it clearly is not entertainment or just playing around. You don't need a psychology or psychiatry degree to comprehend it.

    I know he has a lot of supporters on here and say oh, he's so funny, he's a laugh, and it's a show. But, the thing is, he proves time and time he is actually this person and what makes me angry is > people are only going to get hurt crossing his path. Because that's what these people do. They can't help it. That's why I have never supported anything he does. The kind of psychological abuse he would use on the housemates is akin to how stalkers use on their victims, meaning; never enough evidence to come back on them/or always within the legal remit that they can never be held accountable, but always enough to send somebody krackerjack, which is what they aim for and get immense pleasure from.

    Great post
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    Blondie XBlondie X Posts: 28,662
    Forum Member
    Peter E wrote: »
    Even Jamie Laing from Made in Chelsea (who's a very confident and extrovert person for those who don't watch the programme) was shocked and looked bemused by Bear's antics in the studio!!!

    Unfortunately, I have a funny feeling Bear's destined to be the new Joey Essex (they're managed by the same person)!!!

    I can't stand Joey Essex and his professional thicko act but he has always come across polite, well mannered, respectful and a good sort on tv. Bear couldn't be any of those things if he had a gun held to his head
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    BenchBench Posts: 841
    Forum Member
    Watched earlier and was :o at some of the things that went on! Clearly Ricky was pissed off, his body language and the space between him and the other two was marked....LOVED Gaby's reaction to Bear, I thought she ended up with the worst interview job EVER with all five of the finalilsts sat around the table! Renee wisely stopped herself saying too much, Bear constantly interrupting everyone else's questions :confused:>:(>:(>:(

    Yes he does remind me a bit of Michael Barrymore - the please love me but I'm such a knob mentality :confused:
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    Penny CrayonPenny Crayon Posts: 36,158
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    Blondie X wrote: »
    I can't stand Joey Essex and his professional thicko act but he has always come across polite, well mannered, respectful and a good sort on tv. Bear couldn't be any of those things if he had a gun held to his head

    Yes - Joey is irritating as Hell but he appears to be kind, nice and well mannered.

    Bear isn't any of those things - he's a nasty piece of work - it's not even done with a twinkle i his eye - even the fake 'sowwys' are barbed. I sincerely hope his career doesn't take off - judging by today's shenanigans I don't think mainstream TV will touch him with a barge pole - too unpredictable.
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    Lee_BoLee_Bo Posts: 1,555
    Forum Member
    I wouldn't mind having a look, does this work for any one?
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    Dangermouse2Dangermouse2 Posts: 199
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    jpscloud wrote: »
    Wonder why Aubrey wasn't there with the finalists?

    And did anyone else hear Renee say something like "Be nice Marnie, be nice Marnie"?

    Gabby said right at the beginning of the programme that Aubrey was meant to have joined them but was ill so couldn't make it.
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    Blondie XBlondie X Posts: 28,662
    Forum Member
    Gabby said right at the beginning of the programme that Aubrey was meant to have joined them but was ill so couldn't make it.

    By what the tabloids were saying this morning, the only medical condition she could be suffering from is cystitis :blush:
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