
I think that **** killed Frank



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    daisydeedaisydee Posts: 40,234
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    Have you got "red herring" and "dark horse" mixed up?

    Anne's not even a dark horse, as she is the favourite suspect on DS. ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 2,202
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    valtimmy wrote: »
    What does this word mean? Do you mean definately?

    No, they mean definitely.

    Nice try of being a smug git.
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    daisydeedaisydee Posts: 40,234
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    Ami09x wrote: »
    So I've been doing some thinking after reading the spoilers for next week and watching back last nights Corrie.

    The 5 official suspects are Carla, Peter, Michelle, Sally and Kevin.

    The 3 unofficial suspects imo are Anne, Stella and Jenny.

    Carla: Carla has the biggest motive to kill him but I don't think it was her purely because TPTB have gone out of their way to make it so obvious it was her. We saw Carla getting attacked last night and he admitted he raped her then she glanced at the whiskey bottle, now either she was glancing at the killer and not the bottle or they were foreshadowing. We don't see Carla then until she's running home crying, either because she's just killed Frank, saw who did kill Frank or because he attacked her.

    Peter: Peter was shouting everywhere he wanted Frank dead, also obviously putting him in the frame, but lets be honest Peter was too Barlowed to fight his way out of a paper bag. Spoilers say he has blood on him, I think he went to the factory looking to have it out with Frank, either found him dead or bumped into the killer but being so drunk he will forget about it.

    Sally: Sally was last seen crying on a bench on her own before being found next to Franks dead body, reason for her being there was to have it out with Frank about what he did to her, I think she just found him there she's not really capable of murder.

    Kevin: Last seen drinking in the pub before leaving saying he had to do something, well from spoilers next week we know that he went to tamper with the brakes on Franks car.

    Michelle: Too busy hiding the contract and waiting for Carla to turn up so she could show her.

    Now from just those 5 suspects majority of people are saying it's Carla, but she's a red herring. As is Sally finding the body.

    These next 3 are just my opinions of what could have happened.

    His mum goes back to the factory to have words with her son, she's hiding in the shadows and sees Frank admitting he raped Carla then attacking her again, she either waits till Carla has left before killing him or she kills him accidentally to get him off Carla and Carla witnesses it. Spoilers say Franks watch is missing, his fathers watch. Maybe Anne is so horrified her son was lying all along and that the cause of her beloved husbands death was stress over the rape that she blames Frank and takes the watch because he doesn't deserve it.

    Jenny became a suspect after I remembered her saying to Carla 'woman like you (who cry rape) only make things worse for woman who have been raped' I got the impression that Jenny had been a victim herself. She goes to the factory to meet up with Frank, overhears him admitting he did rape Carla and again like Anne she either waits till Carla has left before killing him or she kills him accidentally to get him off Carla and Carla witnesses it.

    Stella: In spoilers it says Stella convinces Leanne to be Peters alibi, now why would she do that unless she knows he didn't do it. Maybe she went to the factory to have it out with Carla after Leanne tells her about the drinking she sees Frank attacking Carla and hits him over the head to get him off her, Carla agrees to cover for Stella if Stella covers for her about running her over.

    Andrew Lancel who plays Frank tweeted that we'd never guess who killed him which makes me think its someone not on the suspect list or last but not least my final suspect...

    No-one: Frank goes to run after Carla, trips over the whiskey bottle and falls down the stairs killing himself.

    I'd agree with these three, but isn't murder a deliberate or premeditated act? In all 3 cases, manslaughter is the most they could be guilty of. There's the possibility that he got cracked over the head with the bottle then fell down the stairs breaking his neck.
    'No one' would be too much of an antic climax, wouldn't we all feel a little bit cheated after so much speculation? We need a killer! :cool: :p
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    d0lphind0lphin Posts: 25,393
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    Rosaliee wrote: »
    I also think it's Anne, they'll have no use for the character now Frank is dead, and it's an easy route which soaps are known for taking.

    However, I'd like it to be Michelle so she gets a nice, lengthy jail sentence and the character gets written out! :)

    I'd like it to be Peter for the same reason!:D
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    ChoccyCaroleChoccyCarole Posts: 8,867
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    [or at least ~she managed to get the contract, from inside the office ]
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    daisydeedaisydee Posts: 40,234
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    d0lphin wrote: »
    I'd like it to be Peter for the same reason!:D

    I'd like it to be Kirk or Maria for the same reason. :D
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    DaZ_yUv_XDaZ_yUv_X Posts: 1,684
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    daisydee wrote: »
    I'd like it to be Kirk or Maria for the same reason. :D

    i reckon maria MAY have had something to do with it.
    it's far too convenient that she's been off-screen whilst all this is going on, yet turns up at the funeral with carla next week.
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    Forum Member
    I think it's Anne but here's how I'd like the reveal to be shown:

    An actual episode set on the day of the murder but showing us things we didn't see already. What the other suspects were doing at the time of murder, what happened between Carla and Frank in the factory etc. I'm guessing someone walked in when Carla turned around, I honestly don't think she was looking at that bottle . Either this or just an episode showing the murderer from morning on that day so we can understand what led them to kill Frank.
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    pikeurpikeur Posts: 1,856
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    Im 99% sure its anne.
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    AddisonianAddisonian Posts: 16,377
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    Why are some people not convinced that it's Anne because 'mothers don't kill their children'?
    It's perfectly plausible that Anne, after overhearing her son's rape confession, confronts him, he lashes out at her and she accidentally kills him in self defence. No?
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    Old Man 43Old Man 43 Posts: 6,214
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    What most people seem to be forgetting is that there is another spoiler concerning Frank’s killer.

    Whoever is the killer is supposed to attempt to cover up what they did by trying to kill two other people.

    Who out of the list of five suspects can you imagine doing that? The simple answer is none of them. In fact I cannot imagine any of the regular characters doing that (Except Tracey).

    However I can imagine Anne doing that and possibly Jenny. Anne on several occasions has seemed to be nasty enough to do something like that. As for Jenny she could also be cold and calculating enough to do it.

    I have been wondering if the producers may have bought Jenny in to be Frank’s killer instead of Anne as they want to keep Anne on the street.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 239
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    I think it's Anne too..I noticed how she always wears gloves? (I think) so she wouldn't have left any fingerprints on the bottle if she did do it..
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 356
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    If the murderer kills twice more to cover up the first one then it has to be John Stape, back from the dead!

    Serious suggestion- Anne but Anne in a dissociative state. She sees Frank going to rape Carla again and this throws her into a state of shock known as a dissociative state, and in this state, kills Frank. This would explain her shock and heartbreak when he's discovered dead- cos she wouldn't remember doing it nor would she remember the rape confession. Only Carla would know, and thats how the truth would come out, eventually. Anne could then, legitimately, go on to plea insanity, as she wasn't in her mind when she commited the crime. There was an episode of the first series of Boston Legal that had a case where a woman was on trial for murder of her husband and his lover, but they pleaded insantity on advice of a psychiatrist, as he said, after speaking to her, it was possible that she saw her husband cheating on her and was so shocked she was put in a dissociative state and in this state, she murdered both of them, so it is possible and plausable that Anne could be in the same situation.

    Other thing that makes me think Anne, is that Frank said she would forgive him... maybe not this time...
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    robertaloud30robertaloud30 Posts: 3,394
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    could he have fallen down the stairs by accident?
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 356
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    could he have fallen down the stairs by accident?

    Doubtful but he could have commited suicide in order to frame Carla... that would be more likely...
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 3,762
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    100% certain it's anne, from the little hints during the episode when we saw her expressions it seems she was realising Frank had a nasty side, alongside the cruel way told her he wanted her out of his house. Anne is perfect as I still think there would be an element of shock for a lot of people as she's his mother but she's not a main character so no big sacrafice making her a murderer. Also the spoilers that say the killer endangers 2 other people's lives. Nothing can change my mind about it being Anne but I do wonder if there's a twist like maybe he fell down the stairs after Carla pushes him off her leaving him injured but not dead and then maybe he has a confrontation Anne or whoever killed him decided to finish him off. I just wonder about the relevance of the between Carla and Frank scene taking place up the stairs seeing as the murder weapon was the whisky bottle.
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    robertaloud30robertaloud30 Posts: 3,394
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    I actually didnt see the bottle..oops
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    norbitonitenorbitonite Posts: 8,693
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    Deleted. My browser's gone mad and triple-posted!
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    norbitonitenorbitonite Posts: 8,693
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    As above.
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    norbitonitenorbitonite Posts: 8,693
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    DaZ_yUv_X wrote: »
    i reckon maria MAY have had something to do with it.
    it's far too convenient that she's been off-screen whilst all this is going on, yet turns up at the funeral with carla next week.

    But surely that's because the storyline was never meant to feature Maria? It was originally supposed to be Michelle who he first attempted to rape, but Kym Marsh took some time off so that had to change it to Maria. Now that Kym is back, they have reverted to the original character involvement, and Maria is an untidy loose thread that the writers have forgotten to tie in.

    I think it's probably Anne, but may be Jenny. That character is such an obvious plot device. Her motivation for wanting to cheat Carla out of the factory's full value is sketchy 'When I realised that she'd lied about you raping her, I wanted her punished. She gives business women a bad name.' Or some such tosh. She's a buyer, not a manufacturer, so her having an interest in the factory would presumably be a conflict and stop her placing orders there? Her complete lack of emotion over the wholesale sacking of the workforce. She is not a rounded character, and so it wouldn't surprise me too much if she had been brought in to be the one wot dunnit.

    ETA: Have just seen the mention above about Frank's father's watch having gone missing, which again points to Anne, as we know that she cared about her late husband's watch and would want to keep it safe.
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 159
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    Did think it a little weird that his watch goes missing... This point to it being Anne as she would like to keep the watch safe. The whole scene where Frank was admitting he raped Carla up the stairs was really tense and we got the last camera shot of the whiskey bottle which looks like it turns out to be the murder weapon (see corrie spoilers) so taking this on board, it definately looks like Carla at first glance, but i bet any money its Anne because of the watch ;)
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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 106
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    I think it has to be either Anne or Jenny and that Carla knows who it is. Then when Peter confesses, Carla demands the real murderer owns up and then she gets attacked herself. I can't see any of the other suspects trying to kill two more people.
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    Matt35Matt35 Posts: 30,550
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    I too thought it could be anne but would she run off leaving him lying there. even after everything he`s done, he`s still her son. jenny on the other hand wouldn`t think twice about doing a runner so im now leaning towards her being the killer. one thing i do know is that it isn`t any of the main characters.
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    Lizzie BrookesLizzie Brookes Posts: 15,073
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    binboy92 wrote: »
    Doubtful but he could have commited suicide in order to frame Carla... that would be more likely...

    Not even Frank would commit suicide by hitting himself over the head with a bottle - besides why should he? He has already proven he doesn't care about anyone but himself and certainly felt no guilt or remorse over raping Carla, letting his dad die from stress of the trial etc. No, he was murdered - I'm guessing by Anne though it could be Jenny I suppose.
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    daisydeedaisydee Posts: 40,234
    Forum Member
    I think it's Anne but here's how I'd like the reveal to be shown:

    An actual episode set on the day of the murder but showing us things we didn't see already. What the other suspects were doing at the time of murder, what happened between Carla and Frank in the factory etc. I'm guessing someone walked in when Carla turned around, I honestly don't think she was looking at that bottle . Either this or just an episode showing the murderer from morning on that day so we can understand what led them to kill Frank.

    Yes - I hope they make a good storyline from the reveal, something to really look forward to.
    Writers - don't let us down!
    It would be good for it to be someone we hadn't thought of, and give us a good lead up to why & how it happened.
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